Final Summary

My final story is the Studio Ghibli Lawsuit! I chose this route because I am a huge Studio Ghibli fan. I’ve seen every single movie multiple times and Spirited Away is my favorite! I was married in 2001, when this movie first came out. My son was born in 2003. Many late nights, when my infant son wouldn’t sleep, Spirited Away entertained me.

When I first saw the prompt for this final, I wanted to do a real story about me. But, the prompt was clear that it must be about someone fictional. I struggled with this because it didn’t really fit with the heart of my blog. In the end, I found a workaround by still focusing on something dear to me.

While this assignment required the most work, it was the most fun. Once I had my idea, it didn’t take long to gather what I needed and create a full world around this theme of neglectful Studio Ghibli parents. Imagine my surprise when I looked online and saw that others had done videos about this topic as well! The one that I watched was called All of the Adults in Ponyo are the WORST!

This is where I got the idea to use a Bitmoji for myself instead of shooting video. I don’t really have the resources to do video the way I want at home, so this was a good workaround. I got tonsillitis this week and found my throat hurt, so using an AI voice was a great alternative. I’ve wanted to use AI for a while and I truly enjoyed trying it out. Though, it’s very difficult to find good AI sites which offer free downloads of the material you create. This part took the longest out of everything. AI is not perfect, pronunciation is difficult, and I found that AI is equal parts smart and stupid!

In addition, see my Youtube video below.

I also created two audio files. One was a fake radio newscast. The other were sound effects of No Face attacking the bath house where Chihiro worked.

For the newscast, I created an assignment for the DS106 assignment bank. I know we didn’t have to connect our work to assignments, but I thought it might be fun to create an assignment anyway. When I started this course, I said I’d never do that. But, I did! It was easy to create the assignment after I had already done the work. In fact, it was rather anticlimactic. You can see the assignment below.

All of the previous weeks’ resources put me in a good place to create these materials quickly and fairly well. I’m most proud of the news report. The No Face one was a challenge and I used about 15 sounds to get the full effect of a busy place filled with food, dishes, and people being attacked by a monster. Even though I attempted to not evenly space the sounds out, they still have a rhythmic quality about them which makes the audio lose some of its authenticity. I guess I still need to do some work to improve in this area. In the future, I hope to try making my own audio using GarageBand or some other app.

I also created two visual items. One is the class action lawsuit visual and the other is the heartbreaking Studio Ghibli children visual. These were probably the hardest for me. You can definitely tell that the quality isn’t amazing.

Criminal Profile News
Studio Ghibli Endangered Children

I used Adobe Express, which has become my favorite program for creating quick and professional looking art. I also used Adobe Express to create the intro image for my Youtube video on this assignment. There is still a lot I have to learn about that program though. For these images, I had to remove the backgrounds from most of the pictures. That was pretty easy and something I had never done until this class. I had to alter the contrast, brightness, etc., because most of the Ghibli characters have light outlines and neutral colors. These faded into the background. I tried to keep in mind the ideas from the color theory lessons. Design is not my strong point though. I’m very picky and often programs don’t quite have what I want. Regardless, I stand by these as part of the “lawsuit world” I created.

Finally, I did something that wasn’t required. Using Google Forms, I created a petition for justice for the Studio Ghibli children. This is a real form. People can actually sign up. And it includes links to my Youtube channel and blog so that people can follow the story. I thought it added a touch of realism.

Sign the petition! Haha! I tried to sprinkle in other media to make it realistic such as the links to a federal site about child endangerment, and the trailer for Spirited Away. I don’t know if these added to the realism or not, but I felt like they did.

During this project, I realized that it’s possible to create your own hype around any topic you wish. You just have to be smart in your decisions. Using Studio Ghibli as a title for my works has already gotten me views and followers on various platforms. The fake newscast I created has already been shared by someone and I gained a follower on it! Surprise, surprise. I wasn’t expecting it at all since this is a class assignment. I was very careful to make sure the description shows these items are part of fan fiction because I don’t want to be sued by Studio Ghibli or Hayao Miyazaki. That’s not how I want to be connected with this amazing company.

If you happen on this blog, Miyazaki san, I love your work. You’re an outstanding storyteller! I can’t wait to see your new movie, ‘How Do You Live? One day I hope to learn how you manage to create so much hype by not telling anyone what this movie is about and by not creating any trailers to advertise it. Amazing!

Image from by Hayao Miyazaki

Through this course, especially this final assignment, I gained insight into how social media works. I realize the potential I have to create a story and “sell” it to others, even if that story isn’t true. So, with great power comes great responsibility, right? Hopefully, I can use these skills to further my career and assist people with telling the stories of their historic preservation efforts. I also plan to use these skills in my personal storytelling since I have to keep a vlog of my activities during my study abroad trip in Paris, France next month.

If there was anything I would do differently for this course, I would really push myself more to use video that I recorded. While I have a new camera, I am not fully competent with it at all. I’ve been practicing, but I am definitely an amateur. The course moved so quickly that I could rarely formulate a vision in my mind for each assignment before it was due. That is challenging. But, at least I know what how to use video when I’m ready. I’ve already started to put in place small things that will make me more successful when I decide to seriously create content.

This course was challenging and fun. Thank you for the free resources!

Studio Ghibli Lawsuit!

Everyone is familiar with Chihiro Ogino from the Studio Ghibli film, Spirited Away. Spirited Away is a coming of age story of a ten-year-old Chihiro.

