Week 12: Mashups and Remixes

Remix It: Put a ‘stache on it.”
Song: Tequila by The Champs
I had to create myself in the animoji app and then I found the facial hair section and chose the classic mustache. Its basically Christmas now so I had to put the Santa hat on.
Remix It: Cancer Sucks
Rambo First Blood Poster turned into Cancer Awareness Poster! He’s coming!
Im a big fan of Sylvester Stallone movies especially the Rambo series. I thought the quote under the red bold STALLONE fit well with people battling cancer. It’s a sad but true statement about what people with cancer go through. I made this poster in Canva which made it very easy.
Favorite Movie Clip
After their plane crashes in Alaska, six oil workers are led by a skilled huntsman to survival, but a pack of merciless wolves haunts their every step (IMDB). Im a big Liam Neeson fan because of his high action movie roles. The last seen on the video I find very powerful and moving, the way Liam Neeson acts in it blew my mind the first time I watched this movie. The clips were cut up in iMovie.
The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video-Mashup Edition)
In the past couple of years these shows and movies have become some of my favorite to watch on repeat. I did the same thing I do with all my video clips, I download them off youtube and then cut them up in iMovie, in this case it was 2 second clips.
Inappropriate Laughter
The Avenger Endgame movie had a lot of hype this year and I believe it delivered. The final battle is a very serious moment and every marvel comic fan knows what will happen to a mortal who snaps their fingers with the Infinity Gauntlet, so this cartoon laugh is very inappropriate for this final scene. This was also cut up in iMovie and the cartoon laughter was downloaded off freesounds.org

I GUESS THAT’S WHY THEY CALL IT (the contest nobody could win)

? And I guess that’s why they call it the contest nobody could win
Time on my hands could be time spent with you
Laughing like children, living like lovers
Rolling like thunder under the covers
And I guess that’s why they call it the contest nobody could win ?

Elton “Melody” John

It’s time to play, ‘Guess That Movie!’ I chose to do the assignment The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video-Mashup Edition) for my next mashup because it sounded like a lot of fun! Details for this assignment are as follows:

“Create a mashup of 6 video clips (either TV or Movie) no longer than 2 seconds each. See if anyone can guess your favorite films!”

I chose 6 different 80’s movies for this assignment after perusing an extensive list. These aren’t necessarily my favorite movies, but they are ones I’ve at least seen or seen parts of, and are ones that I like. I tried to pick out titles that are neither super popular (i.e., Back to the Future), nor super obscure, because I wanted it to be challenging but not impossible. I came up with a list of about 10 movie options, then narrowed it down to 6 based on some running themes of transportation.

Next, I downloaded a clip from each movie and scrubbed through them in After Effects for the scene I wanted. Each scene could only be 2 seconds long, so I had to choose carefully. I selectively cut out 2 seconds from each clip based on my theme, and stitched those clips together. Finally, I added end credits and an answers frame at the end for anyone who failed to Guess That Movie!

But wait, something is missing….ah! An intro would be nice here! I decided to add an intro to my game, and I did this by adding some white shapes to the beginning of my video so that I had a background image that looked like film strip. Next, I added the text “Guess That Movie” (each word on a separate layer) and then “80’s,” and thought up ways to animate my text. I decided that I would have “80’s” come in from the right and bump “That,” forcing “That” to scoot over to the left to make room for the new word.

To achieve my desired effect, I placed a mask over “80’s” and set up keyframes to move both the mask and the 80’s text layer. I also added a black rectangle shape to move with those layers so that “80’s” didn’t just appear out of nowhere. Once “80’s” was in place, I made the rectangle disappear by changing the scale and opacity keyframes. It was a little tricky to get “80’s” to move, stop, and then keep moving. This movement will look jerky unless you go to keyframe interpolation in the nav menu. I used ‘hold’ and ‘linear’ for my keyframes to get a smooth movement.

