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Say it Like Peanut Butter

My first ever assignment on this Blog!

The assignment is to; ‘ you’ll be creating an animated gif of a clip from your favourite (or least favourite) film’

As someone who loves films, to pick a favourite is so difficult! But none the less I persevered and came up with one of my favourite scenes from my favourite films.

Here is the animated GIF I made: RHE5S1C - Imgur.gifThe link to the original video is here.

I made this animated GIF using IMGUR’s video to GIF.  I found it to be the best GIF maker I have found, it makes high quality, smooth looking animated GIFs.

Keen films fans may recognise this GIF from ‘The Blues Brothers’.

I love this particular scene because of the story behind it, the filmmakers found an abandoned mall as their location, It being empty they approached retailers to fill the empty shops in the mall. The deal was that they’d only pay for what they wrecked. The full story is here. I highly recommend a look about how this scene was filmed, its highly interesting.

Unit Two Assignment: Say It Like Peanut Butter


Directions: “Make an animated gif from your favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. Make sure the movement is minimal but essential.”

10 years ago I had a mild obsession with the movie “Party Monster.” In this scene the main character, Michael Alig (Macaulay Culkin) is a newbie in New York and James St. James (Seth Green) has just taken him under his wing and is teaching him how to make a memorable entrance at a party. The movie chronicles the fabulous yet incredibly tragic rise to notoriety of Club Kid Michael Alig. The movie is anything but inspirational yet as a young impressionable 20 year old I took the advice in this scene to heart and it certainly dictated how I worked the crowd at events through most of my 20s. Oh memories, haha.


Being self critical in regards to the assignment specifically, I don’t know if the movement in this gif qualifies as “minimal but essential.” Fluttering hands are hard to boil down to one specific move. ?

“Say It like Peanut Butter” GIF

Friday_Night_Lights_3_10_Movie_CLIP_Boobie_Goes_Down_2004_HDThe story

Boobie Miles is the star running back of the Permian Panthers football team. This is the first game of the season and the panthers are crushing their opponent. Coach Gaines puts Boobie in with 2 minutes left, because the reserve running back lost his helmet. The playcall is 28 sweep. As you can see in the GIF, Boobie is injured on the play. He tears his acl and his out for the season. Right then and there everyone is Odessa, Texas believes Permian’s season is over. However the season must continue and it is up to the rest of the team to step up and compete for a state championship.

The process, Narrated

This is one of very favorite movies, so my decision to take a clip from friday night lights was an easy one. To make this GIF I found a website called makeagif.com. Once I found the clip I wanted I uploaded it from YouTube to makeagif.com. I chose for the GIF to be 3 seconds long, beginning at 00:58 and ending at 1:01. This site gives presents many options for creating a GIF. The options are from picture to GIF, YouTube to GIF, video to GIF, webcam to GIF, or to upload a GIF already created. 


Say it Like Peanut Butter: Jingle Bell Rock



Story: As you may see, my first Digital Storytelling Assignment, is a Mean Girls GIF. This is a classic movie that I probably know every word to. Anyways, Lindsay Lohan plays the main character, who moves to a new high school all the way from Africa where she was home-schooled her whole life. She plays innocent Cady, who arrives having no idea about high school, weird boys, hard teachers, and of course mean girls.

Process: After reading our first Visual Assignment, I was excited. I always see GIF’s on the internet, they are brief pictures of any video clip or picture that has subtle movement. I was thinking about what movie I wanted to use; and I thought after a long week I could use some humor, so of course I ventured to Mean Girls. This clip is of the “Plastics” (i.e. this is what the mean group of girls call themselves in the movie.) dancing rather provocatively to the famous Christmas song, Jingle Bell Rock. May I add they are at a school talent show?

Work: I did some research and found a helpful site called Make a Gif, which led me to create my masterpiece. First, you can pick which method you want to use. I picked Youtube, but you can select others including pictures, webcam, and video. I uploaded my YouTube URL, and picked which part of the clip I wanted to utilize. From here, it shows you what the GIF will look like so you have some kind of idea, which is really great in my opinion. My GIF length is 5 seconds long, which is a perfect amount of time for these clips. After I was done editing the clip, I was done and my GIF was complete! It was simple and fast and I will probably create more after this.



Say it Like Peanut Butter, Drum Till You Hands Are Peanut Butter


The Story

This GIF comes from a scene in the film called, Whiplash, where the young jazz student, Andrew Neimen, is practicing to be the core drummer of a studio band.  This said scene is from very early in the film where Neimen is practicing in order to show off his skills the next day to the band’s conductor. You can see in the GIF that he is sweating pretty hard and struggling  to keep going.  Throughout the film,  he drums  so hard and long  enough to make his hands start to blister and even bleed. Talk about blood, sweat, and tears.

The Process

When I saw this week’s Visual Assignment, it didn’t take me long to decide what I was going to use for my GIF . Whiplash was my favorite film from this past summer.  The reason why I chose this particular scene for this assignment is because I believe that it showcased Neimen’s emotions well enough and how much of a hardworker he is. I also thought it would make an interesting GIF and maybe it could convince some people to work as hard.

The Work

The programs that I used to create this GIF were the programs LICEcap and GIMP. LICEcap is a pretty simple and straightforward program that lets you record anything on your desktop as a GIF, so I used that to capture the scene of Neimen drumming. I then opened the GIF I recorded in the program called GIMP and used it to edit the layers, delete some frames, and cut the file size down a bit. It was fairly easy and I will probably make a tutorial out of it for a future assignment.

‘Say it Like Peanut Butter’ – GIF from the film Vanilla Sky

This GIF is made from the film ‘Vanilla Sky’.

Say it like peanut butter



My favourite all time movie is Star Trek, and what better opportunity to experience the awe and brilliance of Benedict Cumberbatch.

The assignment required me to make a gif but also ‘making sure the movement is minimal but essential’ – This gif is not minimal, or short in that matter – because to be quite frank, it deserves the whole 6 seconds – because this essential scene is the unmasking of Khan Noonien Singh.

“My name is … Khan”

ughhhh – chills.

When you want chik-fil-a, but you realize it’s Sunday (Say it like Peanut Butter)

Growing up in the 90’s I frequently watched a LOT of disney movies. One of my favorite movies being Mulan (if you haven’t seen it or don’t like it, you must not have had a fun childhood, if you have, enjoy).


There are plentiful amounts of captions that could be made to describe this Gif. I know this is exactly how I feel when I realize Chik-fil-a is closed on Sundays. Or even when you’re at the store with your mom and she plays like she’s actually going to buy you that massive box of Reese’s Puffs. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy.

Say It Like Peanut Butter (Gif)


Here is my first attempt at making a gif. After some researching, I came across an article in WIRED magazine about easily creating a gif from a youtube clip. It was THAT easy! All I had to do was find my clip on youtube, then type in “gif” at the beginning of the url. A gif creator window popped up and it was smooth sailing from there. It took me a couple tries to get the timing right, but I thought it came out pretty decent.

The scene I chose was from the movie “300″. There were many fight scenes throughout the movie, but this one in particular was with Astinos and his best friend Stelios joining forces in battle. I really enjoyed the visual effects displayed in this movie, especially in the battle scenes.

Say It Like Peanut Butter (Pulp Fiction)

Here is an animated GIF from one of my favorite movies “Pulp Fiction.” In this scene Vincent shots Marvin after his gun accidentally after they dive in a pot hole.