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3 votes, average: 3.67 out of 53 votes, average: 3.67 out of 53 votes, average: 3.67 out of 53 votes, average: 3.67 out of 53 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 56 times.

For this assignment you need to select several scenes from your favorite film (or one of your favorites), and edit them together and comment on some of the filmic elements of the scenes? Why do you like these scenes? What strikes you about them? What makes them good cinema? Is there a subtext at work in this film? In short, construct an essayistic commentary on the scenes as a narrator explaining to your audience what you find important about the scene, and why. What’s more, what do the details you have pinpointed say about the film more generally. For an excellent example, see Rob Ager’s analysis of space in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining:

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Submissions So Far

I analyzed the move J.Edgar, directed by Clint Eastwood. There weren’t too many clips on YouTube of the movie, so I chose what I could
For this Video Essay Assignment you had to select several scenes from your favorite film (or one of your favorites), and edit them together and
        Titus (1999) Video Week is hell. I don’t know how else to describe it.  So far, video week is hell.  This video assignment has taken me a
Five Stars Process This was a bit confusing at first. I was not sure if I wanted to keep the audio or not but I decided it
A video analysis of The Shawshank Redemption, which includes a montoge of footage from the movie and examples from specific parts within the movie. All

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Submissions So Far