Stop Motion Video

One of my favorite childhood memories was when my dad would surprise my brother and I with homemade stop motion videos that he had made when we were sleeping. For me it was interviews with my Barbie’s and my brother got stop motion dinosaur movies. I now have a deep appreciation for what my dad did those nights.

For this Video Assignment I decided to have some fun with the idea of being stuck in quarantine and using the internet to look at the places I can’t be right now. I collected the knick knacks from around my house and decided to take them on a trip around the globe. It was painstakingly slow and felt silly but I suppose that’s the point. I used the video editing app I used for my documentary to add some fun music and then uploaded it all the Youtube.
It’s not great but enjoy “Knick Knack Outing”!

Stop Motion

This video was a different experience. I decided to use a different video editing software that left a watermark because I only have the free form. This assignment was to create a stop motion video with pictures and movies for 3 stars. I used Wondershare Filmora 9 the free version which added the water mark but allowed the opening and credits to be added to the movie easier.

I was excited to play around with different software and it was easier to add the combination of video and pictures to the same project as well as edit the time of each picture. I also was able to add audio to this video using the preset music in the software and the transitions as well as the opening and closing credits. I added a bunch of pictures and videos as well as adding extra fun things to make the video better and sound better. This inspiration comes from a lemur/raccoon looking stuffed animal my boyfriend got me from the county fair and he named him Fred because I am living in Fredericksburg at the moment. I got the idea from another blogger using Wondershare Filmora 9 and decided to download it and it was very easy to use.

I wanted to use Fred because I miss my boyfriend and my family from home. By making the movie I felt like I was home and made it easier to try and focus on school and the amount of work I still have to do before the end of the year. I enjoyed filming fred with my iphone and emailing the emails and videos to myself to download on my computer to import them. I may or may not continue to use Filmora 9 or go back to using Windows Photo app to make the movies.

Stop Motion- 3 Stars

For this assignment we have to create a short video using only videos to make a stop motion short!

My very first stop motion short!

I used Wondershare Filmora again for this assignment, which is a free and easy to use program that I downloaded!

The first steps to this assignment were to take about 230 photos of my little elephant sculpture I created to make a short and sweet story! I decided to make her look like she was getting some coffee, and awfully excited about it while doing so!

After, in Google Photos, I was able to create three short “Movies” of each of the photos, then save and stitch them together in Filmora.

Using Google Photos to create three short movies.

Once in Filmora, I was bale to then add the Movies together to create one cohesive one.

Then I was able to create a few final touches, such as opening and end credits and some stock music!

Once all said and done, I exported the finished video to YouTube and my short motion film came to life!

Stop Motion Video

This assignment was similar to the moving object assignment that I completed. To complete this assignment, we were supposed to create a 2-5 minute stop motion video.

I tried to be creative and decided to make a train go around the grain track. Before I could actually start recording, I had to assemble the toy train track. Once I did that, I tried to think of the best way to create a stop motion video while making sure that it flows and isn’t too choppy. I chose to use snapchat to aide me with this video. I started with the train in one position and tried to record a play by play of the train moving each step. While recording, I found it hard to keep the camera at one angle so I tried to capture this video from multiple angles. For this to be my first time, I think it was pretty good but if I were to do it again I would try to move the train in smaller transitions and using smaller objects to mark where the train started and when it passed the object. I used iMovie to add background music and edit the video.

STOP! Motion

For my third assignment, I decided to try something I had been wanting to try for a while- Stop Motion!- with the Stop Motion Assignment (3 stars).

At first I had to decide what I wanted to make the video about. I thought about the M&Ms I had just bought and thought that I could do something cool with them! I decided to make my name with them. I thought it would be easiest to work backwards, so I started out making my name, using a different color for each letter, on a cutting board. I actually used my roommate’s plant stand to hold my camera so that it could stay in one place while I did this. I went through and would move one or two M&Ms slightly, taking pictures in between every movement, until my name was completely gone.

I then had to find an app to create the story. I ended up looking on the app store for one, and I found Stop Motion Studio. After downloading it, I realized that you have to pay 99 cents to use photos from your Camera Roll, so that was annoying… I paid the 99 cents and took the pictures from my camera roll in the opposite way in which I took them. Then, the app put them into a weird orientation, so I had to go through all seventy- some pictures to adjust them all trying to keep them consistent with the previous ones…

I also noticed while going through the pictures that my knee or hand made an appearance in some of the pictures but not all of them… For a first attempt this was good, but I definitely know what I would want to fix in the future. I also realized that even though I thought I took a ton of pictures, I actually only had around 14 seconds worth of content, so I added the pictures in reverse to the end to add time. This way the M&Ms come together to spell my name and then spread back out. It is hard to make long Stop Motion movies because you can go through a lot of frames in just one second! I have a lot of respect for people who make long Stop Motion movies! That takes a lot of time and consistency!

I tried at first just putting the video straight into this post, but that did not work. Thus, I uploaded the video to YouTube through the Stop Motion app.



Little Miss Lego Muffet

This is my cute submission of the childhood nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet, using Legos.

My First Video

The video that is embedded in this blog post is a bit different from the other videos i have shared with all of you so far, in that I did not create this video for the sole purpose of fulfilling an assignment for this class. In fact, this video was created by a friend of mine and I many years ago. When My friend and I were younger, we were constantly experimenting with film making, hoping to one day make a movie of our own. Unfortunately almost none of these projects were ever actually finished, however there is one exception, and that is the video I am sharing with you today. That’s right, the video below is the first movie I ever finished making, and I’m extremely glad that after all these years I finally get to share it with someone.

Annoying World


Stop Motion

Create a 2-5 minute stop motion video about whatever you choose! Be creative and make sure to add some music/sound effects in the background!