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Ghost Opera.

FanFic Assignment: FacFic Picture

This is a fanfiction assignment which you “take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photography”. The image you create needs to somehow capture your theme.

My all-time favorite band is Kamelot when they were with their former singer Roy Khan. Many of my favorite bands come from either the ’70 or the ’80s like Rainbow (with Dio or Graham Bonnet,), Show-Ya, and Iron Maiden. Anyway, Kamelot is an awesome power metal band I recommend to people. Their music is theatrical and not too loud for non-heavy metal listeners.

I chose the title track from the Ghost Opera album (released in 2007) for this assignment. To fully understand what is happening in the picture, you would want to watch the video for the song. Check the lyrics as well, to get the feel of it.

As I imagined, the creative process demanded working with paths and cutting. Everything was done using Gimp. Through the process, I came up with a bit of new ideas that altered my initial intentions such as adding a glow of light, filtering the background with a newspaper-ish effect, and so on.

I have a fond memory of Ghost Opera from back when I was in high school. I knew the band existed, but I didn’t really discover them until I actually listen to the song “Ghost Opera”. The album was also the very first Kamelot records I bought. Soon after the purchase, I had to listen to them more. Another thing that I remember about it is that me and my ex got to know each other by me lending the album to him. Isn’t it kind of peculiar that a heavy metal record can draw people together?

Ghost Opera.

FanFic Assignment: FacFic Picture

This is a fanfiction assignment which you “take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photography”. The image you create needs to somehow capture your theme.

My all-time favorite band is Kamelot when they were with their former singer Roy Khan. Many of my favorite bands come from either the ’70 or the ’80s like Rainbow (with Dio or Graham Bonnet,), Show-Ya, and Iron Maiden. Anyway, Kamelot is an awesome power metal band I recommend to people. Their music is theatrical and not too loud for non-heavy metal listeners.

I chose the title track from the Ghost Opera album (released in 2007) for this assignment. To fully understand what is happening in the picture, you would want to watch the video for the song. Check the lyrics as well, to get the feel of it.

As I imagined, the creative process demanded working with paths and cutting. Everything was done using Gimp. Through the process, I came up with a bit of new ideas that altered my initial intentions such as adding a glow of light, filtering the background with a newspaper-ish effect, and so on.

I have a fond memory of Ghost Opera from back when I was in high school. I knew the band existed, but I didn’t really discover them until I actually listen to the song “Ghost Opera”. The album was also the very first Kamelot records I bought. Soon after the purchase, I had to listen to them more. Another thing that I remember about it is that me and my ex got to know each other by me lending the album to him. Isn’t it kind of peculiar that a heavy metal record can draw people together?

Ghost Opera.

FanFic Assignment: FacFic Picture

This is a fanfiction assignment which you “take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photography”. The image you create needs to somehow capture your theme.

My all-time favorite band is Kamelot when they were with their former singer Roy Khan. Many of my favorite bands come from either the ’70 or the ’80s like Rainbow (with Dio or Graham Bonnet,), Show-Ya, and Iron Maiden. Anyway, Kamelot is an awesome power metal band I recommend to people. Their music is theatrical and not too loud for non-heavy metal listeners.

I chose the title track from the Ghost Opera album (released in 2007) for this assignment. To fully understand what is happening in the picture, you would want to watch the video for the song. Check the lyrics as well, to get the feel of it.

As I imagined, the creative process demanded working with paths and cutting. Everything was done using Gimp. Through the process, I came up with a bit of new ideas that altered my initial intentions such as adding a glow of light, filtering the background with a newspaper-ish effect, and so on.

I have a fond memory of Ghost Opera from back when I was in high school. I knew the band existed, but I didn’t really discover them until I actually listen to the song “Ghost Opera”. The album was also the very first Kamelot records I bought. Soon after the purchase, I had to listen to them more. Another thing that I remember about it is that me and my ex got to know each other by me lending the album to him. Isn’t it kind of peculiar that a heavy metal record can draw people together?

Audio Tutorial: The Contest Nobody Could Win

This project is fun and simple, and it is somewhat satisfying to create a mashup split-second clips that nobody can guess! I am going to do my tutorial for the program Audacity.

First you want to import your songs into Audacity. This may actually be the hardest part because Audacity will not import certain songs (I still haven’t figured out why, I think it is something to do with songs that you have bought off iTunes that Audacity will not let you manipulate?) so you may have to browse through until you find some that will import.


After you upload the first song, use the zoom tool to zoom in closer to the track, so that it is easier to highlight a small segment of the track. Using the selection tool, select a piece of the track. You need to make sure that you have selected less than a second’s worth. You can determine this by looking at the Selection Start area at the bottom of the window. If the button is highlighted on Length, then you can make sure that it is less than a second’s worth. As you can see in the picture below, I have selected 00.87 seconds of a track, which is obviously less than a second.



