Created the bank assignment from One Story / Four Icons, initially using a PowerPoint to create the icons and airdropping into my photos to upload into this blog.
The point of the assignment is to create 4 icons for others to guess the film. The 4 icons are suppose to represent what the movie is about. Mine is an 80’s film, late 80’s film.
I’ve seen this film once or twice, okay, lost count. I think I made it easy enough for others to guess the movie!
Can you guess what 80’s movie this image is describing?
Once again, I have tied in our 80’s theme for this assignment. These 4 images describe important parts of the plot of a very famous 80’s movie. Some icons are part of the title and, others pertain to the storyline. I used Canva to create this image and, searched free icons to find these images. Comment if you can figure out what movie this is!
Well this final product demands an immediate apology – as I’ve mentioned before, I CANNOT use GIMP, and it’s really quite frustrating. As many tutorials as I watch, GIMP doesn’t work properly. 0% rating for user friendliness.
The goal of this challenge was to sum up a movie using four different icons. Mission FAIL. But I guess you win some and lose some. I genuinely tried my best, otherwise, I would not be posting this. I admit my limits, and this is it.
My frustration stemmed from an inability to make anything work. The most I could do was change the background color. GIMP would not let me move my objects around, resize them, or remove the backgrounds. I want to say I learned something from the challenge. Perhaps the only thing would be to accept defeat. Because again, despite almost an hour of tutorials on GIMP, I really couldn’t get it working.
Nonetheless, if you’re interested in the details of this challenge, it is linked below:
For this assignment, for 3 stars, I did the “One story/Four Icons” design project. I will not say what the movie is, but I wanted to make this assignment 80’s themed. My point was to pick out the main concepts in the movie, or what icons people will most widely associate with this popular film. I used the Noun Project to pick my icons, downloaded them, and then posted them on a Google Doc and screenshotted. I really like the Noun Project for icons now and I will be sure to use it more in the future. I think my icons will be pretty easy to guess, but please try and guess below! With the movie, I wanted to choose icons that were central to the storyline, but came up with a few that I think might be a little harder to piece together. Here is a screenshot of my assignment below.
This assignment was a lot of fun to try and come up with. The prompt was to pick a movie and come up with basic elements then reduce them down to 4 single icons to tell the movie so others can guess it for 3 stars. I decided to stray from the 80’s theme that most of my projects and movies have used because I figured my classmates could guess the movie because I repeat my favorite 80’s movies in any assignment I can. These icons are for a 2018 movie categorized as mystery/crime. That is the only hint I am going to give for these icons.
The top left picture is a cop, next to it is an egg, the bottom left picture is evidence, and finally a board game. I think these are pretty simple icons to guess the movie the only issue is if you haven’t seen the movie I don’t know how easy it will be to guess.
I think I did good on this assignment I was creative picking important features in the movie while still trying not to give it away to my viewer. The inspiration for the movie came from the recent movies I have seen that are newer on DVD. The inspiration for my assignment comes from the weekly page and a classmate, Megs and Bacon‘s creation of 4 icons allowing me to see how easy and fun this assignment can be. I am impressed how these icons came together to tell the story and it makes sense in my head, but I am the one that came up with these. I look forward to seeing what people think these icons are!
So before I just give away the answer to my icon story, let’s go through the process of doing this.
I am not good at design. I want to be good at design. Much more practice is needed.
Wowza. This was a process. I am not good with technology and kind of fumbled about for a little. I eventually got there, but boy, was it a mess. I’m pretty happy with the final product though. Which, if you haven’t already guessed, is Indiana Jones. It’s a classic.
For this creation, I had to compile three icons that sum of a movie! I won’t tell you which 80s movie this is, so leave a guess! I used for this 3 star assignment as well because I think it’s useful to create icons! I tried my best to lay down some of the most important icons in the film itself. I used my laptop trackpad to make loose shapes of what I wanted, and then I let the website guess and replace the image for me.
The first image is a television, the second is a house, the third is an angry ghost, and the fourth is a sort of vortex or portal (It was originally a lollipop but I edited it haha).
I’m excited to comment and guess on other posts this week!
I very badly wanted to make my usual title pun and song quote with this post, but the assignment calls for a little ambiguity! I figure that my image is going to be easy to guess, but I’ll still play by the rules.
The task for the assignment, One Story / Four Icons is “to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of them. Write your blog post up but do not give away the answer, let people guess! The challenge is to find the icons that suggest the story, but do not make it so easy. For icons a great resource is The Noun Project.”
Oops, I made it easy. But I did so to make a design point (and because I’m taking to heart the Ds106 rule that there is no wrong way to do an assignment). The assignment tasked us with using 4 icons to represent a movie. They recommended ‘The Noun Project,’ which is an OK place to get vectors, but I usually make my own. Now, I had every intention of making ‘The Noun Project’ type vectors in Illustrator, but I decided that 4 black and white icons are a little lackluster. And one of our rules for design is that it should be enjoyable.
Once I had my movie in mind, I started researching tidbits about the movie. That’s our step one in the design process- to figure out the meaning of whatever we have to design. I noted the characters’ appearances, their nicknames, and their roles in the movie. Based on that information, I started conceptualizing ideas. That’s step two- give form to the meaning. And rather than having flat icons on a white background, I wanted to give them a home. Icons don’t have to be flat and distinct. Rather, they can be viewed collectively as one unit. This is step three- adding details with purpose.
And finally, we have an end result:
Is it functional? I think so! Is it aesthetically cool looking? I think that’s a check too! Even though the icons are not as simple and hard-to-guess as stock made vectors are, there’s still enough ambiguity in the design to peak interest. And to me, that’s the heart of this assignment- icons that are, well, iconic.
I loved thinking about what icons to use to describe this movie. It was kind of hard trying to pick stuff that wasn’t too obvious, but was still easy to identify.