Unsuspecting Friends

Well… hopefully we’re still friends. In this visual assignment I chose to complete, the task was to take pictures of unsuspecting friends. Throughout the week I have been collecting these pictures to make this a good one. This assignment is definitely visual and it definitely helps you get creative by taking pictures at times you never really think of to take pictures of people (like while eating). This assignment was worth 2 points. Here’s the link to the assignment: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/unsuspecting-friends/

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Unsuspecting Friends

2 Stars


Ha Ha! This assignment was fun, easy, and different. I knew I would see most of my friends in class or just hanging out so there was no shortage of opportunities to snap a picture. Firstly, I tried to get take a picture of them just talking or doing work. Secondly, my goal was for them not to notice until after the photo was taken. As you can tell in the bottom picture two of my friends caught me, but there faces are still goofy, shocked looks. The funniest part was when they asked why I took a picture or what I was doing, I answered with “homework” then a chuckle.

My Unsuspecting Friends

I decided to take pictures of my friends at moments where they were not paying attention. Once you have photos of them make a collage of the photos. I decided that this was a moderately easy assignment and definitely a visual assignment, so I made it worth 2 stars. Some people may not know about photo collage programs or apps to let you do this thats why I made the decision about the stars.

Unsuspecting friends

Give the assignment Unsuspecting Friends a try. Hopefully you can get your friends doing things besides just fooling around on the internet unlike mine!

Unsuspecting Friends

Take pictures of your friends at times where they are not aware that you are photographing them. Once you have a few photos put them into some kind of a collage. Make sure your friends are okay with the photo though before you post it. You don’t want to upset anybody. Have fun with this one, I showed my friends and they all got a nice laugh