A Range of Emotions

For this assignment, I created a video showing my range of emotions. This video captures some of the feelings and facial expressions that I had today. As I went throughout my day, I experienced happiness, excitement, sadness. there were times where I was annoyed and angry but as the day continued, I was happy again. In the video, I also added a few other random facial expressions like where I was surprised.

Range of Emotions

After watching the example video for this assignment, that can be found here: Range of Emotions Assignment, I said to myself; how can I not do this assignment? The guy in the example video looks like he was having a lot of fun so I decided that I wanted to join in. Here’s my range of emotions rendition set to a techno background.

My neck was cut off by the camera angle so I kind of look like a potato. A very emotional Potato. Fullscreen capture 11152015 95143 PM

Range of Emotions

This is an odd assignment, if viewed out of context.  I look  like I’m off some meds.  Oh well.  Let the blackmailing begin.  Here it is:

Range of Emotions

This assignment was worth one star but was really funny to complete. My face can contort in a number of different ways and I thought I would share some with you. First I recorded myself doing some crazy faces in one take on my webcam. Then I used Windows Live Movie Maker to create the [...]

Range of Emotions

This one was really fun.  It made me think of that mime act where he is smiling and moves his hand in front of his face then he’s frowning.  I just thought it was fun to be really dramatic with my emotions.  I hope you guys like my no shave November beard

Range of Emotions

Make a video showing your range of facial emotions. Showing the happiest you can be, all the way down to the saddest you can get.

But more than just recording your face, make the sequence tell a story, and add music, titles, caption or sounds to enhance the video feel.