Your very own Spubble

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11 votes, average: 1.91 out of 511 votes, average: 1.91 out of 511 votes, average: 1.91 out of 511 votes, average: 1.91 out of 511 votes, average: 1.91 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 124 times.
_cokwr: Learn to love yourself, grab a picture of yourself in which your body language, actions, gestures, etc. suggest one thing and then play off that using a speech bubble. Ideally the result would make people laugh---but I must acknowledge there are other possible emotional responses that may be just as acceptable. Think of it as lolcat, save it's a human (namely you) and there is nothing compelling anyone to abuse the letter z in the speech bubble text. or would make this assignment dead simple., _cpzh4: Visual, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Jim Groom, _ciyn3: 190, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

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Submissions So Far

This assignment was pretty fun to do, and also very easy. I used Picnik to upload, crop and put the bubble and text all together.…
Ok, so this is my first attempt at a spubble for my first DS106 assignment. A definition of is spubble is when you take a
Train Sleeper by Justin Rigsby (Steven Q Dangerfist) through CC Licensing I decided to do the Your very own Spubble assignment from ds106 in the visual
The assignment was to use yourself like a LOLcat, make fun of yourself. I’m kind of known for disliking on-campus meetings, even when I’m leading
I’m just a little hungry… lol…
So trying to get into the DS106 project. I have just finished my first attempt at a spubble. It kind of seems like a Meme.
Assignment: Your very own Spubble Picture was taken about 2-3 years ago, so old pair of glasses is old.  Plus they’re broken anyway.  This was taken
ds106 assignment on spubbles. Stay away from tigers ‘kay Oh and I lied about the bears. No bears here.. >_>…
While I generally do not like spending a great deal of time with photos of myself, I was compelled to try Spubble assignment because I
I have the ds106 fever- I could not resist Jim Groom’s new Spubble assignment (still looking for the tags in the ds106 assignment mix see

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Submissions So Far