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The #ds106radio @scottlo Driveby Show. He’s in a Yaris.

In what promises to be yet another wonderful ‘slice of life’ internet production, our friend-in-the-field, Scott Lo (@scottlo), has launched (at 6000 RPMs!) The Driveby Show.

‘Casting early in the morning from his considerately time-shifted home base of Saudi Arabia, after a bowl of his favourite Grape Nuts cereal, Scott begins his day with his friendly voice, sharing his thoughts over the ds106radio airwaves as he heads off to work in The Yaris*.

"The @scottlo DRIVEBY SHOW" animated GIF by aforgrave

“The @scottlo DRIVEBY SHOW” animated GIF by aforgrave

If you’ve not yet tuned in, you have only to dial in to experience the barrels of black gold that Scott is pumping out. Get the down-lo on the lo-down every day that he broadcasts, arriving here in the EDT at 10:30 pm. Note: We spring-ed forward here Sunday morning, so you folks need to refer to it with the D and not the S for then next nine months or so!

While the complete format new show is still evolving (we want an interview with the Urdu Tea-Master some day), Scott has indicated that he will accept listener contributions for inclusion in the DRIVEBY SHOW. There is now a ds106radio.us Audio Assignment in support of this effort, “Audio Assignment 985: Scott Lo The Driveby Show Interactive Audio Contribution “. In an effort to support this new series on #ds106radio, Scott will find a short 3-minute audio clip later today in his email when he awakes. You’ll have to listen in to hear what he makes of it.

As always, when Invoking Enthusiastic Participation, please be sure to always Practice Safe Broadcasting!!

*A note regarding The Yaris.

Were it not for the fact that I’d had a rental car just last week (for the first time in years) I would not have had a clue what Scott was going on about when he prepended his characteristic “the” to the utterance Yaris. As it turned out, I had just driven in one (and my thanks go out to @timmmmyboy, @mbransons, @DrGarcia, @noiseprofessor for their company and the info about where to find the fuel door release switch!) and so I’ve had that context to frame my imagination when Scott mentions it. That, and a coincidental yet synchronistic re-watching that same weekend of Code 46, where Tim Robbins drives a solitary compact car on huge, abandoned desert highways.

"Conceptualizing the @scottlo Yaris DJ Space" animted GIF by aforgrave

“Conceptualizing the @scottlo Yaris DJ Space” animated GIF by aforgrave

Fruedian Alphabet

Go to Google type in “I hate a” and look for the auto-complete (additional examples here).  Screenshot your auto-complete suggestions as you move from A to Z and pick one letter to make into an animated gif.  

Do them all if you’d like.

At Least It’s an Ethos

I had an idea for a new ds106 animated GIF assignment titled “At least its an ethos.” It might be much better in my mind than in reality, but here it goes anyway. Take the line from The Big Lebowski “Say what you will about National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos…

At Least It’s an Ethos

Take the line from the film The Big Lebowski “Say what you will about National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos” and change National Socialism to a different -ism, like, for example, [[Veganism]]. Here is the GIF for you to use as a template to change National Socialism to a different -ism. Now here’s the trick, after that you need a GIF to setup the punchline. So Walter Sobchack is referring to Nihilism in the scene we are quoting when defining National Socialism as an ethos, my idea for this (now convoluted) assignment came from Tom Woodward’s unsettling animated GIF of me eating Roy Rogers chicken, which could only lead me to the following punchline…

Movie Trading Cards—now with animation!

The Thing Trading Cards: FlamethrowerInspired by the Sno-Cat movie trading card for The Shining, I started messing around with how I could do this in GIMP. While playing I started to think, why can’t we animate the movie scenes? A few hours later I figured it out and I’m currently working on a tutorial—I already submitted a new assignment for this in the Animated GIF category. There are a few things I need to clean up, like adding the trademark information below the Flamethrower title and making the card look a bit worn. Above is my first experiment with one of my all-time favorite films The Thing (1982)—and if you know the film you know how important the flamethrower truly is!

