a smug villager… – audio assignment –

animal crossing

Are you ready to hear Taylor’s manly voice?

I don’t think the world is ready for this opportunity.

Anyways, for today’s audio assignment, I did a text impersonation! And lord have mercy on my soul, I did so many takes of this that I couldn’t even…

So the text I used for this impersonation was by the awesome tumblr user (and one of my favorite fanfic writers), geek-fashionista:


I love her short Voltron fic series because they’re short and sweet enough to give me diabetes. Anyways, this was definitely a bit difficult to records…I don’t have a very manly voice let alone a deep voice and Shiro’s is definitely deep and manly. Regardless, I tried to make it work and used a door opening sound from freesound and the awesome Spongebob “Three Days Later” audio and Animal Crossing background music.

For those of you who don’t watch Voltron, Shiro has PTSD due to being captured by aliens and having fought and lost a limb for their experimentation. Animal Crossing is a really cute and relaxing game that many have found helpful with their stress, anxiety, and even OCD. So that’s why Pidge offers it as a game he can actually play.

So please, let me know what you think of either the impersonation or my lack of a manly voice!

Here’s the tutorial for how I edited the audio;



Read along to Facebook convos

The Text Impression assignment (worth 2  1/2 stars) was all about reading aloud text from Facebook or other social media site’s comments and trying to impersonate the people in the text. I decided to look through my own Facebook for inspiration. Originally I thought “oh easy i’ll just pick one of those times someone elses older relatives randomly comment on my pictures.” (Who hasn’t had that happen to them.) But as I went through I found those comments were only two max in a thread so it did not make enough sense to use them for the assignment. Instead I tried to find where I had gotten the most comments on a post that were interesting and not just short blurbs. I decided to pick a post I made way back when I got my first internship. I posted this photograph with a caption about my first day at work.


First day of work

I decided to start my audio with reading my own statement with the photograph to make sure it stayed in context. I recorded each audio separately so I could go back and fix select parts as needed and rerecord what sounded off. The conversation was between me and two other people. I tried to sound distinct in my voices from them but it was kinda hard I am not one for impressions usually. Regardless it was fun to try it out and see how to best convey their comments and how I knew they meant it based on their personalities so the subtext beyond the straight all caps text.

Juicy Facebook conversation…about hair

For this assignment, I struggled at first to find a conversation on me or my mom’s Facebook that was a long enough conversation to be recorded. Then, I went to my sister’s Facebook because I know she has some pretty funny things up on her page a lot of times so I figured it was perfect to find something. Then, I found a conversation about curling hair with a straightener and how my sister just could not do it and I thought it was pretty funny. I added some voices and then used Soundcloud to record it and it worked pretty well!




Audio Assignment 2- Text Impersonations

In this audio assignment, I chose Text Impersonations because it seemed like an assignment that could be made humorous since I have a lot of funny conversations with my mother and sister. For example, my mom was making fun of me one day because I used to be obsessed with Crocks when I was around the age of 10, and cried till I got them. My mother and sister haven’t forgotten about it ever since. This is a group text conversation between my mother, sister, and I about how I used to wear Crocks.

I used the Audacity program to record this assignment. The assignment also said to try to impersonate the people in the conversation, so I tried my best to impersonate my sister and mother, which is why my voice is high in some parts. This assignment was fairly fast but took some time to find a good, interesting conversation to impersonate, so I waited a long time to get a funny conversation to use for the text impersonations.


Sharknado IV

Don’t you hate in when you go to the beach with your family, and everyone gets bit by a shark. Yeah me too. I remember a day when this didn’t happen, it wasn’t even that long ago, maybe it was even yesterday… Now everyone knows climate change is bad, but how bad? Shark bad. If you thought that people were concerned about climate change before, then you are in for a big surprise.

As soon as the sharks started falling from the sky, that’s when we knew we had to stop. We had to stop the what we had done. Every being in the universe asked in unison “Has science gone to far?”, and the sharks answered “AHDFHASFDHSDFASDF”. Now we go to our top laypeople scientists on this subject:

If my sound cloud embedding failed, the direct link is here. The assignment was to read aloud a conversation that occurred on social media. I chose to use one of my facebook friends, he never fails to amuse me with his serious facebook posts.

