Design an Invoice (3 stars)
Create an invoice for a transaction that has happened in a film, TV series, etc. For example, Boba fett’s invoice to Jabba the Hutt for capturing Han Solo.
Story Behind the Story
This assignment was dedicated to my character Stella Vaughn. With this invoice, I wanted it to have a dual purpose. It could either be construed as someone who is a do-it-yourselfer (DIY) or someone planning manipulative and potentially harmful crimes. Half way through completing this invoice I almost expected to get a phone call from someone monitoring suspicious activity on the internet. I was googling wire strippers and key molding kits to find realistic prices for the payment. This class is going to get me in trouble with all of the background research I am doing for this character (my emergency contact list is taped to the refrigerator just in case).
Anyway, after my sketchy history had been deleted, I started to piece together what each of these items meant individually and as a whole. I figured my store could be a typical hardware store mixed with Lowes. It would have all sorts of material needed for home projects. The title Duct & Cover is a play on words. “Duct” is supposed to come from Duct Tape but morphed with “cover,” it is supposed to sound like Duck and Cover. This is not only an illusion to the hardware stores inventory but also a hint at Stella’s true intentions in purchasing these materials.
Wire Stripper: Stella could play this off as a purchase for her husband who likes to fix any electrical problems in the house instead of trusting a stranger to do it. However, the real reason is for her use; she would use this as a way to mess with the lights and phone line during one of her mentally disarming attacks on her clients.
Hedge Clippers: While Stella finds gardening soothing, she also needs something a little stronger for when she is breaking through chains and padlocks. However, walking by her home, her bushes and flower beds are perfectly trimmed, so no one would suspect the need for hedge clippers.
Key Mold Kit: As we learning in the What’s in your bag assignment, Stella has a pretty wealthy set of keys in her purse. You didn’t think those were all original copies did you? Each time she has a new client, Stella has her secretary give them a tour of their office and take down any pertinent information such as emergency contact, phone number, closest friend/relative etcetera. While this is taking place, Stella creates a mold of all of her clients keys and makes a copy for herself once they are gone. BUT to an ordinary person, Stella’s reasoning for a key mold kit is that she is forgetful of her keys so she always makes copies to give to her husband, so she figured she would just buy a kit instead of going all the way to the store to have them made.
Two Pairs of Gardening Gloves: One of these gloves is actually used for gardening. SHOCKING! I know. Everyone has their escape. The other pair is to ensure that her fingerprints never leave her sight.
Work Itself

Narrate the Process
I attempted to think of somewhat casual do it yourself projects that people could have and then tried to think of a movie with a villain and what kinds of tools would be present. It was a lot of balancing. I wanted each item to be justified in an ordinary situation. While I have rarely heard of someone doing their own electrical work, I figured a little bit of a stretch was acceptable.
I found a template online, and then added in the items. I tried to be realistic in price. It is amazing how something as simple as creating a fake invoice turns into this elaborate plan with all of these hidden meanings. The process that went into each item was intricately thought out.