Seeing Colors

This was just a simple assignment but I really like how it turned out. Just a simple hue change of a picture I took and it looks really cool from afar and then when you zoom in its really cool to see how the red changes the details.

“Exciting, Electric, Flavorful Views…”


You know a remix to a song, well, here is a remix to a picture!

Here is a color changer picture of  the University of Mary Washington’s Anderson Center. For people, who are not familiar with the color scheme of UMW, their school colors are; red, white, navy blue, and gray. The building at UMW are usually light brown, tan, and white. For this picture, I mixed the colors around. Usually, the sky is blue. I switched the sky to pink and made the grass blue. Usually, school buildings are brown. Well I switched, the building color to green.

This can appeal to the viewers view so vividly, because this picture is not a color theme that they are use to seeing or visualizing. I also used Fotoflexer to create and edit my photo.

If you would like to change your colors and create your textures to picture’s here is the link: (

Color Changer

This visual assignment is the “Color Changer” assignment. It consists of changing the hue of a photo in order to change its appearance. I decided to use a photo I took of my house at my university with an incredible double rainbow in the background. I chose this photo because I had never seen such a well defined double rainbow. This photo was taken immediately following an intense thunderstorm. It was incredible how quickly nature can transform from a nasty storm to such an aesthetically pleasing sight.

Original photo was taken on April 7, 2016 in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

IMG_1892 (1)

Above is the same photo, which was edited using Iphoto. I chose this particular edit because it merges the ominous thunderstorm that just recently passed with the newly established sereneness and tranquility. The dark ground and dark sky represent the recently passed storm whereas the rainbow and light houses represent the beauty following the storm.

Tags: VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments1701

Seaside Diptych

Diptych Design

I created this diptych as a means of remixing an assignment which has you change the color/hue of a photo to make it look surreal. The remix I got for this assignment was “Media Bender:”

“Change up the media for the original assignment- take a video assignment into audio or design.”

I chose this assignment because I had already done it and so had a base to use for remixing. The prompt led to a few interesting ideas, but I decided that if I have to wait for my computer to process anymore videos then I won’t be finishing this week on time. So I took more of a design route for this remix.

While working on the original assignment, I kept thinking about Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Diptych, his most famous art piece in which he used a silk screen to alter the colors of an image and recreate it into a series of colorful renditions. I decided to do something similar on Paint.NET by changing the picture’s hue to several new colors. Then I went a bit further and searched through the different effects that this program has until I found some that I liked and that made the picture look different and new. Once I had 11 new versions of this image, I put them together on a grid and organized them into a cascade of colors, fading into black and white, and eventually falling into sketches.

Oceans Away

Color Change

This assignment prompted you to change the hue of a photo to make a new world. This photo came out surprisingly well when I altered the hue. The original colors were so clearly defined that the new ones blended in as though they were natural to the scene. So, once I chose this color scheme to use, I decided it looked something like the skies of another planet, the shores of an island millions of miles away. Perhaps the greenish-yellow waters erode away rocks that eventually grow pale upon their exposure to their home star. The purple trees on this island are just a part of the vegetation that feeds the lives that thrive on the planet. It’s a surreal world.

In order to create this image, I took an old photo of my own and changed the hue level in paint.NET. Here’s the original:

blue skies over a little rocky harbor

This activity was fairly simple and quite enjoyable. Once you’ve found a picture that has a smooth color transition in the hue change, you can find something truly beautiful. I took some time figuring out what hue I wanted; they ranged from red waters and blue rocks to green rocks and orange waters. I didn’t want it to look too eerie, so I went with a milder purple and yellow-green color scheme. It reminds me of what a world might look like with a different atmosphere, and so I thought it might look better than a suspiciously red sea.

I love how the colors turned out, and again, I am deeply surprised by how smoothly the hue changed overall. With such a simple tweak, I managed to create a whole different island.

Another Worlds

For another Visual Assignment, I decided to do the ‘Colour Change‘ assignment. This consists of taking a picture, or using a picture that you had already taken and then changing the Hue of it, which i did in Photoshop.

So here’s a holiday photo i took in Greece, the first one is a the real deal! Just a nice relaxing beach, oh take me back!


However! For the second picture, after messing around with the Hue, I decided that this picture was pretty perfect. I decided that when you’re on holiday and the sun in read hot it seems to also make the floor RED HOT! So I thought this was a perfect example of how the floor really felt when you’re on holiday!


Hue Who

Here is the link to the original assignment. 3 Stars

Take any picture in the entire world and change the color hue of the picture to completely change how it looks! Then post it on flickr to show the world!

So this is a photo I took a few years ago of a yellow monarch butterfly on a beautiful August afternoon. It took about ten minutes of me following the butterfly around with camera to get it to stay still enough for me to capture this photo.  This photo is a favorite of mine because it took so long for me to get a decent picture of the butterfly and I feel quite accomplished that I was able to do that as well.

I am sure there are  many photographers that feel the same way about an accomplishing photo that they have taken. I know some photographers go to great lengths just to get that perfect shot. That’s what many National Geographic photographers are famous for, as well as photographic journalists that will run into the heart of a war, just to capture the disappear and heartache of fighting.

Hue Who

Remember how I said I took this picture during a summer afternoon? It doesn’t exactly look like that in the first photo because I adjusted the color hue to make it look darker and possibly night time. I changed the hue of the photo using Photoshop Elements 11, which was relatively simple. I opened the photo I wanted to change the one seen below. Then I went to Enhance > Adjust Color > Adjust Hue/Saturation as you can see below. Then I just adjusted the hue back and forth to get the effect I wanted. Now you see the finish product shown above!

Screenshot (22) Screenshot (24)



Pentagon, WWIII

I chose this creation to pay tribute to 9/11 that recently passed. The story is that this photo is taken from the future during World War III. The US has been hit by nuclear bombs and thus the sky has turned red and black from the radiation. I used Pixlr Express to edit.

Pentagon Color Changer 9/22/15


pentagon tdc
edited picture

The Work Itself

This visual assignment was created previously by a student. I had to take any picture and change the color hue of the picture to completely change its appearance, then post it on flickr to show the world! This is a google image of the U.S. Pentagon that I edited using Pixlr Express. I chose to edit this image in this particular way because 9/11 recently passed and as a tribute to those who passed away in the attacks I wanted show respect that it will never be forgotten.  I also wanted to show that a terrorist attack can happen at any time, so we must be grateful for those who protect us.

Telling the Story Behind the Story

This photo is taken from World War III. The US has been attacked by North Korea. On the morning of 9/11/2043 it was a typical day for American citizens. However at 12 pm eastern time, the capital building was bombed by nuclear weapons. The sky turned red and black from the radiation. Across the country, cities were being bombed and destroyed. America is in turmoil, a hero must rise up and save this country before it is gone.

Narrating the Process

Once I found an image of the pentagon I uploaded it to Pixlr Express. In Pixlr express I edited the color hue and borders of the image. I used a unicolor effect, called “chloe”. To edit the borders of the image, I selected the “colorfiv” option under the category “ink”. After I finished editing I saved it and uploaded it to my flickr.


Color Changer

I took this picture today with my girlfriend at the river by our school and I thought it would be really fun to mess with the colors. I used an app called afterlight and messed with the color hues until I liked how it looked.
Color hue change