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Who exactly IS this Kaitlin person here?

As we are still getting into the swing of things here in DS106, I thought I would use this opportunity to do a Video Assignment, specifically a Get To Know Me video so that you all can–well–get to know more about me!

At first I wasn’t sure who to ask specifically. I could have asked you all so you can know some basic facts about me, but instead I thought I would ask my friends on social media (i.e., Instagram and Facebook) so that they could ask more fun and unique questions. So I asked via Instagram and Facebook stories, and quite a number of questions came in. I rewrote the questions on a word document so that I could have my answers written and ready in order to minimize the amount of stuttering and “umm’s” I made. I answered all the questions in the video as best as possible, edited the video to cut out any awkward pauses or little mistakes I made, and I edited in the questions I got from social media.

The process itself wasn’t difficult, but I will admit that filming while my suite mates were present made me a little self-conscious and awkward. That said, I found it fun to be able to do a little Q&A session about me. I hope you enjoy this little segment!

Take on Me and My Love of Music

I’m still working on getting out of my comfort zone for this class, and as a transition, I decided to do a writing assignment for one of this week’s activities since I’m pretty comfortable with writing. After a little bit of browsing, I saw the Emotional Lyrics assignment and was so excited.

I absolutely love music. In the fifth grade, I started playing the viola and I played it until I graduated high school. This opened a whole new world for me. I was able to play some cello and some violin as well, and I wish that there was more I was able to play.

Music was and has been my outlet for years. I can’t draw, dance, paint, or do anything artistic. I don’t even have a hobby. Playing music was something I finally felt good at doing. After starting to play an instrument, I got really into listening to music as well, especially now that I understood what went into it.

Music has a huge influence on my mood. A bad mood can always be helped or resolved to me simply by listening to pop or uplifting music. If I want to spend some time doing some healthy self-pity, I turn on some sad music until I gradually get into more upbeat music (without realizing) and the feelings resolve.

So, when I saw that this post asked for you to relate an emotion to three songs and explain why, I was super pumped. This is what I live for. And to make it even better, I got to use 80’s music to fit our theme.

Sidenote: I think music from the 80’s is totally awesome. I grew up listening to the 80’s pop hits radio whenever my mom drove us somewhere, and I would listen to my dad’s 80’s rock whenever he drove us somewhere or just wanted to jam out at home. A lot of these songs bring back good childhood memories.

I chose to do a happy emotion, specifically elevated since most music makes me feel that way.

This assignment was difficult in way because I had so many things to choose from. One of the harder things as well was not choosing my favorite songs, but songs that always make me feel uplifted.

Song number 1: Thriller by Michael Jackson. A huge hit from the 1980’s that I would watch kids dance to in school when I was younger. A song that is played at every school dance and wedding.

Song number 2: Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey. Another classic, but in its own way. This song always makes you want to sing your heart out and is a great motivator for whatever you are doing.

Song number 3: Come on Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners. I first heard this song in Perks of Being a Wallflower, and I really related to this movie because of my emotions of going through high school. Because of my experience in orchestra growing up, I loved the instrumental in this song and how they made it into a pop song that makes you want to dance. (Another similar song – Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli).

The process of this assignment was relatively easy – I browsed Spotify and YouTube to pick some of my songs and then just tweeted what I chose.

I’m so excited to see what else I can do with music. This was a fun assignment!



? First I’m gonna make it
Then I’m gonna break it
Till it falls apart
Photoshop is faking
All the photos that you’re taking
For your brittle art ?

 Echo, Melody, & the Bunnymen 

I put some color back into a photo this week with the Visual Assignment-
I’m sorry, what is going on in this music video? I picked a strange one to parody for this post
Anyway, as I was neighing- erm, I mean saying, I picked the Assignment, Splash The Color. Details for this Assignment are as follows:

“Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. a green apple on a table. Think of the Girl in the red dress from Schindler’s List.

You can do this in a number of ways with photo editing software or using mobile apps. The answer lies in the Google.”

There are indeed many ways to edit a photo, but I decided to use my tried and true tool for editing photos- Photoshop.

Well, I’m just chomping at the bit to get started, so here I go-

“Are you just gonna make horse puns the whole time?”