The actual construct of the audio actually took longer than I thought, and it was mostly because I didn’t see some of the comments, so I had to record some of the other comments and then move some stuff around and then insert them back into the correct locations. This process took awhile.

So I would record a comment using Audacity, and then go down a track and then record the next one. This worked well, but between tracks I kept getting a clicking sound. I ended up adding a fade in and a fade out at the start and end of each recording respectively. In this way the transitions, became seamless. The only problem I really encountered was at the start of the audio there is this kind of buzzing sound, I couldn’t figure out what was causing it, it does not appear in the waveform itself, and it is not heard when playing back in Audacity, so I think it is a product of the compression algorithm used when converting it into the MP3 format. Very strange!


Downtown weekend gang (Audio Assignment Worth 2 stars)


For this Audio assignment we were asked to take a convo, and to narrate it. I choose a conversation between my friends and I that took place on Facebook. We created a chat group with all the friends and called it downtown weekend gang, and that’s how we communicate. This was an appropriate part of the conversation so I choose this one. I changed my voice as best possible to fit everybody’s style of talk and everybody’s voice.


This Convo was created through sound cloud, it was done through my phone to avoid background noise. Since I did it though my phone, I did not have to use an editing website to eliminate anything that would hurt the content of the audio.

I could have used an editing program to professionally change the voices, but I decided to be more creative and change the voices myself. Like I said this allows for more creativity.


The above link describes what the assignment was about.

The assignment allowed me to use sound cloud, to record audio, and is was a fun and new assignment to try, it allowed me to be creative and make fun of my friends in the process.





Text Impersonations

For this assignment (worth 2 stars), we were asked to take a group message, with multiple people, and impersonate them to create an audio version of the conversation.

I decided to choose this assignment because when I was scrolling through the assignment bank, I came across this assignment and smiled.  I knew immediately, I had to do this assignment.  This was the perfect way to incorporate my friends into my course work and it’s something we can all laugh at.  My friends and I can be very dramatic and it’s funny looking back to see what we talked about.

This was one of our conversations:

My friends and I have a group iMessage.  One of my friends is currently in Florence, Italy studying abroad.  She wanted our advice/vent to us about her frustrations with a lady who would not let her take her cab back to her apartment.

I shared this with my friends and they thought it was hilarious.

Text Impersonations – Shauberger Family Portrait

Life takes us down many roads – our family is on the road of foster care right now . . . A special picture from that special little someone ….

This was a fun assignment (text impersonations – 2 stars) and very easy. I’m starting to like audacity, sound cloud, and even Word Press lol! Once I read this assignment while browsing through them I knew it was the right one and fit the Facebook message I had read!

Amazon Impersonations

So this assignment turned out to be really fun and basically it was to find a text conversation and do an audio recording.  People who post on amazon are HILARIOUS, I was heart broken when I found out that the “Three Wolf Moon” shirt comment sections was a hoax, but Amazon customers are still funny without meaning to be lots of the time, especially if you imagine what they really sounds like as I did here:

Difficulty: 3 Stars

View the Original Assignment Here

Facebook Circa 1776

I chose Text Impersonations as one of the audio assignments to complete this week. The task was to, “take a conversation between multiple people over a text based medium, like Facebook or Twitter, and create a audio version of that same conversation.” I decided to use a cleverly made Facebook status, which imagined a status if Facebook existed in the 1700′s.

Here it is:

Screen Shot 2013-03-16 at 11.54.50 PMFound at vinniev.com

To create this audio, I used Audacity to layer my voice recording with the American Revolutionary War Ballad. To convert the Youtube file to mp3 format, I used this youtube-mp3 tool. Once my voice recording was complete, I added in the war song, and edited it to a short 25 second clip with no words, as that could have interfered with the readings of the posts. All in all, I am happy with the result of this project.

Here is my file in Audacity:

Screen Shot 2013-03-16 at 11.56.06 PM

And here is the final product: