now i just have to wear it…

“This was inspired from the 30 second documentary assignment. The object is to make a documentary showing how to do something. Wether that’s how to make something, what your/a job is like, trying something new, showing yourself doing something you are terrible at or even really good at.”

ds106 Assignments: 2 Minute silent documentary

True to the assignment, this video has no sound. However, the recommended way to watch it is to just listen to whatever your favorite song at the moment is.

This assignment kind of chose me. I got this skirt over the weekend and was just about to place the first pins before I realized this would be a great mini-doc.

There was quite a bit of trickiness in this. I had limited spaces to film, so I had to put up that sheet out of necessity, not just for aesthetics. It was also a little weird to get the sewing shots. If you saw my setup, you probably laugh but give props for creativity. I had a book standing up on the desk and my phone laid on top of it, hanging off just enough to see the project below. It was interesting to sew while trying to stay in the frame. It didn’t always happen…

my iMove workstation ^

I was very happy with the subtitles. Usually, I do not like the iMovie options, but the two-tone one is quite nice. I did have fun with the ends credits… You gotta make every part of the video interesting! If there was one thing I’d do differently though, it would be to shout out Simply To Go for being the main supplier of Chex Mix.

Ella Maguire’s Health Elixir

I was inspired by my own sickness to do the 2 Minute Silent Documentary Assignment (4 stars) first. Ella Maguire has come down with a cold, like many of us this time of year! Lucky for Ella, she can create a simple elixir to heal her symptoms and cold. Not just anyone could follow the recipe and be able to create a healing elixir. This video shows people how Ella creates her elixir, and if they themselves are witches, they will be able to create the elixir as well.

To create the video, I took different videos of myself creating the elixir in my kitchen using my phone propped up in different areas. The elixir is something I am actually currently drinking to feel better. Oil of oregano has anti-viral properties, warm water and honey help the throat feel better, and apple cider vinegar helps boost the immune system. I used iMovie on my phone to edit the videos together into one video using a few transitions.

I also cut and split the different clips to get just the important parts. I then went through and muted all of the different clips, so that the video could be silent. I then needed a title slide and a credits slide. I decided to create these on paper and use pictures for them. In my journal, in cursive, I wrote the name of the recipe for the title slide, including the creator’s name. I wrote the ingredients down for the credits slide because no other media was used. I added the pictures to the video and adjusted the transitions for the pictures to focus on the important parts of them. Then, when I liked the video, I uploaded it from my phone to YouTube.

Stay healthy!!

Knitting with 5 needles

Not as hard as it looks (you do get poked a lot though). You only ever actually knit with 2 needles at a time. This is one method of knitting very small circles, like socks. I’m working the toe in this video. Almost done! Except I have to knit a second sock…

How To……Survive

This video assignment I chose was worth 4 stars! The assignment was to create a how to video without using any words at all. I chose to do my how to on how to survive a long week of work. I wanted to have fun with it and show to watch a movie and have a puppy next to you. You can watch the video below!

Cooking Salmon

The first assignment I decided to do for this week was a two-second silent documentary! I decided to film myself making salmon for dinner. I have to give a major shout out to my housemate, Cameron for filming me. I, unfortunately, don’t have a tripod and needed someone to hold the camera. After I filmed everything I cut it all together using iMovie. I sped some things up because while it cut the video down to less than the 2 minutes, it was really boring without it haha.


I really enjoyed doing this! I ended up putting some music over the video because you could hear the girls I live with talking in the background!

Washing Dishes a 2 min+ Silent Documentary

I did this 4 star “How to”  Documentary.  I did this assignment because I figured it would be neat to record something but not use any sound.  I was going to do a documentary over how to cook food, but I had already started beef and noodles in the crock pot earlier.

Washing Dishes a 2 min+ Silent Documentary

I did this 4 star “How to”  Documentary.  I did this assignment because I figured it would be neat to record something but not use any sound.  I was going to do a documentary over how to cook food, but I had already started beef and noodles in the crock pot earlier in the day.  So a  2 min plus documentary over cooking was out of the picture.  Well guess what after you get done cooking there is always dishes go figure right.  So I decided to do my documentary over me washing dishes.  I made sure to blast out all the steps at the end of my video just in case someone didn’t know how to wash a dish or 5.

Everyone’s Favorite Food

I decided to complete the two minute silent documentary assignment (VideoAssignments2032). There were so many things I could choose from and I would love to show what I do at work, but 1) the school district I work for is on spring break and 2) I cannot take videos or photos of the students I work with anyway, let alone have my phone out. So, as I was getting ready to make and eat dinner, I decided to create a how-to for cooking box mac and cheese. Yes, they give the instructions on the box and the fact that I eat this frequently is probably questionable at my age, but can anyone really deny that mac and cheese was not their favorite food at some point in their life?

Recording the process was not terribly difficult, but there were some troubles. Holding a camera and recording water boiling is extremely uneventful, and you can tell that the person recording is switching a few times as I went to go feed my dogs, grab something from the fridge, etc. I also cannot believe that some of the cheese did not make it into the pot! I was looking at my phone (which is what I used to record) to make sure the angle was right, and that makes pouring cheese a lot more difficult than you would think!

I used iMovie to add the images at the beginning and end, and to vary the speed of the video so that it would be about two minutes long (and so you wouldn’t have to stare at boiling water for so long). This process probably took me no more than fifteen minutes, which is less time than creating the raw video took! I am overall happy with the outcome, although I wish I hadn’t spilled that cheese.

Two Minute Cookies with Merciful Mise en Place

2 Minute Silent Documentary – 4.5 Stars

For this assignment I had to make a 2 minute silent documentary about something. I chose to wrap my superhero into this assignment. This is Merciful Mise en Place and her double chocolate chip cookies. This assignment works great for her because of her fast baking skills. She can whip up a meal in no time, or 2 minutes in this case. Her clips were not sped up! That is just how fast she works! Check out how to make her cookies below:

I used my iPhone to record the clips and uploaded them to iMovie. I then clipped them, sped them up, muted the sound, and altered the color with a vignette effect. I added an upbeat song so that it wasn’t complete silence the whole time.

I really enjoyed this assignment. I think it would be neat to do this for more recipes!


2 Minute silent documentary

This was inspired from the 30 second documentary assignment. The object is to make a documentary showing how to do something. Wether that’s how to make something, what your/a job is like, trying something new, showing yourself doing something you are terrible at or even really good at (again, the same idead from the 30 second video but longer for those who have something more complex to share).

Make sure your video has an into “photo” or wording and a credit or statement at the end wrapping the video up. Remember to stay true to the original assignment link and keep it silent. SHOW how to do it. Don’t TELL. And have fun! (: