Your Hopes, Dreams, and Fears

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2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 28 times.

Write a letter to yourself describing how you ideally imagine your life, career, etc. in 10 years. Then keep the letter and read it in 10 years and see how your life turned out versus how you imagined it.

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Submissions So Far

Your Hopes, Dreams, And Fears

Dear Katherine,

Do you go by Katherine. I can’t imagine myself going by anything other than Katie. Anyways, I am now 30.

Dear Future Matt,

I hope that you’ve accomplished all the dreams that I have in mind today.  I’m sure by now you’ve finished grad school and

My second assignment I chose was a 3 star writing assignment. Here is the link:


Dear 31-year-old Kristin,

Here is what you hoped for, dreamed for,

Dear future me,

Life in 10 years… this is a crazy thought but I will be 40…YIKES!!!! What do I imagine my life to be like

In 10 years, I’ll either be in a ditch or living the high life. Ain’t no way I’m letting the law get ahold of me.

I chose an assignment that asked me to write about where I saw myself in ten years. Since we are doing all our assignments on our

Your Hopes, Dream and Fears is an assignment to write a letter to myself in ten years, that I might be able to look

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

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Submissions So Far