My Life

Making this vlog was very unusual but in a good way.  It was a completely different look to home videos.  At first I thought everything I recorded was rubbish, but then I soon realized how many memories I captured of my life at this very moment.  I think about how amazing and what a gift it must be to all vloggers to have years of their lives recorded and saved.  All their children and grandchildren will be about to come back to these videos and see beautiful moments of their past.

Once I read the description I knew this was a video I would love to tackle on.  Everyday for years I come home and watch a vlog or two from some of my favorite youtube sensations.  Something about watching others peoples lives truly peaks my interest.  Perhaps I would have been considered a nosy neighbor in my past.  Thankfully I can do my sneaky business in the comfort of my bed and laptop, thanks to youtube. lol

Creating this project was a bit more difficult then one would expect.   I always had to remember to carry my camera with me and that turn it on.  I often felt self conscious recording when I was around others.  That said I still had thirty minutes of footage which I had a hard time narrowing down to ten minutes.  I always knew vlogging was difficult just never realized how much.

5 Stars


A Day in My Life (5 Stars)

So, for my second assignment, I chose to do something that was way more advanced than my first assignment, the “A Day in Your Life” assignment. Before I go into gibber-jabbering about the assignment and my approach to it, here’s the video I made:

Now, I saw this assignment yesterday and kind of planned it out in the sense that I would do all of my big errands and stuff today just so I could film it and put it in my video (because otherwise the entire video would be me sitting at home, doing absolutely nothing. Haha). So you could say that this isn’t so much a good representation of my every-day life.

The approach I took to this assignment was similar to what a lot of YouTube vloggers (video bloggers) do in theirs. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about from a beauty guru on YouTube named Judy on It’s Judy’s Time who makes daily vlogs on another channel called It’s Judy’s Life:

Anyways, I went ahead and planned how my day would go, and pretty much just filmed every little thing I could. It was extremely nerve-wrecking, mostly because I am kind of camera shy, but also because I wasn’t sure which places I could film at and also I knew people would be looking at me really awkwardly and think “What is that girl doing talking to herself?”

But at the same time, it did feel kind of cool to film myself. Not to be egotistical at all. It made me wonder if that was what reality stars felt like. Having a camera on you just makes you act more properly and makes you try to act a little cooler. But, alas, I’m not really that cool or cliché, so I just came across as really strange. Whoops.

Okay so editing… Here’s a screenshot of what I was doing on iMovie:

Screen shot 2013-04-13 at 8.44.11 PM

So, this time, I didn’t really have too much trouble with the program. I think I learned a lot from doing my first assignment without any help because I was able to teach myself a lot of the iMovie functions. I did learn how to fast-forward scenes though, which came in handy for my driving scenes (which BTW was really really hard to do because I was trying to avoid crashing or getting pulled over by cops all while trying to get a decent shot…) I also found this cool feature where you can add in time stamps. That way, you guys could see the lapse in time without me constantly being like “Oh hey, it’s so-and-so o’clock!”

Also, I found the music that comes with iMovie, which I used on scenes I decided to fast-forward. I thought it would be better to use something like music from iMovie instead of actual songs by bands and artists because I didn’t want to risk having my video taken down for copyright reasons.

Of course, I ran into a ton of random little problems. They were mostly due to my lack of recording expertise. The first one was definitely audio. It was hard for me to try to turn up the audio in certain areas, like in the beginning. No matter how high I turned it up, it was still really quiet! Secondly, I had trouble with the camera being super shaky. I didn’t think it was so bad when I was recording/watching it on my iPhone (which I used to record everything today!) but when I was editing all the clips together, I realized that they were pretty bad. Especially for the scenes at Target T_T I wish I could just put it on a tripod on my head or something!

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed watching my day! Sorry if it’s not too interesting, but I tried to show you guys an array of different stuff! Let me know what you think (:

Welcome to a Day of my Life…

For this Video Assignment by Alan Levine, I needed to create a video that showed entire day…

This assignment was a lot of fun to do. I enjoyed carrying around my camera and recording bits and pieces of my day.

I used Windows Live Movie Maker to make this assignment possible. I imported all the clips from my camera and trimmed them to make the flow. I used many slide transitions and captions to create a movie like effect. I also put in a background music song that represents me in a nutshell and my commuting life. I really enjoyed this aspect of having to show my daily routine day(:

A Day In The Life

This was my first video assignment using iMove. I recorded some of my average weekday, which normally just includes waking up, going to class, doing homework, and then repeating the next day. It so happened that it was a nice day, so I was able to sit outside and get some work done. It was pretty to do, and  I think it came out well. The camera is a little shaky, but I guess that was inevitable with walking.

To create this video I did several things:

1. Sped Up Video:

I recorded about 15 minutes worth of video, by speeding it up I was able to condense it down to about 3 minutes. In order to do, I double clicked on the clip itself. A menu will come up which has the option of speed. I had to convert the clip, just by clicking convert, I don’t if every video needs to do that. There will be an option ranging from a turtle to a rabbit. For some clips I sped it up as far as it would go, but for most I sped it up to the second to last option.

2. Add Music:

For this, I used Dirpy to convert an instrumental to an MP3. I clicked to music note option on the right hand side and searched for the Mp3 to add it in.

3. Add Transitions:

We learned how to do this in class, but to reiterate: I clicked the hourglass looking icon on the menu on the right hand side. I couldn’t record myself in class, so I just added a transition there.  I played around with some of the texts until I liked it.

A Day in Your Life: Make it Constanza Decent

On Seinfeld, the astute George Castanza noted “If you take everything I’ve ever done in my entire life and condense it down into one day….it looks decent.” — if you take everything you have done in a day and condense it down to a video… it looks decent (or better).

Create a video that shows your entire day that compresses your day into a video no more than 10 minutes long (bonus points for making it 5). Capture bits of your day in video or still photo form, and edit as a movie. Include titles, time stamps, and background music. Try your hand at speeding things up.

For some examples so ones created by Dean Shareski and Jabiz Raisdana