A few days ago, as I was being dragged away from my homework for a mother-daughter lunch break in Downtown Fred, I caught a very opportune sight of a carriage tour trotting past. I was excited to capture the exact moment when the horse stepped into the light. The shadows and road lines made an interesting demarcation between the horse and the person steering him- or so I thought at the time. Sometimes, you look back at your photos and the ones you think are just ‘meh’ end up being the ones you use, whereas the ones you think are great end up being the photos you say ‘neigh’ to. It’s a bit strange, but images can be deceptive depending on what device you are looking at them on.

I ended up going with a side view of the horse and carriage (sans ‘Love and Marriage’), because there were some interesting objects and vivid colors in play. And seeing as how the horse and carriage were already black and white, I couldn’t exactly bring back a splash of color to objects that lacked color. But a bright red car? Ah! Now that’s a horse of a different color (car = horsepower? Get it)? I decided to juxtapose the modern car against the antiquated horse by keeping the car red and desaturating the rest.

I did this by using the magnetic lasso tool to select the car, then I hit ‘Inverse’ in the selection menu. I did a black & white adjustment layer over the selected bits, and upped the levels. I added a violet photo filter and set it to ’20,’ just to give it a little bit of a soft color tone to contrast nicely with the red. I did a harsh s-curve and set the opacity to 40% to really make it pop. (I started with 100% opacity, but had to reign it in).

So did I pull this assignment off? Well, it was a photo race to finish, but I did!
Final B&W picture with a splash of color:

Now pony up your comments, ds106-er’s!

Music Magic

Music holds a special place in my heart, as I’m sure it does for most people. It can evoke an array of different emotions, memories, and dance moves!

This blog post takes on the challenge of the writing assignment, “Emotional Lyrics.” I’ll be introducing you to three songs that are important to me, and that make me feel distinct emotions. Instead of tweeting, I will be posting the content here on my blog.

Additionally, to tie into the course theme of the 80s, I’ll be adding a bonus video from the 80s!

NUMBER 1: Bahamas – Lost In The Light

Hope. That’s what this song makes me feel. It took me a while to place my finger on it, because this song makes me feel rather than think.

To be “lost in the light” is a fascinating concept in my opinion, and it’s one that rings true in my life. All of us have an internal compass that helps guide us through the ups and downs of life. For some, it’s religion. For others, their conscience. Some are guided by their heart, while others rely on themselves. In my case, I think I’m most often guided by my heart. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and other times, it’s hard! But in reference to the notion of the song title, there have been many difficult things that I’ve struggled with in my life. Learning how to face the darkness was incredibly hard, but I did eventually learn. But I remember that afterwards, being in a better, happier situation, I felt confused and out of place… perhaps, “lost in the light.” It can be a struggle, after facing a lot of hardship, to re-learn how to function in the light and be happy. This song brings me hope because it reminds me to be patient with myself, to continue loving myself, and to continue loving others.

NUMBER 2: The Head and the Heart – People Need A Melody

Confidence and happiness. In addition to being one of the most beautiful and uplifting songs I’ve ever heard, this song shares a strong and encouraging message to “pick yourself up,” “let the light in,” and “don’t let it fade.”

The message of this song, as I understand it, is to stop yourself from allowing the past define you. Instead, it encourages you to grab on to the beautiful things that life brings you, and not to let go. Everyone deserves beauty in their life, whether that be in the form of someone who you love or something else. What matters most is to keep the mindset that you deserve this. There’s not one person on Earth that doesn’t deserve to be happy and to be loved!

NUMBER 3: James Vincent McMorrow – Surreal

Awe. This song makes me marvel in the beauty of both his lyric writing and musical creation. ANY of James Vincent McMorrow’s lyrics can be read like poetry. The words carry weight, beauty, and emotion, ALL so vivid that it makes you feel as if you are feeling them yourself.

His music is a wonderful blend of voice, technology, and instruments that together create something, yes, surreal. His voice whispers in certain parts of this song, and other times, he screams. To me, this reflects a wave of emotions. Sometimes, emotions can make you quiet and reserved. Other times, a wave of emotions demand escape, and you need to scream as a form of release.