Open a new project, then copy that segment and paste it into the new project. Then repeat the above process for five other songs; be sure to choose the segments from different parts of the song; maybe a part that is just instrumental, maybe a part that has a snippet of voice – whatever you can do to make it challenging! You can have a theme to your project, such as doing songs all by the same band or in the same genre of music, or just go crazy and choose songs from all ends of the spectrum. Either way, people probably won’t be able to guess!


Once you have all of your snippets pasted into the new project window, use the Time Shift Tool (the one that has a line with arrows on both ends) to shift the snippets so that they are all side by side. Then you can play through the track seamlessly, with the clips right next to each other. Once this is done you save the project as an mp3, by selecting Save Project As, and choosing mp3. Then upload to SoundCloud and the project is done! See if anyone guesses. I had one person guess a one or two of my songs but that was it.

DS106 Radio Gaga 2: Rebellion

My Lady Gaga themed bumper “DS106 Radio Will Set You Free” was probably my favorite thing I made last year, so for my first contribution to the audio unit this year I decided to make a followup.

This one uses songs from the album Born This Way, including:

  • “Heavy Metal Lover”
  • “Judas”
  • “Bad Kids”
  • “Americano”
  • “YoĂĽ and I”

I also used this radio tuning sound effect from freesound.org and a quote from this interview.

4 Icon Challenge in the Classroom

I recently had the opportunity to spend a day in my old teaching position; an elementary technology class. I was always big on working with media when I taught the class for the 4 years I was in the position, so I took the opportunity to give the students a challenge taken from the pages of ds106, the wonderfully playful and media-rich digital storytelling community. The particular challenge that I gave them comes from the 4 Icon Challenge Assignment found on the ds106 site, and asks those willing to complete it to break down a story into 4 basic elements or themes, and then whittle those 4 ideas down into 4 basic icons.

The students LOVED IT! I had them open up Neo Office on their school Macs, though it could just have easily have been done with Pages, MS Word, or some other word processing application. I then walked them through using the advanced Google Image Search to find images that were licensed under Creative Commons as free to use. They could have just used the regular Google Image Search, but I’m a fan of secretly embedding important skills and practices without necessarily droning on about why until after a few projects. The idea is that they’ll be in the habit of using those skills, and have a better understanding of how to use them when I introduce the concept of “why” at a later date in the year. Plus, I only had 45 minutes with each class.

I created a simple 4 Icon Challenge on the fly (a simple Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), before turning them loose to create their own. I opened up the assignment a bit as well. The original guidelines called for summarizing a movie or story into four icons, whether it be setting, characters, plot devices, etc. When students asked if they could do TV shows or songs, I told them that was okay, however I did put up one HUGE disclaimer; no one was simply allowed to find images from a movie or television show and use those, as that would make the assignment far too easy.

The idea is to assemble 4 rather generic looking icons in an attempt to summarize the story. I actually did that below just for you folks this evening to see if you can guess the story:

4 important elements from a popular series of books

While the student didn’t necessarily use the same design aesthetic that I did (I’m going for bonus points), they did come up with a great number of 4 icon summarizes of some rather popular stories and songs. I was working on shared machines, so I couldn’t take screenshots, but I did get some cellphone snaps to share with you. If you’re feeling rather sharp this evening, see if you can guess the student created 4 icon challenges below.

a popular children's fable

a popular children's tv show

a song all of us have heard, at least once a year

I love that so many students stepped up to the challenge, and could visually assemble the summary of their stories/songs with very little help from me. Granted, there were a number of students who struggled with some of the basic mechanics of using the computers (copy, paste, dragging and dropping) but the beauty of doing something like this is that all of those students still desperately wanted to completely their 4 icon challenges even if they only one one or two images by the end of the class period. To me, that’s a huge win, because the students were practicing basic computer skills that they need to learn, and doing so in an engaging way, rather than just practicing the skills for the sake of practice. They all wanted to tell the story they had in their head, and were willing to attempt new things on the computer, many of whom repeatedly failed, but in the end all were still engaged with. Those students that finished early wanted to create more challenging summarizes, while some wanted to help those around them (with just words, mind you, not “driving” the computer for them). The students that were stuck on the mechanics were eager to continue practicing.

