
For Week Number 10 our assignment was to create a video showing one archetype with 5 different movies.
I chose the stoner Archetype because I thought it would be really funny. There is a lot of comedies that have the stoner archetype and the 5 movie I used showed that.


For this ds106 activity, I decided to combine 5 different movie clips to represent 1 common archtype… Dumb Blondes! Although the clips had to be under 5 SECONDS, the video came out longer; when your dealing with DUMB BLONDES, you need all the time in the world. Enjoy! LOL

Get going. Learn. Graduate. — ???1/2

My final assignment this week was the One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds from the assignment bank.

I loved this assignment, mostly because I’m a huge fan of inspirational teacher movies–so choosing my archetype was easy!

And I swear it was exactly 5 seconds in Premiere Pro!!


I used clips from Freedom Writers (2007), School of Rock (2003), Lean on Me (1989), Dangerous Minds (1995), and Dead Poets Society (1989).


Dangerous Minds — Hallway Scene

Freedom Writers — We Mattered Scene

School of Rock — The Man

Lean on Me — You are dismissed

Dead Poets Society — Carpe Diem

I took each video from YouTube using the PwnYouTube bookmark. Downloaded the best quality MP4 I could. Then I opened them all up in Adobe Premiere Pro. I didn’t have a plan at first for which part of the video clips I wanted to use for the one second I had. After cutting Dangerous Minds, Dead Poets Society, and Lean on Me, I started to see a pattern so I put them in an almost conversation.

The little girl asks, “Are you going to teach us anything?”

Then Michelle Pfeiffer screams, “MOVE!”

Robin Williams, “Well, come on!”

Morgan Freeman, “To learn.”

Hillary Swank, “To graduate.”

Okay, it’s not perfect, but I think it’s a nice coincidence!

That should be the goal of any inspirational teacher, though. Moving your students to learn and to graduate!


One Archetype, 5 seconds, 5 movies

For this week the class was asked to do a mash up based off of one archetype I chose to do the archetype of the toughest coaches by showing coaches from different films and how tough they are . I chose the Karate kid, Coach Carter, Gridiron gang, Remember the Titans, and Miracle. Here is what I did:

Principals who won’t take it no more


This video my first for YouTube was for the DS106 video assignment, “One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds“. For this video I chose to use Principals (or teachers good to be) found in film.

For my process, I downloaded the videos from Youtube using the online embedded software KeepVid, which I like since it requires no program to download and will work great for Mac or PC. Then after downloading my videos I then used MPEG Streamclip which is great for trimming out the segment for each clip I want using the “Select in” and “Select out” tools then the “Trim” tools then you save your clip. I use Windows at home so I used Movie Maker which is somewhat similar to iMovie for Mac. I was able to add all the clips I wanted then rearrange them in the order I wanted. In Movie Maker you can also further trim your videos if you want as well but it might not be as preise as with MPEG Streamclip.

I also wanted to add some audio in the background of the video. So I used Audacity to trim out the section of the song I wanted and was able to save it to mp3 and open it in Movie Maker with my videos. Since I already had the the videos and audio edit to the same time I wanted them at, it was just a matter of adjusting the volumes of the both the audio and the individual video clips to my desire. Last step save movie to YouTube format.

Audio: Twisted Sister – We’re Not Gonna Take It

Videos: Mean Girls -Principal Duvall (Tim Meadows)

To Sir, With Love – Mr. Thackeray (Sidney Poitier)

Grease - Principal McGee (Eve Arden)

Lean on Me – Principal Clark (Morgan Freeman)

The Breakfast Club – Asst Principal (Paul Gleason)



Video Assignment – One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds

The archetype that I chose for this assignment is mainly about Martial Arts or Kung Fu Master like Bruce Lee. In his 5 films from The Big Boss to Game of Death, Bruce nearly uses his physical speed and power to knock down his opponent.

VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments448

Wise Old Men***

This was a nice startup assignment to get me going for the week.  I got to experiment with iMovie a bit more and figure out things like transitions and credits and such.  I did lots of different things for this.  When considering this assignment, the first thing I thought of was Gandalf and the Wise Old Man Archetype.  Then I thought of several characters that related to the Wise Old Man throughout film and things like that.  I came up with Dumbledore and Obi-Wan Kenobi immediately.  I had a bit of trouble with the other two and just wandered through the internet aimlessly until I came up with the guy from Ghost Rider and Alfred, who is more of a moral guideline for Batman, but it was fitting in some senses.

The second step was finding clips of all the characters that had a good quote of action to use for the characters.  I ended up going to youtube to find these and searching for each character’s name and quotes.  After I found quotes within the videos that were useable, I included downloaded them using iLivid, an app that allows you to download youtube clips onto your Mac.  Here are the videos I used:

I think the pieces I chose demonstrate wisdom that the characters portray.  Obviously, the Wise Old Man is a prevalent character and exists heavily in the movie film genre.  Gandalf is the original old wise man, and, in my opinion, none of these other films would have existed without The Lord of the Rings except for maybe Gandalf.  It really is incredible how so many characters really are the same, exact thing, and it goes much farther back than to Gandalf.  I’m talking Ancient Greek times.  Anyway, here’s my final video.

