Inanimate Motion

Assignment Value:

1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 15 times.

Take successive photos of inanimate objects and put them together in a way that it makes at least one inanimate object move. Make it tell a story!! Bonus points for an epic sound track attached. The idea here is bringing something inanimate to life through the power of video, without taking away the fact that the object in motion is obviously not supposed to be able to move on its own. Make it cheesy, make it awesome, make it rock.

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Submissions So Far

For my third video assignment this week I did Inanimate Motion which was worth three stars. This assignment was to take an

As soon as I read this title, I knew I wanted to do this assignment.  Inanimate Motion calls to create a movie story of an

I made my own inanimte motion using my Gundam model figures for the action sequence and the sound effects were recorded from Bruce Lee’s film

For my final project, I’m working on a media mess of projects all about Spongebob’s Best Day Ever.  I decided to create my own assignment

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on the main DS106 site and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far