Design a Memorial For Fairuz’s PC

We got some really sad news today, a death in the ds106 family.

Yes, a computer has died. While Fairuz is in mourning (or shopping), let’s deal with it in the ds106 way — and make some art! Hence a new design assignment, A Memorial For Fairuz’s PC:

Fairuz is a UMW student for the Spring 2013 ds106 class, and suffered a catastrophic loss of her PC. We should honor its memory by designing something as a memorial- a funeral announcement, an animated GIF headstone, a floral wreath of RAM chips. REMEMBER THE PC!

I made up a bit of graveyard commentary:

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

It must have been ds106′s fault! It is the Raven! The weight of all that media, the taxing of the CPU by the strain of animated GIFs, what kind of machine can take this kind of stress and live!

Let’s bow our heads for a moment of silence…

and go make some art now!

Yo Gimme Yo Cornbread!

This is my first animated gif, I choose a scene out of one of my favorite movies “Life” Staring Eddy Murphy and Martin Lawrence.

Yo Gimme Yo Cornbread!

This is the first animated gif I’ve made inspired from the movie “Life” Staring Eddy Murphy and Martin Lawrence I choose this particular scene because it was one of my favorites. This big inmate here was asking Lawrence if he wanted his cornbread and I thought it was funny.

#ds106, valentine edition

Lots of funny #ds106valentine caption assignments seizing the moment today.

How could I not oblige?

After watching smart librarians attempt to engage in civil, meaningful debate on twitter I thought I should make them a valentine for all their hard work.

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by giulia.forsythe
(but don’t feed the trolls)

Then for no particular reason other than Tom Woodward finds the weirdest, coolest Internet Detritus. Like this, for example:

So true.

les rockets morph into candy hearts

les rockets morph into candy hearts

Happy Valentine’s Day #ds106!

A Valentine Controversy from 1965

Jeb's Telescopefrom Hatchet Jack

Jeb’s Telescope
from Hatchet Jack

Hatchet Jack posted a Valentine Book cover yesterday that sent my little mind whirling decades back to the sixties. The book, entitled “Jeb’s Telescope,” and written by “Remington Montana,” was very clearly a re-release of a very controversial novel that I encountered way back in 1965.

While the newer cover is in colour, and the title clearly refers to the key plot features of the original (and even the author name is clearly an updated pseudonym), the implications inherent in the original release have been clearly toned down to get the book safely onto to the book shelves and get money out of the book-buyers’ pocket books.

It took me a good day of scrounging around to find a copy of the earlier, release but compare Hatchet Jack’s find above with this:


Original cover (1965) of “The Gathering at Bushnell Falls” (Animated GIF)

I recall a lot of furor in the news when this book first came out. People really raised their eyebrows at the word “Gathering” in the title.  There were lawsuits from manufacturers of optical devices. There was a mitigating attempt to re-issue the book with a more accurate and less stimulating and legally provocative title, “The Five Evil Brothers at Bushney’s Falls.”   But it was all to no avail. The book was pulled, the author moved out of state (perhaps to Montana?), and everyone forgot about it.

To see that the book was re-released later, after all that spectacle (did you see what I did there?), with the relatively passive title “Jeb’s Telescope,” just goes to show how much folks still judge a book by its cover.

Speaking of which, I hope you are are seeing me in a new light, now that I am out of that old musty cardboard box and taking some time to work at helping folks see me as I truly want to be seen. Perhaps you have been enjoying my newly-updated publicity photo, my very first piece of voice work for ds106radio, and my Valentine shared for all of you yesterday.

I am still waiting for comments to float my way. I currently only have one measly pingback — and it is from myself (although those self-links I just added above should get me more).

I do trust that all my new friends here at ds106 aren’t too busy to pay me a little attention. You know that real Friends don’t forget one another.

That would be a sad thing. Andbad thing. Very bad.