I put the whole thing together with iMovie.  It was pretty easy to figure out which quote I wanted after I heard it.  The only regret I have is that some of them are quite long and, consequently, made the video longer.  Not the end of the world, but I wish I could have made it shorter.  I also added clips of the names and the names of the movies the characters are from between each character.  Hopefully this does not backfire on me with some random youtube law thing.  It was really just about selecting the right area of quote, dragging it around, and then putting it together.  Then I inserted the character name transitions in between each clip and the ending credits.  After that, I finalized the clips, which took like an hour to put together, loaded it into Youtube, and now we here…

Here’s some of my workspace:

5 Archetype Screenshot

Troll Beauty

I like watching fantastical movies mainly for the imagination they show. What I’ve never understood, why trolls? And why do they always fall on their back with a big thud? See here Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (2001) and Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring (2001). I thought they are just big and boring.

I started looking for troll scenes for this assignment, which is to use five 1 second clips from 5 movies to create a 5 second video.  First I hoped I will find more clips with trolls falling on their bags, but then I got a new idea. It looked like many of the videos I watched were caring for showing me the reason why so often trolls are so intensively occupied in fantasy movies. I observed movie makers of recent fantasy films has gone beyond trolls being just stupid and hideous, but often let their heroes discover beauty where audience like me can not see any. The effect with me was in fact that I also were able to see it. Yet, what is the King in Merlin doing?

After choosing five seconds of my gathered clips I arranged them from “normal dump troll” to “passionate love for a troll”. When I watched the result, nothing of my intention was noticeable, but I wanted it to be noticed and like this I again ignored the demands of an assignment and just slowed the movie down about two thirds, but I’ve just learned today there is nothing wrong with being creative.

This is how I did arrange the clips in premiere elements to start the editing [after realizing that having the movies assembled at 0, you have all the audio at once and you can just see the topmost clip (: ]
Clips I’ve used for this video are:?
Hansel and Gretel Behind the Scenes

Merlin King and the Troll

Snow White & the Huntsman – Troll Attack

The Hobbit – Troll Battle

Troll Hunter – Bridge Armour Scene


One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds

The goal of this assignment was to pick a theme, and find 5 movie scenes that go with it.  I know it was only supposed to 5 seconds, but I it was really hard to get the point of each video with just 1 second clips.  The movies I chose, in order, are “The Dark Night Rises”, “The Princess Bride”, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, “Army of Darkness”, and “A  Knights Tale”.  The scene from Dark Night Rises is kind of a typical Batman scene, him standing on top of a high building overlooking the city as its protector.  I just thought it was a cool scene to start off the montage.  The second is Inigo Montoya’s classic line from Princess Bride.  I think that just about everyone knows this line and it was the first scene I thought of when I looked at the assignment.  The third scene is the very popular “Its just a flesh wound” from Monty Python.  I thought it was a perfect scene to follow Inigo Montoya’s death threat, plus its just funny.  The fourth scene was from Army of Darkness.  Ashe used his shotgun to break the Prince’s sword and all the citizens of the castle are in shock of its power.  I’ve always thought it was hysterical.  The final scene was from A Knights Tale.  Although the part I chose was not Heath Ledger himself, I thought it was absolutely perfect to follow the boom stick line.  The biggest problem I had with this assignment was just formatting everything correctly, I’m still having trouble with scaling the clips themselves.  I enjoyed this assignment because it really made me want to watch these movies over again

One Archetype … 5 Movies! PARTYYYY

The next Video Assignment that I decided to complete for this week involved looking up 5 different movies that fit into one Archetype and lasts about 5 seconds. The archetype that I decided to do was “Party” …. I looked up 5 different movies that I knew had pretty intense “party scenes” in order to put them together in my 5 second video.

The first movie that I came to my mind when I thought of party movies was the movie “Project X” I cut a small clip of this scene that I found in order to stress the biggest party based scene in this entire movie. The second movie that I added was “Superbad” and the “Blood Brothers” scene because this was also another movie that initially came to mind that I knew would be easy to find a good party scene from. I felt like this clip added a different type of party scene then the first one and I knew that it would fit in really well. After I used too funny movies I knew that I needed a more relaxed scene from the movie in order to show variety in terms of the “party” archetype. The movie “Hangover” has a lot of scenes that represent parties, but I thought that the wedding scene would add a little humor… especially to those that have seen the entire movie as well. I then added a more high school based party scene by adding a more recent movie “21 Jump Street” to the mix and showing how fights can also be a party of the party scene to add on to the archetype. The last movie that I added to the mix was “Old School” because I figured I’d end my archetype with a little bit of Frank the Tank and his great beer bonging abilities. This is a bit of an older movie and I knew this would be the perfect conclusion for how a party really is now-a-days. I’ve seen all of these movies and when I began thinking of an archetype I figured this would be an easy one to target. After I found all of these scenes… I used to download them onto my computer and import them into a new project on iMovie. I then shortened the clips and added the song “Shots” by Lil Jon to give it a little bit of energy. After I finished this project I simply uploaded it onto my youtube account and there we go… all finished. I really enjoyed doing this video assignment simply because as I was looking at these scenes I really wanted to watch all the movies again. Through this clip (that should have been 5 seconds) I simply told the story of the varieties in the “party” archetype. I didn’t make it 5 seconds because I knew I couldn’t get anything out of it … so I made it a little longer, nearly 5 seconds for each scene .. just to get a better glimpse of my message. Here’s my video:

1 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 5
Total= 8/16 Stars!