In the Spotlight

Original DS 106: Newspaper Design (4 stars)

Avery has won the competition! Her grandparents don’t really work well with the internet so she’s excited for them to get the morning paper to see what she has accomplished. Her, on the front page? Everyone knowing who she is? This is the complete reverse of what her entire life has been. Wow, the Daily Dallas. Everyone reads this! And if they don’t, it’ll probably end up on Tweeter anyways. Whew, time to see what they wrote.

Step 1: Open, on the search bar look for newspaper. There are multiple templates to choose from, even for electronic newspaper, which are just referred to as blogs now. I decided to choose one that looks pretty classic to stick with Avery’s small town theme we have going.

Step 2: Edit! This is the easiest and hardest part. If you like how the template is already, you can just edit the texts as well as incorporating your own pictures to the newspaper. Below is what the original template looked like before my edits.

I really liked the overall layout and divided sections of this template. I treated it as if it were the front page of the newspapers and made edits to adjust to my news. I added a DD in the top right corner to represent the Daily Dallas newspaper, as well as incorporating photos of Avery. I also included other things that are usually in the newspaper, like the weather, promotions of sales and other iconic people.

Step 3: Customization. I put this as a separate step from editing because there are small things throughout a template that can be changed and make a difference. For the template I selected, there are a few things I made sure to change. The two sub headings and main heading, as well as the website at the bottom. While the main heading may be a given, changing the sub headings from “Business & Marketing” and “Website Exclusive” add more to the story. This is not part of business or marketing in the stock market sense. Nor is it a web exclusive because it is supposed to be accessible to Avery’s grandparents who don’t like new fangled technology.

Step 4: Export! Export using the “Share” button in the top right corner to save as the appropriate form of media. There is JPG, PNG, GIF and even PDF. Canva will usually default to the one that best fits, but you are able to change it.

“Ds106 Newspaper”

For this week, we had to do 10 stars worth of design assignments. I have a total of 8 stars so I choose the assignment to satisfy the requirement for the week since it was rated 4 stars. This assignment was to design a newspaper and add a story to it whether it was real or made up. Since I had one out of two character incorporation I decided to combine my character with this assignment also. Furthermore since I had already made a crime scene I decided to use that for the story of the newspaper. I used PowerPoint to create the newspaper and pasted the picture. Then I created the story around the crime scene like any other ordinary newspaper would. The newspaper story I made was about someone discovering the dead body that Agent Zero killed so the newspaper tells a more background about persona. I had fun creating the newspaper and once again adding more foundation to my character. I believe doing these makes my character come alive so I am excited to make more in the future.

News Paper Design

news paper

For this challenge I poked a little fun at today’s political environment. If we can’t laugh at ourselves we will go crazy. I created this with Microsoft Publisher. None of the news is real, it’s just stuff I made up from my observations of people and events, so please don’t have a melt down or panic attack. VW won’t put a BMW label on your car. I hope it gives you a little laugh.

You can find this assignment at, it’s worth 3.5 stars.

Newspaper Article

This is a 3 Star design assignment.  This assignment is to create a newspaper article and I used it in my Storify story for another project.  I used Microsoft Word to create this paper article.  It explains a lot about why my character is who she is.


Newspaper Design Assignment

Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 11.47.58 PMThis is a design assignment that is worth 3 stars and asks us to design a newspaper. I have choose this assignment because I wanted o challenge myself and make things I have not done before like creating a newspaper cover page story. I went an extra step and used another character my classmate Dalina have created as well as my character. I made a story involving a noir theme and what our characters as stars would end up in. Feel free to check it out and for better view I have uploaded the picture in flicker feel free to check it out:





Who can spot the lie?

Newspaper Design (3 stars)

Design a newspaper. Using word, photoshop, or whatever make a fictional newspaper, and put together the front page for today. You can use real articles or you can write your own, but the design of the newspaper should be original.

Story Behind the Story

I really wanted to portray Stella in a good light this time around. However, with a noir character, there is always going to be an ulterior motive. While this article praises her new, innovative way of thinking, it also highlights how she comes to manipulate her clients. Yes, she spends a day in their footsteps but it is not just to get them more comfortable confiding in her; her sole purpose is to learn the ins and outs of their lives. She wants to know their daily routines so she knows exactly when she can strike and what kind of impact it will have on their lives. For instance if she discovers that her client is terrified of the dark and it causes panic attacks, she would know exactly when they would be home and exactly where the tripper was to shut off the nights. She gets some sick satisfaction from mentally terrorizing her clients and then comforting them after the fact.

This assignment was a little bit more challenging. It took me some time to figure out what exactly I wanted her article to be about. Did I want to make it about her tragic childhood? Did I want it to be about her start as a psychologist? But then I realized I wanted to give some background about how she always gets away with her criminal antics. By having her spend a day in the life of her clients, it explains how she knows where each one lives and where certain things are laid out in their houses.