Image from

At the time of the movie, 2001, Chihiro’s family was moving to a new location. On the way there, her father, Akio, began speeding. He got lost and nearly hit a stone idol in the middle of a pathway. After slamming on the breaks and causing an unseatbelted Chihiro to be tossed around in the backseat, Akio and Yuko exit the car. Akio and Yuko, then notice they are near a large, abandoned theme park. Chihiro doesn’t want to explore with them, so they just leave her standing outside the car in the middle of the woods. This begins an epic journey fraught with danger for Chihiro. Her parents turn into pigs after being cursed for stealing the food of the gods. Chihiro must find a way to save them. To do so, she faces the evil sorceress Yubaba who takes Chihiro’s name and renames her Sin. Additionally, Yubaba forces Chihiro into an illegal work contract. Chihiro faces severe danger as a human in a spirit world. Everyone wants to eat her or hurt her. She constantly has to hide her true identity. During her adventure to save her parents she faces great peril from a No Face, a dragon, and Yubaba herself. Even baby Boh, threatens Chihiro at one point in the movie. After some time, Chihiro is able to befriend all these dangerous beings, helping many of them, and eventually saves her parents. In the end, it seems like everything works out for her as she gains some independence, maturity, and confidence. What a lovely ending! But, that wasn’t the true end of the story.

To see the full movie, click here. You do have to pay for it though.

About three years ago, the Studio Ghibli children joined together in a class action lawsuit against the parents of Studio Ghibli.

Criminal Profile News
Image collage created by Kelly Pratt

The children allege that their parents placed them in great danger, nearly resulting in the loss of life! The lawsuit started about three years ago when the statue of limitations on child endangerment charges was approaching for several of the Ghibli children. Among the first to join the lawsuit were Mei and Satsuki Kusakabe from My Neighbor Totoro. But, lawyers stated that they were too late to file a claim. Their film came out in 1988, and Mei reached the age of adulthood more than a decade ago. The group needed younger people to complete the claim. Ponyo and Sosuke from the Ghibli film Ponyo then joined in the lawsuit. Lawyers weren’t sure if Ponyo could be included because she was initially a goldfish. But she does now identify as a human girl. There may be a potential claim added on to the case to handle non-human claimants. Sosuke, on the other hand, had a strong case. His mother, Risa (Lisa) left a possibly six-year-old Sosuke during a major tsunami.

Risa (Lisa), Sosuke’s Mom.
Still from ‘Ponyo’ (2018). Complimentary Image from Studio Ghibli. Background removed by Kelly Pratt.

In addition, Risa left him with another minor, Ponyo. Sosuke risked his life to get to his mom, who decided to go to work during the worst tsunami ever known in their small town. Sosuke’s dad is nowhere to be found. It seems like he may have abandoned Sosuke and Risa. The case against Sosuke’s parents is strong, and they aren’t the only ones facing a favorable outcome.

Studio Ghibli Endangered Children
Studio Ghibli children heartbroken and in peril! Image collage created by Kelly Pratt.

Boh, the giant baby of Spirited Away, joined the suit earlier this year. Forever stuck as a baby, the statute of limitations never runs out on Boh. This made him a great person to join the lawsuit. It was because of Boh that Chihiro Ogino decided to join. A radio station had breaking news about the story earlier this week.

The full statute of limitations can be found at There a document named Child Endangerment Laws, Charges and Statute of Limitations’ by By Geoffrey Nathan, Esq, says that a person has from 3-10 years to file a complaint depending on the state where one lives.

A review of the trailer for Spirited Away, seems innocuous at first, but a second look reveals all the danger Chihiro faces once her parents abandon her.

This video explains it better than any words can. Just in this clip alone, Chihiro nearly dies at least 3 times! In addition, she faced great peril with No Face. No one is really sure who or what No Face is. He seemed innocuous at first. But, after some time, he began to eat, and eat, and eat. As he ate, he grew larger. Eventually, he was so huge that he ate the creatures around him. Each creature or being that he ate added more individual qualities to No Face. For example, after eating a talking frog, No Face was able to speak. Eventually, No Face turned his ire toward Chihiro. Here, you can hear how this terrible creature sounded when he attacked the bath house where Chihiro was working.

Without a doubt, this is a fearsome creature! It is amazing that Chihiro was able to escape the danger.

This audio clip served as the prosecution’s Exhibit A in the lawsuit which began yesterday. Stay tuned for more updates regarding the case.

As the lawsuit continues to gain momentum, even Youtubers are recycling the story. Chihiro received overwhelming support as videos flooded the internet. Here is an unique video which really explains the situation.

While the evidence against the Studio Ghibli parents builds, the case is still uncertain. Out of the more than twenty Studio Ghibli films, it is unclear how many of these children were endangered and if their claims are still valid. The prosecution has a long journey ahead of them. Needless to say, this site supports the children of Studio Ghibli, and especially Chihiro. She is one of the lucky ones who lived through her harrowing experience and came out traumatized, but stronger for it. Keep fighting, Chihiro!

Everyone who stands in solidarity with the Studio Ghibli children, please show your support by signing the Petition for Justice @ Studio Ghibli to bring these criminal and neglectful parents to justice.

Join our cry for justice:

Spirit them Away to Jail!!!

Breaking News!

Create a breaking news story. This should be fake news. You should create a dialogue and have an AI read it using text to speech. There are several free programs. One possibility is Mix in a news jingle to make your story sound legit. You can find some jingles on Be sure to give credit if necessary. 

Be creative, funny, or serious. The choice is yours. Just make it sound realistic.