That was a challenge but also a learning experience. For this week we were assigned a DS106 Audio Assignment and I chose FlickrSounds. I didn’t think this would be too hard but I did get stumped at one point.
The assignment says:
This is a simple mashup that searches Freesounsd and flickr for the same word. It then display the sound and picture. You can reload either until you get an image and sound you like. This can be added to a list, and the exercise repeated. Once you have a set of picture/sounds you can grab an embed code to put them on a blog. A set of pictures/sounds could create a story, illustrate a quote, saying or slogan. Make flickrSounds .
Here is what I created! Go ahead take a listen it is entertaining.

photo by Chasing Light Photography (Chris Martin)
Attribution-ShareAlike License
fan abuse.wav

photo by Chasing Light Photography (Chris Martin)
Attribution-ShareAlike License
fan abuse.wav
My focus theme for this semester is animal rights and activism. Thus the reason I chose the phrase “free abused animals.” I have a passion for animals and don’t like to hear stories about abused animals and would ideally like to open my own shelter one day to take in abused or neglected animals. I am not a vegetarian or anything that extreme but I feel that pet owners need to be help responsible for their actions.
For me it was difficult to find an audio assignment I was comfortable producing. I don’t like the sound of my recorded voice and many of the assignments asked that of you.
It was fun flipping through the different pictures and sounds that popped up, some were a little crazy. So this is a combination of three sound/image pairs that represent the words “Free Abused Animals.” Once I created them on FlickrSounds in the preview section it gives you all these options on how to export. I tried just about everything until I was blue in the face. Then I learned how to embed HTML. This was a cool thing for me because I don’t like dealing with coding (I took a Python class in undergrad.) but this was made pretty simple. The website creates the embedded code and then at the top of a blog post when you are editing you can click the HTML tab and embed the code! So cool! That was the largest challenge for me on this assignment.
Overall, this assignment was pretty easy but took me some technical know how to figure out.