Terrible Lip Reading

Honestly this is the worst I’ve done, I just couldn’t figure out how to do better!! This was the hardest assignment, and I put so much time into it. I was having a really hard time coming together with a story that made sense given the setting, and the way their lips were moving. Let’s just say that my normally successful improvisation was not happening in this situation. I did this for assignment number 544, check it out here. If I had to do this again, I think that from the start I would begin with a script of some kind. But the probably is that would take so much time, and so much attention to detail. I’m thinking that if I had to do this again, I would not do this again. Thanks for watching. Please don’t.

Lip Read

I had a little bit of difficulty when choosing which lip read to do for this but for some reason the first thing I thought of was Hey Arnold, and for the audio I chose one of my favorite movies, Interview with the Vampire.  The episode itself of Hey Arnold already has a haunting/spooky feel to it so the audio clip I chose seemed to fit the situation pretty well even though it wasn’t exact.  I had to download the audio and the mp4 from youtube and saved them on my desktop.  From there I imported them both to iMovie.  I customized the video to the audio since it was about 10 minutes long in total.  I’m pretty pleased with this outcome for the most part.

Game Of Spooksy (MashupAssignments544 3.5 Stars)

This assignment should be worth waaaay more than 3.5 stars!  It’s tough to get the words and mouth movements to sync up!  I thought about using a cartoon, because they use the same five or six generic mouth positions for everything to make it easier for people to talk over, but that seemed a little too safe.  Originally, I had attempted a two person portion of this conversation between Peter and Sansa, but that was a bit beyond my ability, so I scaled it back to just Peter talking.  It’s not perfect.  I’ll be the first to admit there are a couple rough spots, but trying to write a script based on mouth movements is a legitimately difficult task.  However, I learned a lot doing this assignment, and I went way out of my comfort zone.  This is the first time I’ve pulled a title card and music from an intro and re-purposed it, which I think came out well, and I did my best to overlay the ambiance of the scene with my own vocals, which seemed to go pretty well.  I can definitely see room for improvement, but I think this is a solid attempt at something I’ve never really done before, and I’m not unhappy with it.  That being said, I’ll probably look for similar assignments in the future to get some more practice in.

Stringer Saw It First

For my last mashup assignment of the week, i went bold and chose the “Lip Read!” assignment worth 4.5 stars. I’ll be honest here, i chose it because it was worth 4 stars and i didn’t want to have to complete 2 more assignments worth 2 stars. BUT! I did enjoy making this. Since i have one more tutorial to do, i have decided to do it with this assignment.


My last assignment had to be about The Wire so i had to sift through some good scenes. I was going to choose a different scene but i felt that the scene where Avon and Stringer fight was a good one. Every one has seen it and it’s a big moment in the show. After i chose the scene, i had to get a copy of it!


The Scene

The first step in the process was getting the scene. Since i had to dub over the voices, i decided to use my Quicktime Player and just record the screen. I didn’t feel the need to go through MPEG and cut the scene to what i needed because the audio would be lost anyways. If you have a mac, you need to go the launch pad and choose Quicktime Player. Once you have that, you want to click “file” and choose “New Screen Recording” like below. Once you open that up, QuickTime allows you the option of doing the whole screen or dragging a certain section of it. Do whichever works best!

Screen Shot New Recording



For this assignment, i used IMovie because it comes free with my Macbook. After i saved the screen recording, the next step was to open it in IMovie. Once you open IMovie, you need to also open your video screen recording so you can work with it! Now you have the video open and you can work with it! The next step is to dub over the voices!

Screen Shot Import


Adding Audio

After you’ve open your video clip, you need to dub over the voices! With IMovie, it’s very easy. On the bar that divides IMovie into two different sections, there are some icons you can use for editing. One of them is a little microphone which will be used to adding in audio. Once you click on the microphone, IMovie tells you to click where you want to start recording the audio. It’s not too difficult! You choose where you want to begin and click, then once you’re done you click again and it will stop. Once you have all your recordings done, you’re new movie is ready for finalizing!

Screen Shot Add Audio

Finalizing and Uploading

Once you’re pleased with your work, your next and almost final step of the process is finishing up the video and uploading. This is the easiest step! You head over to the “File” tab and scroll down until you see “Finalize Project”. This should be in bold and will allow you to click on it. Since i already completed mine, it won’t let me do it again which is why it is grey.

Screen Shot Finalize


After you have finalized the project, you’re ALMOST done! If you have a YouTube channel you can upload directly from IMovie. What you must do is go under the “Share” tab and you have the option of sharing the video on various websites. Once you decide where you want to upload it, you will need to sign in to the website. Now you’re done and you can have all your friends see you work!

Screen Shot Share

Here is my actual video!


Don’t Even Breathe On It

For this assignment, we had to redub over some voices from a show, movie scene, etc. and I chose Spongebob.  I don’t know why, I hated Spongebob as a kid and still don’t like him.  I guess I just thought it would be easy.  I played the part of Mr Crabs or just the voice.

As for putting everything together, I found the video on YouTube and downloaded it using iLivid.  I worked on everything in iMovie and separated the clips of spongebob and Mr Krabs talking using the clip cutter.  I found that was the most useful tool and then lowered the volume on each section of Mr Krabs speaking.  Then I listened to each side of SPongebob and filled in the blanks on the area in between.  Here’s a screenshot of my workspace.

Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 7.14.19 PM

And the Original Video

And the Final Video

The scene really just talks about another one of Mr Krabs’ crazy schemes but this time it’s not to make money, it is to create the ultimate punishment for Spongebob breathing on Mr Krabs’ car.

Lip Read!

The basic idea for this assignment is to find a video clip of anything and change the words through a voice dub. The video could be of anything, but you should change the intention completely through your use of over dubbing.