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So far, this assignment has been completed 56 times.

For this assignment you need to select several scenes from your favorite film (or one of your favorites), and edit them together and comment on some of the filmic elements of the scenes? Why do you like these scenes? What strikes you about them? What makes them good cinema? Is there a subtext at work in this film? In short, construct an essayistic commentary on the scenes as a narrator explaining to your audience what you find important about the scene, and why. What’s more, what do the details you have pinpointed say about the film more generally. For an excellent example, see Rob Ager’s analysis of space in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining:

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Submissions So Far

I must say that attempting this video essay assignment really put me at ease. The main reason is because I love to write! The second
this is my video essay on the dark knight.  I think this may be the only movie I’ve seen in theaters more then once.  The
Video Assignment: Video Essay One of the obvious reasons why I chose to do the video essay on this movie was because it stars Michael Cera.
For my video essay, I decided to do P.S. I love you because I love the movie and thought it would be easy to
Taxi Driver is a Scorsese masterpiece with one of film’s most powerful protagonists, Travis. It’s Travis’s many contradictions that makes him one of the great characters
For my video essay assignment I finally completed my long overdue video discussion of the motif of eyes in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1982). I
I chose One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest for my video analysis.  iMovie was a great tool for taking clips that I had taken from
This assignment took a little more time than I thought it was going to. The hardest part was figuring out how I was going to
This is for the assignment Video essay hey guys this is my commentary on my favorite scene in my favorite movie the Dark Knight i hope
I’ve been working on this all week, and have just put together the audio today. Ta-da! My short analysis of the Fellowship of the Ring.

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Submissions So Far