My final assignment this week was the One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds from the assignment bank.
I loved this assignment, mostly because I’m a huge fan of inspirational teacher movies–so choosing my archetype was easy!
And I swear it was exactly 5 seconds in Premiere Pro!!
I used clips from Freedom Writers (2007), School of Rock (2003), Lean on Me (1989), Dangerous Minds (1995), and Dead Poets Society (1989).
Dangerous Minds — Hallway Scene
Freedom Writers — We Mattered Scene
School of Rock — The Man
Lean on Me — You are dismissed
Dead Poets Society — Carpe Diem
I took each video from YouTube using the PwnYouTube bookmark. Downloaded the best quality MP4 I could. Then I opened them all up in Adobe Premiere Pro. I didn’t have a plan at first for which part of the video clips I wanted to use for the one second I had. After cutting Dangerous Minds, Dead Poets Society, and Lean on Me, I started to see a pattern so I put them in an almost conversation.
The little girl asks, “Are you going to teach us anything?”
Then Michelle Pfeiffer screams, “MOVE!”
Robin Williams, “Well, come on!”
Morgan Freeman, “To learn.”
Hillary Swank, “To graduate.”
Okay, it’s not perfect, but I think it’s a nice coincidence!
That should be the goal of any inspirational teacher, though. Moving your students to learn and to graduate!