When I Grow Up…I Want To Be Famous

What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
2.5 Stars
Design Assignment

Using a postcard from the past was a great opportunity to spark Brooke Davis’ motivation to fulfil those dreams of hers, and to never give up. I made the postcard a lot about what my final project story was shaping into because I didn’t want to have just a random postcard of no meaning to just show up in my storyline. I used MS PowerPoint to create the postcard. I chose a background design that I loved, simple and classy. I then changed the font to a somewhat cursive-looking font, to make it look handwritten and not just typed up in 10 minutes. I also made up a random address, making sure the location was where One Tree Hill actually took place, in Tree Hill, North Carolina. For the stamp, I got a stamp clipart from Google, and inserted onto my postcard to make it seem as if it were going to be sent back in the day.


This was a relatively easy assignment, but I didn’t choose it for that reason. I felt as if this played a strong role in my story of who Brooke Davis made of herself after One Tree Hill was over, and her dreams were still being sought. Also, remembering the hundreds of episodes I watched of the show, Brooke Davis was definitely a writer when it came to feelings, especially when it came to Lucas Scott during her high school days, ha! She wrote her dreams and thoughts and feelings on paper, so what’s nothing better than reminiscing a memory from the past?


For my final ??????assignment, I chose “What you want to be when you grow up”?for which the prompt is?

It’s about time you thought about the big question: What do you want to be when you grow up? Design a postcard from where and what you will be 10 years from now and write a message to your current self.

I chose to complete this assignment in two different designs–one for each side of the postcard. Here is the address (to my current self):

The base of which I got from this site (which has a fascinating history of the postcard).

The back of the postcard is here–

This was a bit tricky–I used the same background, covered it, added a script layer, and then pasted on a piece of a painting I did a long time ago. I’ll let you guess about the “mood” and the “meaning” and all of that for yourself though :)

What I want to be when I grow up

You’re taking a college class here, so it’s about time you thought about the big question: What do you want to be when you grow up? Design a postcard from where and what you will be 10 years from now and write a message to your current self. Firefighter? Cop? Jim Groom-ologist? Let your imagination go wild- What do you want to be when you grow up? Check out an example here.