Movie Scenes that Changed our Lives

For this assignment, select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes should represent scenes that changed your life or made some sort of dramatic, traumatic, lasting, or emotional impact on you. When you have selected those scenes, create a video that shows the scenes and includes audio/video of you describing what it is about the scene that made a significant impact on you, what you are fond of about the scenes, what scares you, what you remember thinking when you were a child, etc. Feel free to be liberal in your interpretation of the instructions. Keep in mind, however, that the primary point is to recall 3-5 movie scenes that have made a lasting impact on you (whatever the reason for that impact may be.) When you are finished, upload the video to your blog, and, If you are inspired, expand on the reasons why you connect with the specific scenes in your video. Check out an example here:


This is a bad copy but I could not a find any better one. Love and Other Drugs was a very good movie based on a Maggie Murdock(Anne Hathaway) as a Parkinson patient and Jamie Randall(Jake Gyllenhaal as a drug representative. Star Value:5*****

The Movies That Changed My Life

The video cannot be shown at the moment. Please try again later.

Lion King Mufasa’s Death Scene

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

I Am Legend Final Scene

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

Enough Fight Scene

For this assignment, you had to pick a minimum of movies and talk about the scenes that changed your life. You had to discuss what were you thinking, how it significantly impacted you, and basically discuss your feelings and reactions to the movies and or scenes you chose.

The process was easy. I searched on YouTube the movies that I know mean something to me and that changed my quality of life. I wanted to do 50 Cents All Things Fall Apart, because the character he played was not giving up on life no matter what happened or how sick he was. Instead I chose Lion King, I Am Legend, and Enough.

I recorded audio using my Voice Memo on my phone then I uploaded it to my iTunes converted it to WAV format so I can edit it using Audacity, then I uploaded it to SoundCloud

Movie Scenes That Changed My Life

5 Stars

This assignment was to pick movie scenes that changed my life.

My video is un-embedable for copyright reasons I believe.

However, movies such as Batman, 3:10 to Yuma and The Blind Side. Changed my life in a various number of ways.

The way I made this video was I took the scenes from youtube and I put them each into Sony Vegas. Then what I did was I edited the video with some transitions and pictures.

Then I used a Free sound recording program that I downloaded called Free Sound Recorder. I watched the video I made and made a commentary on it while watching it. Then I imported that audio into Sony Vegas to mix it with the actual video.

I split the clips in certain parts up and match the audio with the video. This gave me a chance to explain everything as you watch the clips.

My Favorite Movies

this is for video assignment Movie Scenes That Changed Our Lives

this video shows some of my favorite movies of all times from my childhood until now. i used imovie to cut out scenes from some of my favorite movies and edited them together and added some transition between movies. out of all of these movies i think my favorite is saving private ryan because of what it represents and i just like war movies a lot :) i hope you enjoy


Video Assignment – “Movie Scenes that Changed Our Lives”

This assignment required a lot of thought, and I liked it.  We were to “select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes should represent scenes that changed your life or made some sort of dramatic, traumatic, lasting, or emotional impact on you. When you have selected those scenes, create a video that shows the scenes and includes audio/video of you describing what it is about the scene that made a significant impact on you, what you are fond of about the scenes, what scares you, what you remember thinking when you were a child, etc.”

The three movie movies that I chose my clips, are also a few of my favorite movies:

- The Truman Show (1998)

- Pleasantville (1998)

- The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

* A WARNING:  the last few moments of this clip contain graphic material (i.e. blood).  Viewer discretion is advised.

The Truman Show changed my life in that it made me very paranoid for a very long time.  I used to think that there was a pretty good chance that someone was always watching me.  It was kind of embarrassing, but I know that it made me alter some of my behaviors (I can’t remember what I was doing at 8 years old… maybe picking my nose or something).  I felt like I could relate a lot to Truman (the protagonist), because he was afraid of going out onto the water on boats.  I was afraid of this when I was little, because of this one time I was in a boat on a lake that tipped over.  It wasn’t that big of a deal because we were right next to the dock, and the water was not super deep, but I was fairly young (around 5, I believe), but I remember being afraid to go on the boat after this happened.  In hindsight, as a teenager and watching this movie, I related to it differently.  I thought that it was wild and wrong to do this to a person, as it takes so much of a person’s life away.  I felt sad for Truman, and wondered how he would survive not living in his bubble, and knowing that millions of people had watched his every move his entire life.  This final clip, with him finally getting his life back, made me feel incredibly happy.

