Messing with the MacGuffin

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9 votes, average: 2.22 out of 59 votes, average: 2.22 out of 59 votes, average: 2.22 out of 59 votes, average: 2.22 out of 59 votes, average: 2.22 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 65 times.
Wikipedia defines the MacGuffin as "a plot element that catches the viewers' attention or drives the plot of a work of fiction." For this assignment forever change the plot of a movie, tv show, etc. by changing a single line of dialogue. Put this new line of dialogue below a screen-cap of the moment in the movie you're changing. Credit to Tom Woodward for posting an example of this idea in the #ds106 Twitter stream.

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Submissions So Far

Well, that would’ve ended everything right there.…
Funny how Prince Charming based his love on a shoe…Now what if?…
I love harry potter.. so i did this macguffin in tribute to him.…
Messing with the MacGuffin: Wikipedia defines the MacGuffin as “a plot element that catches the viewers’ attention or drives the plot of a work of
This seemed to be the best way I could find to comment on Alan Levine’s Animated MacGuffin which is now a “MacGIFfin”. And if you
Retitled thanks to Michael Branson…

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Submissions So Far