5ive Frame Story

For the Five Frame Story I used my Bearded Dragon, Dr?k, as my subject. With a Game of Thrones theme, Dr?k, wants to be King of the Dragons but the Blue Dragon is the reigning king. After Dr?k shows a little fire breathing the Blue Dragon abdicates the throne to him. Dr?k is now King of the Dragons and shows his superiority by standing on the body of the Blue Dragon!

Five Frame Story

I chose do tell a story using only five photos for one of our visual assignments this week. Can you guess what the story is about?

The story is about feeding my bunny! Though it might not seem like a very interesting subject, I thought it would make a fun and cute story as it is a process I do many times daily!

For the assignment I took pictures using no flash and tried to get a straightforward perspective of each subject. After I took the photos (using my iPhone 6 camera) I edited some for clarity and desired colors in a photo app called PhotoEditor off of the iOS App Store. In the “Kale is on the way!” photo I also added a focus effect to keep the subject of the picture on the kale itself. After all of my photos were edited, I emailed them to my Gmail account, and uploaded them to my website Multimedia Library. From there, a story of a cute bunny being fed was born!

5 Frame Story

Directions: Tell a story using five photos. Basically, that’s it. Figure out the story you want to tell and then take five photos to tell it. If you need to edit, add filters, etc. in order to get the effect you want, go for it. 

I decided to tell the story
of how I make coffee! I am completely addicted to caffeine and I also never
sleep. It’s a vicious cycle of depending on caffeine to get me through the day.
So, I drink a lot of lattes, and I am super picky about how they are made. I
start off by turning on the most important piece of tech in my life.

You might be like, well what
about your phone? No! I would give up my phone for this espresso maker. I would
never look at another Iphone if it meant that I could keep this beautiful life
sustaining machine. On Wednesday I had exactly three hours of sleep and
survived because I had six shots of espresso keeping me awake. And the next
day, espresso got me through my 30-minute presentation while running on four
hours of sleep. I accumulate a lot of sleep dept, but this is my last semester
and I take 21 credits, so really, I have no other option but to fuel myself
with caffeine. And I’m okay with that.

Anyways, I start the latte
making process by turning on the machine. Then, I grab the largest coffee mug
in my kitchen. Next, I take out the almond milk and this little metal cup I use
to collect all that glorious espresso. Then, I stuff the espresso mix into the cartridge.
If this has a real name for it I do not know it, but I love it nonetheless.
After making the espresso, I take my mug full of almond milk and turn on the
steam wand.

And that is how I make my
coffee at least once a day. But more than likely it is 2-3 times a day.

Digital Storytelling 2019-02-07 21:28:52

Kira Villiani had been watching him for days. Following his every move. Studying his interactions. Memorizing his schedule. She was bored. He was not an interesting man. Just a lousy professor as a lousy university. Why had she even taken the job? It wasn’t like she got to kill, fight or torture anyone. But finally the night had come. It was time.

Kira waited for him to leave his office so make the move. Dressed as a lousy college student, she blended in perfectly. This was so easy. Just walking right into the building, through the main entrance, down the hall, up the stairs and… right into the department. Perfect! Everyone was gone for the day. The lock on his door was a simple one; it took only six seconds to break. Now, on to the file cabinet. It took a little longer, ten seconds, to break. Well that was easy.

She wondered why they needed this file and what about this lousy professor was so important. But money is money. Kira locked the door as she left. Ran down the stairs.

Walked through the hall and out the main entrance. Seriously? Who would pay a million for one tiny file? And if it was so important, why would a lousy professor keep it in an unguarded file cabinet? Oh well, her job was done. Now she never had to come back to that lousy campus. Kira could finally go home.

Before checking to see if there was another job offer, she played her piano. One of the only skills she had kept from the orphanage in Italy. Then finished the night with her favorite; peppermint tea and biscotti.

For this assignment, I chose to tell a story of my character. I used pictures from my own home and from the campus of UMW.


So yesterday was my 22nd birthday, and it was so funny because Heff and I always joke that we’re too old to party now, and we just drink dry red wine at home with our cat and dog in our pajamas. Super lame, but soooo comfy. But yesterday we got a taste of the not-so-fun side of adulting-a car battery dying. GREAT!

However, this story did remind me that I had a visual assignment due about a five frame story. And while I was planning on the story being about Declan eating a chicken nugget that he wasn’t supposed to, or crying over spilled milk, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to use my sadness for good.

So, quite literally, I took pictures of the actual events happening and found that I had 5 pictures to make into a story. I was frustrated throughout the entire process (not because of the assignment) but just because we kept running into more and more problems. I decided that I would be the one to take the pictures of Heff, so that I can accurately capture the anger and frustration we had to go through! Haha!

Here is Heff starting the car and hearing a clicking sound instead of an engine running. Freaking awesome.
Popping open the hood and realizing that its probably time to change the battery. She asks me when was the last time I changed it…and I said “wait, what? were supposed to change those?”
Here we are jumping my car with her car. After 20 mins, we realized that we just need to buy a new battery, because its time for that, LOL.
We went to autozone! and dropped $180 on a cold-weather resistant battery. yay!
Finally, Mitsu (what her name is) is purring just fine. Works like a charm. And we didn’t have to get her towed, which is what my initial reaction was!