I then added a text animation to “Guess,” “That” and “Movie,” called text wiggle, and adjusted the settings to get the movement that I wanted. Finally, I added an upbeat 80’s tune from Freesound.org. The music was a little longer than my animation, so I cut out some of the middle and placed the beginning and end together rather than stretching out my animation (I didn’t want a longer intro). You can tell where the cut is, but it’s hopefully not too noticeable.

Without further ado, I bet you can’t Guess That Movie:

Can you Guess my Favorite TV Shows?

For my first assignment this week I’ve done this one for 4 stars. The assignment is as follows:

Create a mashup of 6 video clips (either TV or Movie) no longer than 2 seconds each. See if anyone can guess your favorite films!

Please watch the above video to see the clips and guess what TV shows they are in the comments below! You can pause the video before the answers are given at the end, to see if you were right!

I absolutely love the assignments like this which involve commenters guessing the story you’re trying to tell, as it gives the assignments more of an interactive nature. The story of this video however is simple, as it contains short clips (2 seconds each) from 6 of my favorite TV shows! The challenge here was picking out 6 favorites (I love a lot of TV) and then choosing only 6 seconds of them from available YouTube clips. I tried to chose scenes that were not necessarily iconic or well-known to make it more difficult and yet, if you like the show involved and you see the clip, you should be able to recognize it easily. Anyway, I supposed already one or two of the shows aren’t as well-known so I’m not sure if many people will be able to guess them all! Surely you all can at least guess a few of them?

To to this assignment, I used the 4K video downloader to download clips of the scenes I wanted, then I used Adobe Premiere Elements 15 to edit the clips down to the 2 seconds from each and create the mashup of all the clips. I added background music, which is Wrong by VYEN from YouTube’s copyright free music section. Additionally I added a title and some text at the end of the video that reveals the answers to what TV shows are shown.

Did you get any of them right in your guesses?

Movie Mashup

For this assignment, worth 4 stars, I had to choose 6 movie clips and stitch them together into a single video. Now it’s your turn to watch this and guess which movies/ tv shows the clips come from.


—-Spoiler Alert—-

The answers in order are:

  1. Hot Fuzz
  2. Top Gun
  3. 2001 A Space Odyssey
  4. Bullitt
  5. Blazing Saddles
  6. Trailer Park Boys

I messed with the rules a little bit though, the clips were only supposed to be no more than two seconds long, however I felt that it didn’t allow sufficient time for a character to say an important quote from the film.  These movies and one TV show are some of my favorites, with Hot Fuzz earning its respective spot as number one in both this list and my heart.

Making this movie was pretty simple. The I got the clips from YouTube using the FireFox Video DownloadHelper tool.  These clips were then stitched together using iMovie. A transition was then added between each clip to help make it flow a little smoother.

Mash Up VIdeos

For my second assignment, I decided to do The contest Nobody Could Win. This assignment was rated 4 stars. I decided to mash up different Melissa Mccarthy movies because I really like them, so why not. I started out with wanting to do spy movies but then I started watching all the Melissa Mccarthy trailers and just figured I would do it.

I did all of this on Movie Maker, and just trimmed it together.

Try and figure out what movies are there!

The contest nobody could win (video)

For this assignment you had to create a mashup of 6 video clips (either TV or Movie) no longer than 2 seconds each. See if anyone can guess your favorite films.


The top one was for the assignment, the one below is the same video but with the soundtrack from the hunger games: catching fire. I thought it was cool, so I saved it, then accidently posted it to YouTube while trying to post the one above. I thought since it was now on the internet I might as well share it here as well:



And if you couldn’t guess the movies, they were (in order):

  • X-Men
  • Hunger Games: Catching Fire
  • Red Dawn
  • Huntsman: Winters War
  • Iron Man
  • Dracula


The Impossible Challenge

My final mashup assignment was “The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video-Mashup Edition” (4 stars). The hardest part of this was figuring out 6 movies that I liked and wanted to mash. The next hardest was figuring out what clips I wanted to use.

