For my final assignment, I chose a 3 star web assignment and I’m going to tell a story using Google maps. Here is the link:
My story begins on June 16, 2016. I was traveling to Kenya with Young Life with 2 friends, Shannon and Josh, from Roanoke, Virginia. Our flight was leaving Atlanta, Georgia the following day so we decided to take a Mega Bus down to Atlanta to save some $$$.
Josh was coming from Lexington, VA about an hour away from us. When he was getting ready to leave, his car wouldn’t start. Luckily, he had someone jump it for him and we made it to the Mega Bus stop with 10 minutes to spare.

While we were waiting for the bus, we met a man hiking the Appalachian Trail who taught us how to play the noseflute. He told us to call him Noseflute.

We waited for the bus…and waited…and waited…and waited…….for 2 hours. The bus was broken down in Northern VA and wasn’t going to be there for another 2 hours, so we hiked across the highway to a Country Cookin’ and ate lunch with a random girl that was our age we met at the bus stop.

The bus arrived 2 hours later, then promptly broke down again. We waited another hour, then decided to just drive to Atlanta.

We took our new friend Lauren to Knoxville on the way. My mom was concerned that I was giving a stranger a ride to Tennessee, but it turned out to be okay. We began the trek Knoxville and the morale was high.

After dropping Lauren off in Knoxville, we were all exhausted, but we still had 3.5 hours until Atlanta, so we trucked along.

We FINALLY arrived in Atlanta around 1:30 am, 7 hours later than the rest of our team that we were meeting. The next morning, we ate a very nutritious breakfast of Chik-fil-a chicken biscuits and headed to the airport. Our first flight was from Atlanta to Paris.

I spent this flight squished in the middle seat between two large men who did not speak English. Also I would like to take this moment to thank Dramamine for saving my life and keeping me from throwing up for 8.5 hours.
We landed in Paris, where everyone was really mean, and I was very grumpy.

Next we flew to our destination: Nairobi, Kenya.

We arrived in Africa around 10 pm, and went straight to the house we were staying in and slept like babies.
The next 10 days were full of serving the community and hard work, and it was the absolute best. More about that another time. That’s not what this story is about.

So our way back was exactly the way we came: from Nairobi to Paris, then Paris to Atlanta. This time the flights were longer.

For some reason Josh and I got split up from the rest of our group in Paris and our flight left significantly earlier than everyone else’s. We landed with 40 minutes to get through security and board our next plane. We sprinted around the Paris airport (again, everyone there were mean and did not help us) and barely made our flight back to the U.S.

So after 17 hours of flying I figured: “what the heck, what’s another 7 hour drive?” I was wrong. It ended up being 9 hours back to VA and I have never been so tired in my life.

Okay, back in good ole’ Southwest Virginia. At this point I am severely jet lagged and was very unpleasant to be around. However, my best friend is getting married in the spring and her wedding dress appointment just so happened to be 2 days after I got back to Kenya. So I traveled up to DC with her for the day.

(If you look close enough you can see the very impressive bags under my eyes)

Back to Roanoke…

Okay, time to rest, right? Nope. The day after I got back from DC, I hopped on a plane and went to Seattle to visit my boyfriend, who was over there for an internship.

I spent a week in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where my body was incredibly confused/angry with me and all the time changes I was going through. I also had strep throat so that was fun too. Almost done traveling…

My story ends with one more drive, from Roanoke to Fredericksburg, VA so I could start my job the following day.

So that’s the long, drawn out story of how I traveled 28,481 miles in a span of 3 and a half weeks. I would not recommend it, but it was a pretty cool summer.
I had way too much fun with this assignment. I simply entered my travels into google maps, took a screenshot (Shift, Command, 4) and entered them into the post! Although it was relatively simple, it was incredibly time consuming. I think what took me the longest was calculating how many miles I traveled. I loved this assignment because it reminded me of how incredible my summer was, and it really made me wish I was not back in school. I love how the internet allows me to share this story, the miles I have traveled, and the pictures I took.