DS106 Propaganda Posters

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So far, this assignment has been completed 47 times.

Time to let out your inner Big Brother! Create a propaganda poster for ds106. Use your photo editing software of choice and write a message to inspire your fellow ds106ers. For example, I took a WW2 poster about increasing ammunition production, and turned it into a poster promoting tweeting.

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Submissions So Far

Time to let out your inner Big Brother! Create a propaganda poster for ds106. Use your photo editing software of choice and write a message

This week we had to do 15 stars worth of design assignments. This is what I meant by the hardest part of my week. I

This assignment was to create a propaganda poster for DS106 using a WWII poster. The process of completing this assignment was rather simple. I

“This Man is Your Friend,” by aforgrave on Flickr

If you don’t know Alan Levine (and many of you must,

To continue on my 15 star design assignment quest, I completed a poster redesign called DS106 Propaganda Posters from the ds106 Assignment Bank.  This

So this assignment was literally propaganda.  I had to redesign a WWII poster to propogate our class.  Now, everyone has seen the craze of

My first ever design assignment task was to create a DS106 propaganda poster {***}. This was the one I chose from the Designing Posters category.

The war on education has arrived and we need more production!! For my propaganda poster, I took this WWII image I found on Google and

In order to help recruit a new trainer for ISIS (and the on-going space mission), I have created a series of design media. 1. Propaganda
I found a propaganda poster of Rosie the Riveter saying “We can do it” on google images. Then opened the image up in artweaver and

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on the main DS106 site and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far