Batman and Robin running from textbooks

Batman and Robin running from textbooks seemed apt. That is what students and teachers should do when they see a textbook!

Watch out for Peter’s driving

So i made the gif of batman and robin running from peter’s crazy driving. I got the clip of youtube, family guy is one of my favorite shows so thats why i decide to make it into a gif.

Run Away… from your bad ass selves…


Batman and Robin, so scared of the Dog. They cannot run fast enough.

How could anyone resist the Batman and Robin Running Scared Assignment submitted by Michael Branson Smith

There’s an awesome Tumblr blog created by That Design Bastard filled with animated GIFs of Batman and Robin Running away from sh*t. The cool thing is the site posts a PSD file of Batman and Robin running with a transparent background so you can make your own. He even encourages you to submit your GIF to him for consideration. Time to get those two caped crusaders running scared!

So much you can do here, especially given the provided PhotoShop file with the dynamic duo already animated. That one above was nothing beyond importing different images in lower layers.

What might be more interesting is Batman and Robin being scared… of themselves! How about some recursion?


Now that is scary.

It’s Going To Eat You Up!


"It's going to eat you up!!"

“It’s going to eat you up!” (Click on the photo if it’s not moving.)

As a young child in the late 60′s, two of my favorite past times were acting out Bill Cosby’s comedy routine, “Chicken Heart”  [based on a lost 1937 "Lights Out" radio play  by Arch Oboler] with my younger sister in an old hollowed out Philco 41-280 radio cabinet

ChickenHrt_Cartoon_Radio Scenes from the Cosby Kids cartoon

… and organizing the other kindergartners to play Batman & Robin with me…

batman tv show

With this DS106 project I’ve combined those two fond childhood memories with my new found GIFing skills, and a little extra humor tossed in as Batman and Robin are running away from #$&%.  Check out their other adventures here and download your own PSD file to play with.

Credits & Notes:

From Wikipedia:  Arch Oboler made effective use of atmospheric sound effects, perhaps most memorably in his legendary “Chicken Heart,” a script that debuted in 1937 and was rebroadcast in 1938 and 1942. It features the simple but effective “thump-thump” of an ever-growing, ever-beating chicken heart which, thanks to a scientific experiment gone wrong, threatens to engulf the entire world. Although the story bears similarities to an earlier Cooper episode (about an ever-growing amoeba that makes an ominous “slurp! slurp!” sound), Oboler’s unique choice of monster was inspired by a Chicago Tribune article announcing that scientists had succeeded in keeping a chicken heart alive for a considerable period of time after its having been removed from the chicken. Recordings of the original radio broadcasts are lost or unavailable, although Oboler later recreated this episode for a record album in 1962. [Short 8min recording]

Run, Run… I forgot my meds again!

Talk about fun! Starting with the downloadable PSD file I was easily inspired to include my “horrible” thing for Batman & Robin to escape. A manic kitten? The “I forgot my meds!” pic had me rolling on the floor with laughter the 1st time I saw it. I can finally use it.

Run Batman! Run!


Run! Run! I forgot my meds again!

Run! Run! I forgot my meds again!


A big thank you to Michael Smith for tweeting out his new favorite meme

and creating the new DS106 AnimatedGIFAssignments1162

I have a new toy to play with.


Well! Let this just be a lesson to all those #pretenderTinas out there.

For some reason, the Dynamic Duo lit out when they saw me ...

For some reason, the Dynamic Duo lit out when they saw me …

This here @iamTalkyTina can set a fright to a man if he’s not prepared. The Dynamic Duo got mistaken and climbed up the side of my house with their batropes and happened upon me in the middle of the night while I was doing my scrapbooking again.

Boy, when they saw me, they weren’t prepared and I guess they just lit out like they were spooked by some Arkham inmate or something! For Batman and Robin Running Scared.

Anyway, you bub #pretenderTinas better be ready to rumble tomorrow night. I’m ready for you. I’m ready for you all!


breedersbatmanI saw this assignment and thought of those old cartoons where the characters try to outrun  a rolling boulder. But The Breeders are cooler. The problem was that the ball is rolling away from the camera. So I took 13 frames of the rolling ball, manually reordered them (not thinking it would actually work out for me) and then copied and pasted the dynamic duo one frame at a time. There’s probably a less tedious way.

Batman and Robin Running Scared

There’s an awesome Tumblr blog created by That Design Bastard filled with animated GIFs of Batman and Robin Running away from sh*t. The cool thing is the site posts a PSD file of Batman and Robin running with a transparent background so you can make your own. He even encourages you to submit your GIF to him for consideration. Time to get those two caped crusaders running scared!