Design Assignments: Create a Read poster- 3 stars

Since 1985, the American Library Association (ALA) has tried to sell reading books as cool by showing celebrities reading their favorite books. You can read about the history of this promotional campaign here. Experiment with this tradition, introduce a celebrity with a book who hasn’t been recognized yet, but should be. Or use the poster you create to poke fun at a public figure, or do something else all together. have fun.

Link to assignment:

This READ poster was inspired by The Twilight Zone episode, ” The Midnight Sun”.


Reading : Revolutionary

Che Guevara reads

Reading : Revolutionary

For Design Assignment 1089, we are challenged to create a poster featuring a famous person with a book. I have chosen to use Cuban revolutionary themed books (image on flickr cc by Bert van der Lingen) paired with a classic poster image of Che Guevara (image on flickr cc by Doug Wheller). I know that Che was a brutal prison administrator, overseeing the execution of political prisoners, and other mean things. But his image is iconic as a representation of Revolution. Perhaps Malcolm X would make a great image also, since he actually read and advanced his revolution while in prison.

I used Gimp to merge the two images together. For the text, I selected the Bookman Old Style font, because I like it and it is bookish.

This image is part of my personal history, also. I went to high school in a suburb of Miami, and was friends with many whose family had fled Cuba after the Revolution. The use of Che’s and Fidel’s image in the ’60s movements in the USA was somewhat of a contradiction for us.

Don’t wait until the end of the world to…READ!


I created yet another design assignment for ds106 because I’m just that good. This one is based on the Read poster campaign that started in 1985. Here is the description:

Since 1985, the American Library Association (ALA) has tried to sell reading books as cool by showing celebrities reading their favorite books. You can read about the history of this promotional campaign here. Experiment with this tradition, introduce a celebrity with a book who hasn’t been recognized yet, but should be. Or use the poster you create to poke fun at a public figure, or do something else all together. have fun.

Doing this in photo shop was pretty simple, I got the screenshot from the Twilight Zone episode “World Enough and Time” and added the caption on the top and the READ text on the side using the text tool and trying out the the Ringbearer font, which is very Twilight Zoney.  I  made it three stars because the real gold would be photoshopping books in famous figures hands, like Bill Clinton with Lolita, etc. Also, I always though the following image of Snoop Doggy Dogg would make a great read poster, so I did :)


Create a READ poster

Since 1985, the American Library Association (ALA) has tried to sell reading books as cool by showing celebrities reading their favorite books. You can read about the history of this promotional campaign here. Experiment with this tradition, introduce a celebrity with a book who hasn’t been recognized yet, but should be. Or use the poster you create to poke fun at a public figure, or do something else all together. have fun.