Autotune Something

This was just a really silly exercise for me. I started by autotuning me talking to my dog but I didn’t get the harmonics that I wanted out of it, so I switched over to a song from the Animal Crossing soundtrack. Just using a pitch shifter, I took out a few of the harmonic frequencies in the piece and forced them to fit into a Gb6,9 chord. The results are pretty fun to listen to, especially if you know the source material!


Letting the demons take him over, Shia Labeouf is trying to motivate everyone listening to “JUST DO IT!”. Don’t listen to him though. You shouldn’t trust anyone with a demonic voice anyway. It could be possible that he is fighting the demons off since he voice is constantly changing throughout this bit of audio. Going off of that thought, Shia is trying to convince us to defeat him to make our dreams come true.

It’s interesting what you can do with pitches when you have digital tools like Audacity to autotune voices. I never thought I would ever autotune anything, but there’s a first time for everything. That’s how I decided create something this assignment. I went in thinking I would create something on T-Pain levels of autotune, but I ended up creating a demonic Shia Labeouf. Then it hit me how this could be a story of Shia fighting his inner demons because of how his voice is going all over the place.

To create this autotuned sound file, I first used to download my Shia Labeouf clip.

I then looked at this WikiHow to see what I needed in order to autotune voices. I then downloaded the Effect plugins that it recommended and intalled them before working on the audio.

In the image shown below, I am messing around with some of the settings in the downloaded plugin, GSnap, in order to edit Shia Labeouf’s voice. After I was satisfied with how it sounded, I exported the file as a MP3 and uploaded it to my SoundCloud.

just demon it

Auto Tuned death!

For this assignment I did Auto tune Something which was 1.5 stars and I have decided to dedicate this to my character. For this I found a sound of a man choking and auto tuned the noise to give it a new sound. I chose this sound because she kills her husband by poisoning him so what better thing then to have a sound of a man choking. I found the sound of the man on and then just downloaded it and uploaded it onto Audacity. The way to make it sound like an auto tuned noise was to change the pitch of the sound.


For another post related to my character, I chose Autotune Something (1 1/2 stars), in which you have to pick something that is not generally musical and autotune it. I chose this post because i only had 1/2 star left to relate to my character and this was to fill that little gap. I also picked it because I wanted to hear how different things sounded when autotuned.

For this post, I was going to use the canary noise that relates to most of my character posts, but that didn’t seem to change when autotunes. This was most likely because birds have great tunes already. So, instead, I chose to use the chainsaw noise that I used in my Sound Scape post from this week.

For this project, I used garageband and opened up the chainsaw sound effect from that I had used. I then edited the sound to be at 100% auto-tuned. After that, I saved it, uploaded it to soundcloud and posted it here:

Autotune Something: Rap Cat!

For the audio assignment Autotune Somethingwe were tasked with autotuning something that was not normally autotuned.  I decided that I would autotune a cat’s meow! The inspiration for this idea came from an old Checker’s commercial that a lot of people probably remember which featured a character known as Rap Cat.  I always found this commercial hilarious as a kid and decided to try my best to create a low budget cat rap of my own.  I scoured until coming across a sound clip of a woman’s cat meowing at her for nearly a minute, perfect for what I needed.  I downloaded and imported the clip into Audacity and realized that the cat meows sounded a little bland and boring on their own, so I went ahead and downloaded a generic rap/bass beat (credit to Freessound user Decentyo) and fit it to match the cat’s meowing.  As the rap beat clip was not long enough to cover the entirety of the meow clip, I duplicated and trimmed the beat so that it matched as closely as possible with the cat.

How I made Rap Cat


Once the beat was set, it was time to autotune!  To autotune, I went under the effects tab in Audacity and selected change pitch.  From there, I simply increase the pitch by about 10 semitones, which was a roughly 75% increase in frequency.  This resulted in a persistent and somewhat annoying meow changing into an obnoxious shriek.  Personally, I prefer the un-autotuned version as it is a lot nicer to listen to.  I linked them both below for comparison.

Autotuned Cat Rap

Un-Autotuned Cat Rap

Overall, this assignment was quite enjoyable, and resulted in quite a few laughs during the process of making it.  I love cats, and feel like my audio assignment pays homage to their inner rapper.

This audio assignment was worth 1 out of 5

Janet just got AutoTuned!

Autotune Something

You’ve heard Carl Sagan. You’ve heard Bed Intruder. You’ve even heard Gardner Campbell autotuned. Now it’s your turn. Take something not typically musical and autotune it.

I decided to AutoTune my voicemail for Janet Tyler because I have lost my voice and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to inflect enough to make the autotune work! I used GarageBand for this assignment and I created the effect by adjusting the automatic tuning to 100 and slightly increasing the tempo. I also added a “swirling echos” effect because I wanted to add a “Twilight Zone” flair to the auto tune.

See more cool autotunes here!

Assignment Value: 1 Star

Total Value for Week 2: 10 Stars


Time Enough to Autotune

So for this assignment we were supposed to download something that was normally autotuned and autotune it, I decided to choose a clip from The Twilight Zone episode “Time Enough at Last”

It was actually really boring autotuned and you couldn’t tell it was autotuned really at all except in one short clip so I added an ‘Orion’ effect to it.  It’s still boring, but I figured out how to autotune on Garage band….it took me a really long time because my brain and computer are slow.

Difficulty: 1 star

View the Original Assignment Here 

lets auto tune the ZONE

Do I decided to auto tune an episode of the Twilight Zone “Time enough at Last”  For the #ds106zone. Since auto tuning the whole episode would be to long to listen to, I only did part of the episode. I auto tuned the last 3 minuets which you can watch below

here is my auto tune of it

Doesn’t sound the best does it? There are a lot of long pauses in the speaking and no human sounds which don’t seem to auto tune. Since I was challenged to auto tune something that doesn’t get auto tuned normal, I went ahead with posting it. I borrowed my mother’s mac to use garage band to auto tune the episode.

So what do you guys think? I think there is a reason that nobody seems to auto tune the Twilight Zone episodes

This assingment is worth 1 star and can be viewed here


Rod Serling Autotune

I did Rod Serling, the host of the Twilight Zone. Enjoy!