Snail Chase Commentary

For my second audio assignment, I did the “Car Chase Commentary” assignment. I knew I had to do something that incorporated my superhero character, and I knew that was going to be a stretch, because none of the audio assignments really lent themselves to that. So, when I came across this one, I decided to change it up a bit.

I was tasked with finding a boring video and giving it a color commentary. I found a video of a snail crawling, which, it doesn’t get much better than that. I wanted to do the commentary in-character as Little Rascal, which gave me the idea to have her be doing surveillance on this snail, which may or may not be a shape-shifting super-villain.

My video ended up as:

I watched the video a couple times, and then I went into audacity and recorded a rambling commentary (which evolved into more of a complaint) as Little Rascal, sarcastically describing the threat posed by this snail. I exported the audio, put the video and the audio into movie maker, and edited both until I got the timing right. I did record more audio than I needed because I misread the length of the video, so I had to find a natural stopping place in the audio before the end of the video, and trim the video to match the new length of the audio.

This assignment wasn’t too bad. I have experience with both movie maker and audacity, so the biggest challenge really was content creation.

Um… interesting.

I found myself working with the local news outlet to report on traffic conditions in the area. Lo and behold, I managed to find myself face-to-face with an actual car chase! Or, so I thought. Perhaps I got a little carried away.

Hear my wonderful voice here!

And check out the footage I so ceremoniously confused:

Car Chase Commentary

I love car chases. Who doesn’t? Cops being cops, stupid people being stupid people, a sense of danger. Yeah I hope no one gets hurt in the process but to me it is still fun to watch.

I used audacity to record my commentary while watching the clip but I wanted to do it a better way where I actually dubbed the audio instead of just posting the clip of my audio and video. I used Microsoft Movie Maker to import a clip using Youtube Downloader. I imported the clip talked through most of the video and edited the portion I thought was the best. The original video was 8 minutes and I did not think 3 minutes of commentary about the trees in a car chase was really necessary. I think that it came out great.  Not perfect but it was fun to be able to add my own narration as I see fit.

The car chase happened this week of two teens trying to reenact Grand Theft Auto while showing off their skills as Olympic track stars. Please people do not try this at home.

3.5 Stars

Audio Assignment: Car Chase Commentary (3 and 1/2pts)- “The Heroic Cone.”

Making this video was probably one of the most exciting things of my night (and that is not even sarcasm). I searched for “most boring video” on YouTube and found a video of a cone placed on the sidewalk with no movement or action whatsoever. I did the audio narration first by just watching the video of the cone intently and after a while, I truly believed that this was an interesting story. Afterwards, I wanted to make it look more like a breaking news broadcast on television, so I downloaded the “breaking news” intro and recorded myself talking on the webcam to show that I am the anchor. I also had a reporter on the scene, my bear Lil Wayne (not the rapper. Like Bruce Wayne, but little :D). I wanted to make this comedic and fun since for me it was fun to make (minus the threat of a virus when downloading the cone video). I ended the video by inserting the soundtrack of “Hymn of the Sea” from Titanic since it would add a dramatic effect. I really had a lot of fun with this.

I wonder if I could make a good news anchor or actress. Let me know your thoughts on the matter xD

Blog Post #1

For my first DS106 assignment I have done the Car Chase Commentary audio assignment. For this assignment I have taken a Youtube video and put my commentary over it in the form of color commentary that you would see on a local news channel. Please excuse the copious amounts of uhhh’s

Car chase commentary

Well, I am supposed to tell you about my procedures for getting to my artefact. Ain’t nobody…

Car Chase Commentary

Take any video. (The worse the video, the easier this is. Look for something with virtually no action. If it’s exciting, you’ll never keep up.)  Add your voice over as if you were a local TV news anchor attempting to provide color commentary without stating anything overtly factual. Add all the hedge words and banalities that exemplify this kind of coverage.

Like a Car Chase

This project was inspired by a Sklar brothers bit that I heard on the VA Beach AM comedy channel the other day. An edited and condensed version of track 16 is here.

Now on to the assignment . . .

Take any video.1 Add your voice over as if you were a local TV news anchor attempting to provide color commentary without stating anything as a fact or with certainty. Add all the hedge words and banalities that exemplify this kind of coverage.

If you’re looking for the DS106 tag/aggregation for the assignment go here (AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments1085).

The basic idea is this is almost the opposite of what we want students to do with writing. We want them to be specific, to eliminate hedge words, to make a strong argument, and to take a specific stance. In a class, I might flip it both ways. Have one understated version with no definite statements and then do another version which overstates things (like this Daily Show clip description which I may dig up the video for at some point). Or you could simply give them the option to either understate or overstate the commentary.

This is a quick and dirty example where despite my efforts I accidentally say a few facts. For instance, there’s no way I could really know that humanoid is small, nor that the utensil is plastic. Allowing for an editing cycle based on other people calling out facts might be possible depending on time.

1 The worse the video, the easier this is. Look for something with virtually no action. If it’s exciting, you’ll never keep up.