So, for this audio assignment I chose to do Use the Voice. Using a voice over similar to the famous Don LaFontaine, I had to create a movie trailer out of an everyday thing, or something normal. I chose to do the birth of a baby.
Check it out!
Here is the transcript:
*action music*
In a world where fluid and placenta collide, when your life is no longer your own, one baby will change everything. The selfishness will fall, and the family will rise. One baby’s journey from womb to earth will quickly unfold.
*music silences*
*baby cries*
I got this idea from looking at several examples of TV trope listings and then came up with the idea of making an epic birth story.

Whenever people watch movie trailers the first thing that comes on is either the voice over, or some sort of action-packed soundtrack. I found mine from searching through YouTube and I ended up selecting “Epic Blockbuster Trailer Music.”

And downloaded it using

From a previous assignment I knew this video would not import directly into Audacity so I went to an online converter and changed the format to a WAV file.

Since I was doing a baby birth trailer I needed an actual baby’s cry to use, so I found one on Freesound.

Now, using Audacity, I recorded my voice (while speaking into a glass cup) with the dialogue I wanted to say. Don LaFontaine’s voice has a characteristic deep tone to it, and unfortunately mine does not. So in order to make my voice deeper than the cup gave me, I played around with the pitch until I got a sound that was as good as it was going to get. Hmph. To get to pitch on Audacity, go on top to Effects>Pitch

After I got the pitch down, I imported the movie soundtrack. There are points in the clip where I am talking but you can still hear the music in the background. In order to do this you have to change the volume of the music at the appropriate spots. Once you highlight the portion of the sound you want lowered, you have to click Effects>Amplify and then change the volume accordingly. For a smooth transition between my voice and the background music, I faded the end and beginning of the music where I wanted my voice to go, and then pasted my voice in that spot. I did the same thing when I added the baby cry in there too. Here is a screenshot of my different wavelengths of sound.

When I was done, I exported the sound as a MP3 file and then uploaded it to soundcloud.