Go to mapcrunch and take a journey through the world. Your goal is to find the nearest mass transit. Train station, airport, etc. Good luck and enjoy the culture.
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Go to mapcrunch and take a journey through the world. Your goal is to find the nearest mass transit. Train station, airport, etc. Good luck and enjoy the culture.
If your blog is not connected to ds106, you can add your example directly.
I wanted to create a cool promo/introduction for our radio show rather than just a commercial. I wanted to make something that show cased what
For this Audio Assignment, we had to say a tongue twister as fast as we possibly could and then add some nice background music to
I took this prompt and twisted it to fit into my group project. As the protagonist would eventually need this product….
This one was pretty fun
I really liked doing this because it is kind of it’s own promo. I used sound effects from https://freesound.org and Audacity. I wanted to
The prompt
This is a fairly straightforward assignment, done out of necessity, so it has a fairly straightforward finished product. We need bumpers
The prompt
Ok, this may seem random and like a waste, but I promise it’s not. Our radio show has more characters than
This week I made a bumper for my groups radio show. As mentioned we are doing our show on college advice so I made sure
Are We Live? – this is a live stream show that UMW produces every Tuesday night and is completely run by students. I am a
Here is my first radio commercial, which I will also use for my group’s project. It’s for paint thinner. It took me way too long
For this assignment, I decided to create a radio advertisement for DS106 this actual class. The original assignment was for a commercial ad for the
If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on the main DS106 site and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):