Take a journey

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Go to mapcrunch and take a journey through the world. Your goal is to find the nearest mass transit. Train station, airport, etc. Good luck and enjoy the culture.

Do this Assignment

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Submissions So Far

For this redo assignment, I tried to make another book cover. This is my original post, and I think it turned out fantastic. This

Originally, this assignment, Totally Normal Room of a Totally Normal Teenage Boy, was 948 words. I am a creative writing major, so this isnā€™t

My skills have blossomed, and so has this photo collage! What was once a static set of five photos is now a photo video

Hey everyone, I decided to work on another chrome lab song this week because I enjoyed this assignment! https://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/chrome-music-labs/

For this one, I decided

My groupā€™s radio show is centered around a dangerous, monstrous alien wreaking havoc on a spacecraft and evading capture. I thought of an edited dog

I made a bumper for midway through our radio show, The Coronerā€™s Tale. Because we plan to tell a lot of our narrative through some

I used the Song Maker application on Chrome Music Lab to create a tune that would be inside of a Nintendo videogame. I was inspired

Many artists find joy in taking a song and adding their own musical twist to it. They give a reggae flair to pop songs. A

This week, when thinking ahead about the kinds of things weā€™d need to create for assignments to contribute to the project, I couldnā€™t keep my

For the digital assignments this week, I took it upon myself to learn some more techniques in Audacity. For the radio show, my group agreed

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on theĀ main DS106 siteĀ and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far