Contradiction Creation

I decided to do the contradiction creation assignment. I found this photo on the internet and then edited it to add the text using Preview on my macbook. It was pretty easy once I learned how to do it. I decided to caption it “Nature Sucks” because clearly that is a contradiction. If you look at the photo you can easily see the beauty of nature. I really enjoyed doing this project. It was fun and creative.

Contradiction Creation-I freaking love these

These things are so funny and perfect. I hate the cheesy photo with some inspirational quote, so the first person to create satire off of it is my hero. For this, it was really easy. I just found a basic nature picture on creative commons and thought of a funny quote I saw the other day. I love this project because at first glance, your mind goes one direction and then the quote yanks it in a different direction.

But for real, SHOULD vegetarians eat animal crackers? Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

Contradiction Creation

The picture looks so soft and loving, but there is a darker story to these people. Agent man bear pig strikes again….

Agent Smith – Contradiction

Greetings, fellow agent. On my quest to infiltrate my nemesis’s super secret new lair, I found this picture which may provide a clue! It’s completely contradictory….so what could that mean?

Agent smith, signing off.

-Agent Smith

Concerts suck!

For my first assignment, I decided to do the Contradiction Creation assignment. I chose to do a concert picture because I thought it was pretty funny to do a contradiction of that since I am currently at a conference all about campus activities and my role is the chair of productions, so I do all the concerts.

This assignment was rated 3 stars

Here is my final product! 

Contradiction Creation

Create some sort of graphic. Design the overall graphic to convey some sort of feeling or theme, but then have text saying something completely contradictory to the theme or feeling. Sort of like one of those old anti-motivational posters, but with more design than a black box with a white frame.