The design that actually went into this made it more real. I didn’t want to just come up with a layout or use a picture of Centralia, PA. I actually spent a great deal of time trying to find a picture of “Stella” to incorporate on the cover. I also wanted the right layout. I spent just as much time piecing together the different elements, layout, picture, and dividers as I did writing the article. Design really is about the whole process coming together; each element is a contributing factor.

Work Itself

Stella's Article

Narrate the Process

I went online and found a newspaper cover story layout. Then I looked up the description I gave of Stella and tried my hardest to find a picture that would resemble her details. Eventually, I just had to drag a picture into GIMP and alter the eyes to make it the perfect picture.

From there I just began to write. I inserted made-up quotes to make the article seem more real and authentic.

This was all about showing a different perception of Stella.

The Daily Police Bulliet

The first assignment that I did of the design assignments is the Newspaper design worth 3 star. What was asked to do was to make a newspaper that you personally design. I made mine about Sheriff Caleb (my noir character). This newspaper is what the officers in his area decided would be a good thing to start so that the citizens knew what was going on. Each officer has to write their own story and try and help the people understand something. I had fun making this paper and I think I made it rather interesting.


What is black and white and red all over?

One of this week’s design assignments was to “Design a newspaper. Using word, photoshop, or whatever make a fictional newspaper, and put together the front page for today. You can use real articles or you can write your own, but the design of the newspaper should be original.” The assignment was creatively called “Newspaper Design.”

I decided to base the article off of my noir characters that I created in week 2. I have been working on this murder mystery for several weeks now. I previously wrote a Quentin Tarantino type version of the break in events and I also developed a sound story.

[Worth 3 Stars]

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I create this layout using a website called ARTHR. It gives you templates for various styles of newspapers to choose from, and helps you design your very own version of one. I found the pictures of my characters by doing simple google searches such as “handsome middle aged man” and “sexy spanish woman with blue eyes.”What is black and white and red all over?

Longs In The Headlines

Slide1 (3 stars)

I chose to do this assignment to relate back to my character because we know that Longs can do both good and bad. I created my own New York newspaper because that is where he is from. The background is blue because that is his favorite color, although it is actually dark blue, this is the closest blue that I could get. I didn’t put a picture of him because we haven’t released what Longs truly looks like yet, just given a physical description. This is a headline in the paper that I created and it is just warning people about Longs because although he is a detective he is also up to both good and bad. He helps people, but he also can be found helping the wrong people. This is just a warning to the public not to mistake his appearance for someone who is always up to good things.

Black & White & Re(a)d All Over? (Not a Penguin with Chicken Pox!)

Design Week is kicking my ass, just like every week. This assignment is entitled Newspaper Design (worth 3 stars.) The task?: Design a newspaper. Using word, photoshop, or whatever make a fictional newspaper, and put together the front page for today. You can use real articles or you can write your own, but the design of the newspaper should be original.

Well. I decided to create a paper that related back to my character Blair Morgan (since 6 of my stars HAVE to.) Basically, I posted her husband’s obituary. If you haven’t read my TV show plot on his death, you should. If you don’t want to, basically Blair and her kids planned to kill Charles (her husband/their father), but staged it as an accident. His obituary appears in the Leighton Lay-Down, since they live in Leighton, AL.

Here is my final product:

Leighton LayDown


I made this masterpiece on Word, with a pre-made Publishing Newsletter, which I ended up altering a bit to fit my tastes/needs. I picked a color palette, but I ended up not using it because I realized that newspapers are black and white…and read all over DUH. Anyway, if you are wondering who that strapping young man playing the part of Charles Arnold Sr is… that is my grampa. I decided to use his picture because I honestly would do anything to honor him. It’s been just over a month since his death, and it is still hard, but I know he’d want me to work him into assignments if I could. I wrote both the obituary, as well as the story about town square. Do you recognize the gazebo picture? YOU SHOULD. It has appeared as a staple in Stars Hollow, CT and Bluebell, AL. IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE REFERENCE THEN GET OFF OF MY POST AND GOOGLE IT.

I had a really good time with this assignment. It wasn’t too difficult, but it was still challenging. I was trying to be precise, as well as use relevant information of the time for the in this issue section. This post was fun to make, and I wouldn’t mind making more of these in the future. Relating it back to my character made it even more entertaining to make. I would definitely recommend this to other students who are struggling to relate posts back to their character. It is also really important for us to understand how newspapers work, because they are definitely a dying breed. While we have online blogs and newspaper websites, there is nothing really like the feel of a newspaper in your hands. You will definitely be hearing more about how Blair and her kids actually got away with murder.