Backyard Photo Safari

For this week’s DS106 assignment, I decided to stick with the visual assignments because they are my favorite.  I chose one that might be boring for some, but the application to the classroom could be very powerful.  It is a backyard photo safari that takes viewers on a photo journey through someone’s yard.  Now my backyard is fairly plain, but I chose this assignment because I was thinking about applying it to the classroom.

One of the most powerful things I learned through CU Denver’s Urban Teacher Program was how important it is to allow the students to bring their own culture and funds of knowledge into the classroom.  I thought this backyard photo journey could be a really cool way for me to get to know the students at the beginning of the year and for the students to get to know each other.  It wouldn’t necessarily have to be their backyards, it could be anything.

In my current school, we would probably have to modify this a bit by either doing it in class together or by using actual pictures the kids have, not digital.  For some, this could be homework during the first week of school and have students share on Friday, for example.  This assignment would teacher the kids about creating digital slide shows and allow them to learn to be digital storytellers!

Here is my photo journey!


Gun Loops, Large Holes Agin the King

Gun Loops Gardens

Gun Loops Gardens

Between the algaed stone and the imposing handle

Ancient and modern

Secluded formal gardens tucked

No shortage of benches for lunches

Perpendicular to Newarke Wall’s large holes

Now peeping on the graveyard

But in 1645

Gun loops for Parliament’s shooters

Soldiers agin their King

Republic in waiting

Get out of my Arboretum!

Over the weekend I went to Georgetown and visited the National Arboretum, a very expansive garden in D.C. I thought this would be perfect for the backyard safari photos assignment as my backyard is not interesting and the Arboretum had so much to offer. There were many different sections to the vast park: a bonsai garden and Asian gardens, a Dogwood garden, the National Herb Garden and my favorite, some of the original Capital building columns.

The entire place was just a sublime experience, but seeing the columns set up as they were, almost as if outlining the remnants of a Roman ruin, reminded me of Italy and put me in a different place. Likewise, the herb garden moved me with its various scents and innumerable flowers, the last of the season. The entire place told the story that there is a different world placed on the outskirts of a large city, that there is life in a city of concrete.

I showed both the dark and light of the columns, and then from farther away, where I thought they looked like one of those ruins upon an Italian hillside. Then I move into the herb garden where i traipsed around smelling lavender and rosemary, the same plants Michelle Obama gets in her home, the White House. I ended my sequence the same way I ended my day, by staring at a groundhog, a life feeding off of the life around it. I named him Herbert and watched while he lazily ate grass and plants laying down.

There was too much beauty in this place not to share and there was more of a story to tell than my backyard. In fact, this place is the backyard to all of D.C. and is therefore more fulfilling in its story because it is shared by so many.

I took these photos with my iPhone and uploaded them to iMovie. It was a simple enough movie to make, but I wanted to make the photos move to zoom in on what should be looked at most deeply, as well as give the viewer more time to soak up what they are seeing. I hope everyone can see my story and the beauty that the small outings in life can bring.

Arietty Goes House Shopping

I went house shopping today. I think I am in love with this backyard!

Check out the video I made about the backyard. While I was taking pictures, I thought about how I really feel about this class. Even though I struggled a little bit in this class, I still enjoyed it.

I would like to thank my MacBook, my wifi, my iPhone 5s and my mobile hotspot for making it possible to pass this class.

Backyard Photo Safari

Most likely your backyard has a story to tell. Or perhaps a park nearby will share its secrets.  With this assignment take your camera on a photo safari to capture interesting images of a place you frequent.  Cull your photos down to the best 5-10 images that when combined will tell a story.  Create a slide show and embed it into your blog.  Include a written or audio story telling component as well to help flesh out the story for your viewers.

See example at: Bygone Backyard Photo Safari