BONUS: Freddie Mercury – Time Waits For No One

Hope again! Let me start by saying that I can’t explain enough how beautiful this song is. It’s stripped down and yet so powerful and magical.

The reason this song gives me hope is because of its message. Seemingly sad, the premise is that time waits for no one. In other words, everyone is going to die one day! Sadly, time wouldn’t even wait for someone as magical as Freddie Mercury.

But there is hope in the song! And that comes from Mercury’s message that we have to take advantage of the here and now! All the hopes we have, all the wishes we have – we need to make them happen! Now! In my opinion, we need to remember daily that we are going to die. Not because I want to be grim, but because I think that will help people be direct about the things they want out of life. If you love someone, today is the day to show them!

A huge thank you to Freddie Mercury’s memory for such a powerful performance and song.


For this assignment, I decided to ask myself the timeless Shakespearean question, What’s In A Name? (And the not-so timeless Dave Matthews-ian question, Could I Have Been Anyone Other Than Me?) For this assignment, I had to, “Write a blog in which you tell us something, anything, about either your given names or your blog name(s).” Well, why not both?

What’s In A Name: Blog Name

Why Melody? Why unbeheldmelody? This is a pretty short story: I actually chose the name some years ago when I started posting artwork online. The name comes from the song, ‘Lucia’s Theme,’ from the video game, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. Ah, the good ol’ days of simple Playstation. Lunar 2 is a game that I remember fondly; the songs, voice acting, game play, and storyline really resonate with me. I wanted to take a part of it with me, so I examined the lyrics of my favorite in-game song to find a name for my online persona. ‘Lucia’s Theme’ goes like this:

? When I was alone as one,
my eyes were as blind, I know.
Sky brilliant with blue elegance,
I couldn’t behold.

When I was alone as one,
My heart was as ice, so cold.
Wind whispering sweet melodies,
I could not behold. ?

Here, I took the phrase, “could not behold” and shortened it/put it in past tense to “unbeheld.” I took “melodies” from the line “Wind whispering sweet melodies,” and made it the singular form, “melody.” Then I just squished the two words together to make unbeheldmelody.
To me, it means, “I couldn’t appreciate the beauty around me before I met you,” which is a sentiment that I hold dear. We all have someone in our lives who mean the world to us (boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, sibling, parent, pet, mentor, etc.), someone who makes things just a little less grey when they’re around. My blog name is akin to my “optimistic side,” where I am reminded that the world isn’t so bad as long as I have _____. (The fill-in-the-blank for me currently is my boyfriend. c: And my dogs of course!) My actual name, however, is a bit more glass half-empty…

*Sings at the top of my lungs* “WHENNNN, I WAS ALONE AS ONE,”

What’s In A Name: Actual Name

My first name is sooooo frustrating. It was a hugely popular baby name when I was born. I was never the only Jessica in class at school.


I feel you so much, author of the blog site, RAMBLING ROSES. I too, share this hugely-popular-in-the-80’s name. My mother named me Jessica because there is a naming convention in my family where we all start with the letter, ‘J.’ I was the last born, so there weren’t that many decent ‘J’ names left to choose from. It was either Jessica, or Janette Leann. Considering those were the only options my mother was considering, I’m thankful my name is Jessica. (Back in the 80’s, there was no Googling baby names).

It is always a bit frustrating to hear your name called and immediately afterwords you hear, “no, not you, the other Jessica.” (Thankfully, there are fewer and fewer Jessica’s to contend with nowadays, since I’m a whole decade older than most of my current classmates). Yet, having a common name is not what bothers me most. What really “grinds my gears” is that I’ve never felt like the name fit me. To my ears, Jessica is someone who wears Ugg boots and drinks pumpkin spice lattes. (No offense to any Jessica’s or Ugg boot wearers reading this). She has a ton of friends- a real social butterfly. Or at the very least, she’s a bubbly, off-beat teacher, who is known to burst into song (New Girl). Bubbly, social, pretty, kooky.