As you can see, I had a great birthday and a great birthday present of a new heavy-ass car battery. It came with a handle, so I guess that was cool.


Weiner Dogs LOVE Tacos

This assignment is to take any 5 pictures and make them into a story. I went about this assignment by first picking the pictures I thought were super cute and also pictures of my personally favorite dogs that I wanted to post on this blog to share with the world. I love dachshunds so much, any time I think of doing something creative my mind automatically goes to them and by choosing subjects I know personally, it made my assignment more enjoyable. I made this assignment by taking pictures with my phone camera of my puppies and my friend’s puppies, adding drawings via the iPhone “markup” editing tool from the iPhone photo app, and also by adding text from Snapchat editor with different fonts to give it more jazz. I hope you like my cute story with the help of my dogs and my friends’ dogs!

Once upon a time, four dachshunds were friends. Their owners let them have play-dates together when they went to work and school. One day, while the dachshunds were living their special lives sleeping all day, playing, and sun baking, a question arose from Winston Churchill.

Crusoe responded:

Winston Churchill eagerly responded:

Jackie Kennedy then said relaxingly:

and lastly, the decision was made when Clementine Churchill sleepily said:

And there you had it folks. All four dachshunds were then on their way to Moes.


Five Picture Story

A long time ago when I was in High school me and a few buddies of mine decided to play a prank on one of our friends. The idea was to make him think that I had died and later I would appear as though I was a ghost and no one else would see me. Our friend would think that he was talking to a ghost and it would freak him out. At the time our friend was drinking a little and we knew he would be an easy target. The prank ended up working and for an hour he thought I was a ghost. He would do tests and even take pictures of me to try and figure out what was going on. Eventually we told him and we to this day wont let him live it down. It was one of the funniest pranks Ive ever pulled.

These picture represent the story that night.

Picture one: My friends driving around with the target.

Picture two: Me calling my friends to initiate and start the prank, the I am dead phone call.

Picture three: When my friends arrived to the location I was standing under a light post in the rain, it was very ghost like.

Picture four: Me talking to my friend and him thinking that hes talking to a ghost.

Picture five: The group finally telling him it was a joke and him getting laughed at for the foreseeable future.

Overall I like telling stories, especially ones Ive experienced and I found this particular assignment perfect for allowing me to tell one of my all time favorite stories. Pulling pictures together was really fun and I enjoyed the process of trying to use five photos to tell a hilarious story.

Kate to the Rescue

It was a normal morning until Kate got an alert on her phone saying a cat was in need. The cat was stuck on an extremely high shelf and needed to be rescued. Kate rushes to the cat who is calling for help. The cat is too high for cat to reach, so she runs for a ladder. She brings the ladder and gets the cat safely down. The cat is extremely appreciative and gets to go back to sleeping in his bed.


This assignment took a lot of thought. I had to plan how I was going to use my character and decided that the best way was to rescue my cat somehow. I carefully placed my cat on a shelf and used my newly learned photo skills to make him seem higher than he actually was. I then took photos of me reaching out for him and then balancing a ladder up high to get to him. This was a hard task because I was juggling the ladder and my cat who wanted to get down while taking the photo. I added the text bubbles to some of the pictures since Kate can talk to animals. I used the website lunapic to add the text bubbles and added some transparency to them. This story was cool to create because I got to plan it and then follow through with it. I also got build my character’s story a little more and work on my creative skills.


Until next time,




*wakes up and looks at time* *goes back to sleep*


I spent at least a half an hour trying to figure out what in the world I was going to do for this assignment. I eventually just decided to make a parody of “fighting the good fight” and staying awake at work! Check out the Flickr link below, I’m sharing it that way because I figured that was the cleanest way to do so.


As you can see the first picture is of my watch, and it says 0126hrs, obviously late and like honestly why tf am I even still awake? I use the second picture to preface more, showing that I’m doing homework. I follow this by taking a selfie of me “chugging” a grape flavored Red Bull (by the way don’t try that flavor it’s absolutely horrific). This introduction of “rocket fuel” to my bloodstream then lead to me again checking my watch and seeing it was 0130hrs. Swearing that about an hour should have passed I couldn’t fight the sleep anymore and it consumed me.

As I’ve said in previous posts I don’t have a lot of experience doing this type of stuff, so I just keep trying to force myself to loosen up and have fun while pushing myself to be creative. All I used for this project my cell phone. One thing I did have to do was download the free Flickr app to simplify the downloading of pictures and sharing of them to you guys. I will tell ya I try to figure out what in the world having good lighting meant and seems to me like I failed. But I tried. BTW I’m rounding up on the star value for this assignment…


Just Zaying…



This is my first assignment that is going to be my Five Frame Story. I thought of this as my story because it describes me so well and how much I love to eat…especially sweets. It came to my head just looking through the pictures on my phone, and I thought WOW I do actually have a story in here!

Honestly, this is literally how I am. I get hangry, then I’m offered food or I get some myself, I’m ecstatic that I actually have said food, I eat it, and then I’m on the top of the world!