How Harry Potter could have ended…. (X Versus X – Movie Remix)

I’m just saying…It could have ended way sooner.


Show Me the Wolf of Wall Street

In the world of investing there is no better person to make your money with besides the Wolf of Wall Street. I, Dennis, play John and I have recognized this and decided to invest with the Wolf on his new breaking stock. This will help me to continue my life of drifting around. Please ignore my disheveled look and enjoy the video of my conversation with the Wolf of Wall Street.

This was a 4 star assignment for Ds106, named X Versus X – Movie Remix. I had to search around for two movie scenes that fit together and I figured using a phone scene would be a good option. One of the funniest phone scenes comes from the movie Jerry Maguire, where Jerry talking to a client and the client requests him to say the phrase “Show me the money”. I figured there is no one better to show someone the money other than the Wolf of Wall Street so I found the clips and cut them up to create a call and response in imovie.

x versus x – movie remix

Make a video in which you mashup two movie characters from seperate films to create a seamless scene. Close ups, action filled shots and tight editing will assure the best results. Fight scenes, break ups, cop chases, are some examples of scenes that may work out well – but the possibilities are endless.