If I could sum up “me,” it would be the opposite of all those words. I’m extremely shy/quiet, I can count the number of friends I have on one hand and would have fingers to spare, I’m nihilistic/apathetic, I appreciate dark humor, I like bitter things like dark chocolate and un-sweet tea, I’m always tired, and you’ll probably never catch me in anything other than jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt that I didn’t think very hard about.

Now, one could argue that my connotation of “Jessica” is a mistaken belief, a delusional stereotype of Jessica’s everywhere, and just plain not true.

On the one hand, you’re right. My old roommate Jessica did not fit my description anymore than I do. She loved Mercedes Lackey novels, Gaia Online, and Ren Faires. She practiced Paganism. (A roommate bonus because she would go out onto Campus Walk to scare the missionaries away who were bothering students). This was no pumpkin spice latte Jessica. She was maybe a little kooky, but not New Girl kooky.

But, on the other hand, no one seems to think I represent “Jessica” either, because people often get my name wrong. Most of the time, I will be called Jenn. Twice, I’ve been called Autumn. And on more than one occasion, my own mother will call me Jaime, and then realizing that that is not my name, she will call me, “whatever your name is.”

So, what’s in a name? The answer is- a whole lot of assumptions which may or may not be true. A “Jessica” likes Starbucks frappucinos, just like a “Karen” will want to speak to a manager. I recognize that this kind of thinking is silly at best, and damaging at worst. We shouldn’t judge a person on their name or what flavors of coffee they enjoy. (I happen to like fall flavors, so I’m taking a jab at myself). But it’s still sooooo frustrating when ‘inner you’ is a Lyra Melody Exquemelin the third, and ‘outer you’ is Jessica.

Now if you’ll excuse me, my pumpkin spice latte is getting cold.

Dear Meg’s Future Husband

Dear Meg’s Future Husband,

First of all, I love you. Second of all, do the dishes please I hate it so much and I probably left some dirty ones in the sink just for you. Don’t worry though because I washed all of your underwear. Equivalent exchange is important a relationship you know. We will always talk and make compromises if we don’t agree. I never want to go to sleep after a fight. I want to know your thoughts and feelings so I can love you properly and truly. Being together is just easy. But listen, in case you haven’t figured it out already, there are a few things that I absolutely will not compromise in our lives together.

  • We need a really cool game room featuring a table for board games and two set-ups for our video games.
  • I want pretty fairy lights. everywhere!
  • Thanksgiving always has to be with my family because our dinner is probably better (no offense)
  • Snuggling is always unless I don’t feel like it.
  • Please make me grilled cheese

It’s a pretty short list, so I’m sure you can do it. I’m excited because I know everything we do together is going to be so fun! I know you love to travel like me so we’ll definitely go to as many cool places in the world as we can before we settle down and get a black cat and a brown curly dog. I’m thinking Japan, Italy, France, and England to start! Also amusement parks and roller coasters are one of my favorite things so we have to go to a bunch of those as well. I realize a lot of these things require money, but even if we can’t do them all right away, I’ll be happy as long as I’m with you.

Let’s talk kids. Two is the magic number but three might be fine. I want daughters but you’ll probably want a son and we can’t really control that kind of thing so I guess that’s all I can say on that. We’ll raise them to be strong individuals who can like whatever they want, regardless of gender. We’ll definitely be playing our favorite retro video games with them. They’ll be really cute, really good kids I know it.

Honestly Future Husband, I know you can do no wrong. If I chose you then I know you’re everything I could ever want.

Love and forever yours,


This is a 3.5 star writing assignment in which I had to write a letter to my future spouse! I had fun with this one because I know what I want in my future and I’m already excited to be living in it. I can be even more specific if I wanted to. I know what I want the names of my pets and kids to be but I’ll keep those to myself. I really enjoy writing pieces that make me or others feel warm and encourage positivity. I hope I didn’t sound too pushy in my letter, but I know my future husband will love me for whatever I am. I’ve got high expectations!

LET’S DANCE ?(?o?)??? (?o?) ?

Jump Back

For this assignment, I had to Write a Movie Review from the writing assignment category. The task for this assignment was to “write a review of a movie. Don’t be afraid to use images, GIFs, and clips to support your discussion, but focus on the text. Make an argument about the film, no lame thumbs up nonsense.”

