Week 5: Assignment Bank

I Can’t Eat This
Body image is a very serious topic because people can’t enjoy their food or life because they are always worried about what to eat or what people think about them eating something like a bacon cheeseburger. I chose to show someone holding up a sad face because its not just one sided, anybody that feels ashamed of something involving food doesn’t want to show it.
Let’s bring back the 80’s and stay there!!!!
Donate at your local library to get that much closer to going back. I had some fun with this poster because I think the “Back To The Future” series is really good and it tied in well with wanting to go back the 80’s like our theme.
Lost Hat
Any news on where my apocalypse hat is please call the number on the poster. The hat is my only chance at survival. I wanted to keep this lost hat poster simple because if it was an actual apocalypse nobody would want to read a whole paragraph, they would just want to get straight to the point.
Greetings from the Big Apple
I personally love visiting New York City because there’s so much going on and there’s a bunch of cool hidden restaurants you can find and go to.

Body Image Book Cover

I decided to create a body image book cover centered towards females. I picked a background color of purple, created the title to Be Your Beautiful Self, and sketched a curvy female body. I wanted it to be a simplistic looking book cover, but still have a strong purpose. I did this all in Photo Image Editor Pixelstyle.

#DesignAssignments #DesignAssignments2241

Book Cover Design

I work in managing aquatics and honestly, I can’t tell you how much stupid stuff happens at the pool specifically with chemicals. I am continuously baffled by the lack of common sense I witness, with that in my mind I created the following book. Again I am really bad at photo editing, like bad, I almost threw my laptop trying to create this.

My First Book

For this assignment, I did quite a bite of planning before putting it all together. I looked through many different types of pictures to put on the cover. I finally made up my mind with this one; I loved the way it outlined a natural woman’s body. Then I found a blank book through Google image. I used Photoshop to put it all together. First, I used the Lasso Tool to cut out the body. I wanted to have the a curvy edge around woman’s body. Then using the Text Tool, I wrote the title of the book. So without further ado, I introduce my first book!

Photography of a #BodyPosi

I think body positivity is something that hits home for me, as I assume it would for many women especially. The constant societal expectations to have the perfect body is so exhausting to have on one’s shoulders. Men experience it too, but being a woman, I see it from the women’s point of view. Don’t be too skinny, don’t be too fat. Have no stomach on your belly, but thick thighs. What? Its all bull****, honestly.

For this assignment, I was supposed to make a book cover about body positivity. I realized that most of us were going to do an illustration of some sort, so I felt that it would be nice to incorporate some pictures that I took instead. I asked Heather to be my model (as always).

I think there is a big misconception that if you’re going to be “body positive”, you have to be somewhat overweight by societal definition. I don’t think that’s true. I think women (and men) struggle with their body when they are all shapes and sizes. I had a friend who struggled to gain weight due to a condition that she had. She was so self conscious about it, and felt she was seen as this feeble little girl. I have also met women that struggle to lose weight, and everywhere in between. No matter what size you are, you can be negative about your body, and you can also be confident. Therefore, I chose to use someone to model that IS very confident in their own skin and their weight.

I used Canva to make this design, by using half template for a magazine/half creating my own. I absolutely love using canva, as i’ve used to a lot in the past before, so I actually really enjoyed doing this assignment. I also took the picture with my Nikon DSLR, and I edited it with Adobe Lightroom. I don’t think it turned out half bad, do you?? Let me know in the comments below!


Body Image Perception

For this 5 star assignment I chose to design a book cover about body image. Just like my last design assignment I created this book cover on Canva. If you were to read this book it would be about why people feel over exaggeratedly dissatisfied with how there body looks. From a psychological perspective, there are people that are afraid of being judged and really care about what people think of them. Some people crave the “social process” of body image and feel like they have to do it for other people instead of themselves. This can lead to eating disorders and unhealthy habits. People should love themselves more and not kill themselves over how they look. So the main theme about this book is instead of caring about other people’s judgement, having a deeper understanding about your body can create a better perception of your body.

Glad I did chose this assignment as it sends a great message to people that can relate. Feel free to download or just view this book cover below:

Power To The Body

The first assignment of the week (5 stars) was to create a book cover with design in mind. The book cover had to be about Body Image. First, I fund clip art of a girl looking in the mirror and seeing a fat version of herself. I picked this because I feel like body dysmorphia usually happens in girls so the mass majority of people trying to pick up this book would relate more to a girl being on the front cover. Next I found a book that was red. I wanted this to be red because in the picture I picked, the girls is wearing blue, and looking into a pinkish/red mirror. In my opinion, I like the clash of blue and red so I put those together and I also wanted to keep the pinkish/red of the mirror consistent with the background. I also felt that black, white, or ay other color wouldn’t correlate with this book so I chose red. Next, I went into my photoshop mix app by Adobe and I mixed the picture and the book together so the picture was placed towards the bottom, but left room for text above and below. I then went into my Pic Stitch editor app and added the title in black “Do you feel this way?”. I picked this title because I felt that a person trying to search for this book can pick this up and say “yes I do.” This grabs their attention and would aid in someone buying or renting this book. I put the letters in white because I thought it stood out. However, as you can see on the bottom I used black because I think the black stands out more than the black and the black is more important on this book. I wanted to convey that this book will help, more than aid in the pity of what the person is already feeling. I also capitalized these letters to draw attention to what I think is the most important part of the book. I then added a little slogan towards the bottom to add spice to the book and to allow the reader to understand the purpose and mood of this book. I used black, to contrast the “LETS TALK” and to not take away too much from the main message. For this cover I tried to make everything neat, symmetrical, and organized because someone coming for help doesn’t want to see ads on it, or extra text that may sway them from reading it. I wanted to keep it simple, to the point, and to only convey what is important. Here is my result.

Body image book cover

Hey everyone! Welcome to week 5 of #DS106. We are getting into design. For my first 5 star design assignment of the week, I have taken the challenge of creating a body image book cover. Personally, I have always been more drawn to books with covers that are not all that busy. In honesty, I like books that have very minimalistic covers. Two examples of my favorite book covers from books that I have read would be The Thank You Economy, Good to Great, and some others that are similar.

My book cover design was mostly inspired by the thank you economy’s cover, hence the orange cover. I remember being initially drawn to the book because of the orange cover. I have no idea why, but it has always been something that stuck out in my mind.

Body dysmorphia is something that has been a hot topic of discussion for many years. Between magazines and news talk shows, it seems to always be a talking point nowadays. This being said, body dysmorphia has just now been brought to the forefront of the weightlifting community’s discussions.

At first thought, it might not make sense, but people who spend many hours working to improve their figure and strength in the gym every week also suffer from body image issues. The people who come to mind more often when we think of body image issues struggle with exactly the same problems as some of these professional bodybuilders and powerlifters do. Anyway, I’m not sure where I’m really going with this, but here’s the body image book cover I made, I think it’s an important topic for discussion going forward.

I wanted to keep the cover simple, and I used a few tools on pixlr.com to edit the image and draw up the body on the cover. I used the blur tool to make the image less sharp from where I drew on the body.

Introducing My New Book!

That’s right! You read that right. Introducing my new book How To Love Yourself In A Society That Tells You Otherwise, an Amazon best-seller.

To create this assignment, I looked for an image that represented what I wanted to have as my book cover and then opened the image on Paint. I then added text so I could a title and my name. Afterwards, I went to Google and searched for best-selling logos and saved the image. I cropped the image and added it to my book cover. Check it out below and let me know if you’d purchase a copy!

Body Image Book Cover Design

This is a cover for a book that I made which talks about Body Image and how it effects us physically and psychologically.