If you wanted to attempt this summarizing strategy in your classroom I would HIGHLY recommend the following guidelines the first few times you try it:

  • Students should choose a well known story (movie, book, fable, etc.) so no one is at a disadvantage for figuring out the summaries.
  • Have the students focus on just one or two elements of the story (settings, characters, plot devices, events, moods, etc.)
  • Don’t let students use the actual images to describe something. For example, when I created my Harry Potter 4 icon challenge, I found an image of a wizard’s hat, NOT Harry Potter himself
  • Don’t worry about using technology! You can do this with pencil and paper. Once the students have it mastered, then move online so it’s easier for students to share their creations on a class website, or some other space.

You’ll find that the students will quickly outgrow these guidelines, and the sky really is the limit where you take this visual summarizing strategy, as long as you focus on stories that have clear beginnings, middle, and ends (I saw students trying to do sports, and it just didn’t work well as you had to use the actual images of the game balls, fields, equipment). I could easily see teachers using this to help students at the secondary level process non-fiction passages of reading in science, history, or math. It’s worth giving it a try, and at least seeing how it could be incorporated as an option for students when taking notes, or summarizing what they’ve learned from a lesson or unit.

If you try, please feel free to share, and if you guessed any of the 4 icon challenges in this post, please leave your guess in the comments!

image credits from my 4 icon challenge above:
“ring” - Christopher T. Howlett, from The Noun Project“mountain” - Marco Acri, from The Noun Project
“eye” - John Caserta, from The Noun Project
“sword” - Christopher T. Howlett, from The Noun Project


Chances are you all have been RickRoll’D at least once, if not, you probably don’t YouTube enough. For this assignment, called “Wait, where’d that guy come from,” I got a picture of an Obama speech, and made a few changes. Can you tell who doesn’t belong there?

Obama Rick Rolled

For those of you who don’t know what exactly being RickRoll’D is, here’s a definition from Wikipedia: “Rickrolling is an Internet meme involving the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song “Never Gonna Give You Up”. The meme is a bait and switch; a person provides a hyperlink seemingly relevant to the topic at hand, but actually leads to Astley’s video.” It’s happened to me a few times, however, now I’m more wise than to fall into those kinda traps Smilie: :D.

Assignment Link


Trip Playlist

_cpzh4: Create a cohesive theme-based song playlist that could be used as the perfect background music for your trip of choice (On a cruise, On a safari, On an international trip, sharkhunting, scubadiving, roadtripping….)

If you want to get really fancy, use background sounds associated with the type of trip you’re taking as transitions between the songs. For example: water noises in between your suba playlist. , _cre1l: Audio, _d415a: http://blog.chrisb123.info/, _d5fpr: Chriisb123, _clrrx: 122, _cyevm: , _cztg3:

Lyric Video Snippet

_cokwr: Take a short section of one of your favorite songs, and turn the song into a music video using only lyrics. The lyrics video will manipulate the size, color, font, shape, and movement of the lyrics showing on the screen to emphasize a theme, rhythm, pattern, meaning, or musical mechanism of the song. , _cpzh4: Video, _cre1l: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OehxXNCYvTM, _chk2m: Chriisb123, _ciyn3: 121, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Bravest buchaneer

Blackshipradioshow by loumcgill

So our show is a pirate radio show with a summer of oblivion theme – made by pirates 4 pirates… I probably made it more complicated than it needed to be. This was a collaborative effort by my family. We wanted to have a story running through and not rely too much on just playing tracks. So sourcing the songs and sound effects took hours. Agreeing storylines was fun and recording stuff was hilarious. I will be doing an outtakes recording at some point. Had to cut out alot of tim cause he was so rude… Our son is a bit self conscious about being recorded so he helped with sourcing, feeding back and coming up with great story ideas.

He came up with a great idea for an alternative ending – where we go to a weather report which starts a storm scene, a shipwreck and drowning; ) I just didn’t have time to do this ending in the end but I think it would be great… anyway I won’t spoil the end we do have.

What an interesting process though – as a family we do lots together but this was quite different and made me realise that we don’t laugh together as much as we should. This made us laugh a lot and also deal with stresses of deadlines. As a home learning activity it was fantastic. Collaborative working is not our son’s favourite thing (as an aspie) and he was initially stressed out about being recorded – so we agreed that he had other things to offer to balance the team effort.

I do suspect though that he would tell his friends that we are a bit mad. I did have the final editing role so had to deal with the wrath of the captain when all his cabin boy and wench jokes were pulled; )

I have only listened to a couple of other stories and both of them are over 20 minutes. In my very literal way I made ours exactly 15 minutes; ) and even over-editied stuff with rubbish impact to not go over the time limit. I really need to lighten up… This show is really good I think…

This was an exhausting assignment, but fun. I may have to pass on the next assignment as I catch up with my life!

radio mast

Sources used (don’t read if you want to do the competition -guessing the artist)