Well, since I already made a movie poster by modifying Footloose, it seemed that my choice was pretty clear. I needed to go watch the film! Astonishingly, I had never actually seen Footloose, despite the fact that I have been alive for over three decades. (I have no excuse). I of course knew the premise and the famous song from the movie, and that’s usually enough for me to forego watching a movie. (I prefer TV shows because they’re episodic and my attention span is short).

Alright! Time to watch-

Wait, nope. It’s actually not on Netflix. Or Hulu. Or anywhere. Time to search my house.

Success! I found a DVD copy in the workout room where other such classics reside, such as Body Flex and Disco Sweat. (See my Week 1 Summary for that VHS visual).

Time to get loose! Footloose. Haha, get it? …Moving on.

Right from the opening credits, I was on board. The scene with the dancing feet is something that is going to stick in my memory bank. Fun fact: the Footloose song was originally only meant to be played during the bar scene. The producers decided that they wanted to start and end with it as well, so they had tons of dancers perform for them- all dancing to a simple beat that they could then sync with the song during the editing process. And what they ended up with was tons of happy feet!

The movie continued to impress; the visuals, choreography, and of course the music really drew me in. There’s one scene near the beginning of the movie where everyone is grooving along to ‘Dancing in the Sheets’ and it’s brilliant. The music didn’t just come from the song itself; it came from the many different sounds of the drive-in area where all the teens were hanging out. Foot taps and car honks, diner bells and arcade sounds, a cup spinning on a car antennae all flow together and harmonize with the rhythm of the song. And it just works.

Another favorite moment was the part where our big-city kid Ren (Kevin Bacon) is teaching his new friend, Willard (Chris Penn) how to dance. Fun fact: Chris Penn really couldn’t dance. The film crew had to use wrestling terms for the actor to catch on. (I can relate- I myself have two left feet). The music was in time to the song, ‘Let’s Hear it for the Boy,’ and the choreography here was also brilliant. This wasn’t some big dance number; it was everyday actions performed to a beat. It just showed how even simple gestures can be dance. I especially loved the little scene where Ren and Willard are walking in sync down the school hallway connected by a Walkman headphone cord. This certainly would not have had the same visual impact if the two had been wearing Bluetooth headsets.

I Thought this was a Party

One of the things that surprised me when watching Footloose was seeing all of these well-known actors appear in the movie. I knew that Kevin Bacon was the star of the film, but I had no idea that John Lithgow played Rev. Shaw Moore- A stern, disapproving member of the town council. Nor did I know that Diane Wiest played Shaw’s wife Vi, or that Sarah Jessica Parker played Rusty- one of the friends from the main group of girls. Footloose had a great cast and a great story. But was it just a story?

As it turns out, Footloose is based on the true story of a small town in Oklahoma where dancing had been outlawed! The reverend of Elmore, OK thought that dancing would lead to teen pregnancies, which led to an overall disapproval of dance. Bummer. The teens of Elmore weren’t too happy with the dance ban, so they started a pro-dance movement lead by Leonard Coffee and Rex Kennedy (Leonard + Rex = Ren). After some polite debating with the council, the teens were finally able to persuade the town to let them hold a prom. Dancing was still frowned upon in general, but it was a small victory for the juniors and seniors of Elmore.

I think what surprised me the most was the accuracy in which the beginning of the prom was portrayed. All of the teens in the movie were standing around awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I thought, “why aren’t they dancing?…like, at all?” I was in disbelief that teens wouldn’t just instinctively flock to the dance floor after winning the right to dance. But as it turns out, the teens from our true story had no clue what they were doing either. No one knew how to dance. I think they eventually figured it out though, sans Kevin Bacon to lead the way.

Footloose was the first of its kind in the movie world. The movie’s production began before MTV was really a thing. Yet it was a movie that aimed to do what MTV would later aim to do: showcase music. The producers of Footloose had no budget to speak of, only a dream in their heart. They promised singers and songwriters, actors and dancers, and various other pros that if they got on board with the project, it would be worth the gamble. And it was! Footloose was a huge hit and has since become a classic. Not only that, but the movie has inspired a myriad of skits and parodies over the years. An example you say? Well, I’ll just leave you with my favorite example of all time, Scarlet Mafia’s Gundam Wing Footloose skit from Katsucon 2009. (An event that I attended).