Pleasantville is a movie like a painting.  The black and white with just a few things of color seemed almost magical.  I remember spending so much time wondering how they accomplished this effect.  This scene, where David (Tobey Maguire), was putting makeup on the mother was also fascinating, as I didn’t understand how they got the makeup to do that.  The context of this scene was also important, because it shows how sad it would be to feel pressured to completely fit into the expectations that our culture and society place on us… and then I remember that plenty of people experience that today.  The liberation that color symbolizes in this film just made sense to me as a child.  My mom is an artist, and to see art serving as a symbol of expression and breaking away from the rules made me feel so glad, and made me feel like my mother was a genius (to see what she preached exemplified on something I saw on TV).  I loved that art was so powerful, and how self-conscious the mother was of showing her color.  This scene made me realize that it is important for your wellbeing to embrace things that make you happy and make you feel alive.

The Royal Tenenbaums is one of my favorite movies in the whole world.  In high school, one of my best friends and I would watch this movie any night we were bored and didn’t know what to do, because there were so many details, it was so entertaining, and because the way it was filmed is very aesthetically pleasing.  This scene is intense.  The song is intense.   Together, you get a very captivating scene that is itself a piece of art.  The fact that this was a suicide scene was itself something that makes it stick with you. It was filmed beautifully, with different shots worked into the clip (Margot, Mordecai, the razor blade..) made it so mesmerizing and dramatic.  I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with emotion anytime I hear the song “Needle in the Hay” by Elliot Smith, because of this scene.  It was the first time I watched a movie and felt that emotionally overcome, and I think partially had to do with how perfect the audio and the video fit in with each other.


Movie Scenes That Changed My Life

My dad and I have always been close, so for this assignment I chose some of the movie scenes from the movies I remember watching with him as a child and some of our favorites.

A Little More About the Movies I Chose:

1. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Of course, we watched all of the Stars Movies, but I chose Episode III: Revenge of The Sith because it has one of my favorite scenes, the scene where Anakin and Obi Wan fight and Anakin becomes Darth Vader.

2. Men of Honor

The “Twelve Steps to Honor” scene is one of my favorite movie scenes ever, and I can remember the first time I watched this movie with my dad. Even now, he will turn it on every time it’s on TV and recite the lines from this scene.

3. SpiderMan

I was about 10 when we went to see this movie in the theater. While I know it’s not the first movie I went to see with my dad in the theater, it’s the first one I can remember right now.


The process was simple, I just used the basic of iMovie to create it, cutting, adding transitions, and titles.

Movies That Changed My Life

I am a huge fan of cartoons and the three i chose for this video were Bambi, The Lion King, and Toy Story 3. I chose these three because no matter how many times i watch them i either tear up or bawl like a big baby.

When i first saw Bambi i made my dad come with me in the woods to find him and make sure he was okay…it was an impossible task but dad had a friend help him stage the event to calm my nerves ha! When i first watched the lion king i was just filled with so much rage for Simba’s uncle scar and felt sad for the lost of mufasa, so my dad brought me a chihuahua and named him mufasa and told me that his spirit went into the dog. And for toy story 3 i was just so appalled at the fact that we could of had to say good bye to our beloved toys lol.

MOViEs that Move Me

heres the link to my video assignment 442, where you show 3-5 movie scenes and talk about how they changed your life or left an impression on you.  Youtube wouldn’t let me get the embed link form so this url is the next best thing.  I used iMovie to voice over scenes of four of my favorite movies/shows and explain their importance to me. enjoy before youtube takes it down.

“Your video settings could not be saved: Failed to change the license of this video. Videos with a third-party copyright claim cannot have a Creative Commons license.” -youtube

“embedding disabled by request” -youtube

Movie scenes that changed my life

Here’s a little bit about three movies that scarred me for life:

As always, I’m not happy with the sound. I may work on it some more, or maybe I’ll just call it done and move on to the next thing.

The Formative Five: Movie Scenes that Changed My Life

Annie Belle submitted an assignment suggesting you talk about 3-5 movie scenes that changed your life. That is right up my alley and I couldn’t resist. In fact, about four years ago I started a formative 10 film series on the bava that I never finished, so I think of this as a kind of continuation of that blog strand, but this time on film rather than all that messy text and broken links. And while I focused on five films that were formative, I have another 15 or 20 for starters I could talk at length about, and I just might given how much fun this was. In this, the first edition of the formative 5, I talked about Jaws (1975), Star Wars (1977), Clash of the Titans (1981), Dawn of the Dead (1978) and Alien (1979). And while it’s utterly self indulgent, I won’t apologize because it’s the most fun I’ve had in a long while and I always think of projects like this as love letters to my children.