Honestly, some of these are dead giveaways. That’s why I stuck the older movie in at the end. It’s a great movie, and oddly relevant in this day and age. If anyone manages to guess the movie without googling the quote, I’ll be very impressed. (That’s why that clip’s a half-second longer than it should be, so I could get the whole thing.) If you can’t figure it out, google “I thought all the nuts went home after Labor Day” and it comes right up. I highly recommend the movie, it’s hilarious.

Overall, I think that if you’ve seen these movies, it’ll be pretty easy to guess what they are. Maybe I should have gone for more obscure clips, but it’s no fun if it could be any one of 10 movies.

I downloaded the clips from YouTube using 4k Video Downloader, then stuck them together in Movie Maker.

The Contest Nobody Could Win

Assignment (2 stars)

For this assignment, we had to create a mashup of six clips of our favorite movies. All of the clips had to be no longer than two seconds.

To complete this assignment, I chose six different movies that I had seen in the last few years, and downloaded their movie trailers into iMovie using a YouTube converter. I then watched each of the trailers to find the best parts to use for my mashup. I tried to make each clip somewhat recognizable so that hopefully they can be figured out by my fellow classmates. After I finished in iMovie, I uploaded the video to YouTube. If anyone wants to guess what the movies are, go ahead! I can put the answers in the comment section at the end of the week.

Mashup of My Favorite Movies

This post is dedicated to my completion of the mashup assignment The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video-Mashup Edition)The idea of this assignment was to take 2 second or less clips and compile them into a video of clips from your favorite movies. The video should be short, around 20 seconds, and can include music if desired. To start on this assignment, I needed to decide what movies I wanted to use for this. I have so many movies that I consider my favorites that it took me a while to decide. The films I landed on were The Change-Up, Star Wars Episode I, Signs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbustersand GodzillaAfter this, I had to decide the clips I wanted to use. To do this, I wanted to download some of the better clips from the movies. At the same time, I wanted clips with very good quality, which was hard for some of these movies considering how old they are. I ended up finding a very solid set of clips on YouTube, and I downloaded them using ClipConverter.

From here, I used iMovie to create my video. I uploaded all the video clips I downloaded into iMovie. From here I selected and cut the clips from the scenes that I wanted to use. The only requirement within this was that the clips had to be, at maximum, 2 seconds. I then needed to mute all the clips so that I could add music and the noise from the clips would not interfere. The song I decided to add to this video was Back in Black by AC/DC. I chose this song because the tempo fits the quick transition of clips within the video. It also helps add an extra bad ass aspect to the video, in my opinion at least. But finally, here’s my video:

This assignment is worth a total of 2 stars.

Giving me a total of 5 stars for the week. I think I did a really good job on this assignment. Although it was a pretty simple one it captured some of the best scenes from these movies and applies good music at the same time. I hope everyone enjoyed and has had a great weekend. Til next time my friends.

Video Mash-Up: “The Wire” Edition

For my second mash-up assignment this week (yes, I am on a roll today!) I did “The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video Mash Up Edition)” (2 stars). I chose this originally wanting to do some of my favorite movies but because one of our assignments has to be with “The Wire” I decided to do that. Plus I already have many of the episodes of the first season on my computer from the video essay assignment in the last two week session. So I took those and made a mash-up of 2 second clips that I thought were important. I didn’t go over the 2 seconds except for the last clip, it is about two and a half seconds.

How I did it:

I opened Windows Live Movie Maker and clicked on Home>Add Videos and Photos. I imported the first episode and cut it down to the section that I wanted. I chose the sections by what I thought defined the show well. I hit Edit>Set Start Point where I wanted the clip to start and Edit>Set End Point where I wanted the clip to end. I did the same thing for the remaining 5 clips. I then saved it “For Computer” and uploaded it to zamzar.com so it could be converted. Unfortunately I tried to upload it to YouTube before I did this and it was rejected. If zamzar does not work I don’t know what I am going to do. Sometimes the videos that I try to convert don’t work when I try to blog them.

Hopefully, here it is:

Wire Video MashUp