Some reference material:
1) Footloose DVD with commentary
2) 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Footloose
3) Oklahoma town inspired original ‘Footloose’

Secret Mission Alert: From a Text?

Stars: 5

I chose to do this assignment because we all know what I love to do in this class. Do as many stars as possible, to avoid the write ups!

I tried to think of how to do this assignment, first and foremost. I thought of using a friends phone, but didn’t want to intrude. I knew there was a laptop at home, but I was at school in between classes. I chose to do iMessage on my laptop, and changed the sending address from my number, to my email. This way, I wouldn’t get double of the same messages, because I’d be texting myself.

I chose to go along with the secret agent theme. I chose to be my secret agent, Amelie Amaya, and to be recruited for a mission. I kept it short and brief, to not bore the reader. While also vague, to not give too many details of the mission and blow my cover, and to leave the viewer with unanswered questions.

I chose to keep the screen record whole. I could’ve edited it in iMovie to add a title and credit screen, but the instructions in the assignment say to screen record it. I didn’t want to mess up the assignment too much, so I just kept it whole. After that I sent it to my laptop and put it in this document! I also didn’t feel like youtube was necessary to upload, as I didn’t do any editing.

Overall, this assignment was REALLY easy. I love coming across assignments that you think are going to be harder than they really are. I also really enjoyed it. More than I thought I would.

Find the video here:

Sport Highlights – SBD

Hey guys, thanks for tuning in for another one of my posts today. 4 more stars down after this one, 2 to go!

I was initially on the fence about doing this video assignment, but I chose to go for it because it mentioned ‘practices’ being acceptable footage. In my sport, which is powerlifting, there aren’t any textbook definition ‘practices’. Although if you really look at it from our perspective, our workouts are our practices. This is because when we execute our motions in the main lifts, we’re practicing form- and thus practicing execution for when we get to competitions.

Form is something that is incredibly important in this sport, because when in competition, we are working under maximum loads – and pushing our muscular-skeletal structures to what is hopefully new personal records (and maybe even state, national, or global records).

As a ‘highlight’ the first video shown in my post is a 3-part buildup to my most recent personal record. I deadlifted 530lbs without a belt, which was my deadlift record with a belt a few months ago.

Luckily, I had absolutely no shortage of footage to choose from of me doing my sport. I record myself so that I can watch my form and make corrections between workouts. Posting it to Instagram keeps my phone from running out of space. Using this video-review strategy, I’ve made a lot of progress in the last couple of months, but I end up gaining a few more followers a week as my numbers steadily creep up to more impressive levels.

Are you interested in powerlifting? Leave a comment or shoot me a follow on the gram, if you’re looking to get started I can help with that, too! Thanks for reading.

RMP The Best Digital Tool

For this 4.5-star assignment we were asked to find a cool, easy to use digital tool online. Then write up a brief tutorial on how to use it, and what it can be used for. For this assignment I chose RateMyProfessors! This is a very useful tool for university students. It allows students to look up potential professors to see how they might be good fit for specific classes. Essentially students go onto the website and rate professors and how their semester went. They include the specific class they took, sometimes what grade they received and some sort of description of how the semester went: were there any concerns, was the class amazing..etc. Other ways this site is used, is to search specific schools and how they match up to others. Students will use this as a tool when first looking at schools.


  1. Go to RateMyProfessors.com
  2. At the top there is a search bar that says “Search for a professor or school”, here you should enter the school or professor.

Here’s a how-to video I did:

If you chose a school, they will display “Top professors” and “How this School stacks up”. Below this you can view the comments and ratings students have given.

If you chose a professor, it will provide an “Overall Quality” and “Level of Difficulty” (here the smaller the number the “easier” the professor.

Overall this website is a very useful tool, but I also don’t always find it to be accurate. There have been professors I have had in the past who get rough ratings on this site but end up being one of the best professors! The site is very subject, so I always take it with a grain of salt.