I Can Read Movies

Assignment Value:

8 votes, average: 3.13 out of 58 votes, average: 3.13 out of 58 votes, average: 3.13 out of 58 votes, average: 3.13 out of 58 votes, average: 3.13 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 28 times.
_cokwr: Create a film-based book cover using the aesthetic framed by Spacesick here: http://spacesick.blogspot.com/2009/01/i-can-read-movies-series.html See the original images here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/spacesick/sets/72157614482499746/with/3198823976/ , _cpzh4: Design, _cre1l: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3388/3276447572_ba2af80e03_m.jpg, _chk2m: Jim Groom, _ciyn3: 55, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

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Submissions So Far

  Create a film-based book cover using the aesthetic framed by Spacesick   Now, this isn’t nearly as minimalist and thought out as the original
One of the assignments I have been dying to do for over a year, but have never been brave enough to try is the I
ds106 assignment on creating a film-based book cover. Inspired by a previous submission. Speed Racer, by the Wachowski Brothers is actually one of my favourite movies,
This is for Digital Storytelling.The Assignment name is I Can Read Moveis. I picked up one of my favorite movie which is Letters from Iwo Jima.This movie
Here’s my take on the #ds106 “I Can Read Movies” design assignment. I tried to riff off of the work and aesthetic of spacesick as
This is last project that I was able to get done this weekend.  I am not an illustrator by any means.  Believe it or not
I used to love to read, and Penguin books were the best. After I made this cover, I decided I needed to scuff it up

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Submissions So Far