
Admittedly, I cheated a little here but for good reason! I made this documentary a few semesters ago when I took Jesse Stommel’s Digital Documentary course. Frankly, I worked my ass off on it an I am very proud of the final work so I thought I would share it here to do double duty. Its only 7 minutes long so I think it still qualifies as “mini”. I had never edited a video prior to this course and it was a huge learning curve and of course we did it in bite size bits.

The documentary is titled “What’s Wrong with Me?”. To begin working on it, I put open call out to friends to see who would be willing to talk about their mental health with me to break down stigmas associated with different mental illnesses. I struggle with anxiety and depression and have always asked myself “Whats wrong with me?” until I started meeting more and more people willing to share their experiences with me. Suddenly I didn’t feel so alone anymore. Sure, this isn’t going to be the next big film at Sundance but if you struggle with your mental health I hope the stories my dear friends had to share help you feel less alone.


Create a documentary that tells a story through interviews with several different people. The story can be real or made up. It can be the same story told with different view points, or a story prompt where the subjects create their own endings.