Troll Quotes- Do or do not there is no try!

Find an image of a well known figure, add to it a famous quote by someone related in some way to the figure in the image and then attribute the quote to a third, related figure. From the official site: How It Works 1) Get a picture of someone people idolize. Obi Wan Kenobi, Barack Obama, Captain Kirk — any beloved public figure will do. 2) Slap on a famous quotation from a similar character from a different book or movie. Pick something close enough that a non-fan might legitimately confuse them. If you’re using Captain Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation, for example, you’ll probably want to grab a quote from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica. 3) Attribute the quotation to a third character, from yet a third universe. This way, nothing about your image is correct, and you’re trolling fans of all three characters at once. Worth  2 Stars.

I chose the 3 master figures in 3 wonderful film series.  Dumbledore, Gandalf, and Yoda.

More Visual Assignments

Spent some more time doing some of the ds106 visual assignments.  I was drawn to the Troll Quote assignment.  My old desktop background was a picture of Patrick Stewart that said “Use the Force, Harry”, with the quote attributed to Gandalf.  That was the first example I had ever seen and it kept me in stitches for far longer than it had any right to.  I resisted the urge to go the geek route and did this instead:

Troll Quote - Sheen - Slater - Downey

I really hope people get this, because having to explain it would jut ruin everything forever.


I also did the assignment for “an album cover” (which, thanks to an SNL Celebrity Jeopardy sketch, I keep calling “anal bum cover”, in my best Sean Connery).  The band name came from a random wikipedia entry, which turned out to be tonna perdix.  The album title came from the quote ”Let the fear of danger be a spur to prevent it; he that fears not, gives advantage to the danger.” ~Francis Quarles.  This too, having been randomly generated.  Then the picture (you guessed it, random)Mall With Intentional Camera Movement

Mix until blended and…

anAl bum Cover

I added the jewel case for authenticity.  What kind of music would Tonna Perdix be?  Was their older stuff better?  I hear they really sold-out with “Gives Advantage to the Danger”.

Now I want to go watch some Christian Slater movies.  Pump Up the Volume, perhaps.

Exterminate Troll Quotes!

My first troll quote’s theme was vampires. This one is robots/aliens.

Another nerdy post. The picture is R2D2 from Star Wars, the quote is from a Dalek in Doctor Who, and I attributed it to Lieutenant Commander Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation. I was going to first attribute it to Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons but I wanted a bit more nerdiness in there. Plus Trekkies/Star Wars fans aren’t too fond when you mix up their stuff.

R2D2 picture

Visual Assignment: Spock Troll Quote

Woo, I am on a roll with these assignments! This time I chose the troll quote assignment, in which you choose an image of a well-known person, choose another well-known quote, and attribute the quote to someone else entirely. You can see the assignment here.

I started out by looking for quotes. I love the Harry Potter books, and they have tons of really great quotes. I saw this one by Albus Dumbledore that has always been one of my favorites:

“As much money and life as you could want!  The two things most human beings would choose above all – the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.

The last part of that quote immediately made me think of Spock from the original Star Trek series, it sounds exactly like something he’d say! So I dug around for a picture of Spock…


The quality wasn’t great so I uploaded it into GIMP and edited it by changing the hue and saturation, trying to make it less grainy.

Then I stuck the quote on, and was momentarily stymied as I tried to figure out who I could attribute it to. What non-human pointy-eared character has a tendency to say rather patronizing things about humans?… Ah, Legolas from Lord of the Rings! There’s enough people who haven’t seen either Star Trek or Lord of the Rings (truly, a tragedy) that someone totally oblivious may believe that the guy in the blue uniform against a background of computers is the elf Legolas…maybe?

So here it is in all its glory:

Spock troll quote

Fear is the mind killer

I started mulling this assignment over on the way home last night when I heard President Obama on the radio citing “Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.’” A troll-quote immediately sprung to mind, but mome did such a good job with the Superman/Spiderman/Iron Man mashup that I struggled for a good image. I considered using Obi-Wan Kenobi and citing Luke Skywalker (since the original verse in is in the Book of Luke), but using two characters from the same source didn’t sing to me.

In mulling things over, a line from Dune came to me, and reminded me of something Arya Stark says throughout the Song of Ice & Fire. I found an image of Arya that I liked, but I couldn’t think of a third character for attribution. I thought about Dune, and from thence to the House of Atreus–and there I got it–Electra. Citing a character from Greek mythology didn’t quite work, but using a comic-book image of Elektra with the quotation attributed to Arya Stark (which has a nice comic-book/superhero ring to it) suddenly clicked. I found an image I liked,  and here we are.


  • Cover of Elektra vol. 2 #3 by Greg Horn
  • “Fear is the mind killer”: Dune, by Frank Herbert
  • Arya Stark: Song of Ice & Fire, by George R.R. Martin

DS106 assignment

My first DS106 assignment! –at least, the first I’ve been able to finish. I created this in accordance with the “tripple troll quote” assignment, which is to,

“Find an image of a well known figure, add to it a famous quote by someone related in some way to the figure in the image and then attribute the quote to a third, related figure.”

…although I’m not confident that it’s actually finished. (Can someone tell me if I have the tags right?)

A bit of a political statement I suppose… The picture is of Richard Nixon, and the quote by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck (the man credited for inventing the modern welfare state). I wanted to ascribe the quote to Ben Bernanke, but he has no infamy the WorldWideWeb, as he never made the claim of “inventing” the internet–so I gave it to someone who did. ?
The “creative” process was not-so-smooth. Actually it was horrible, to be perfectly honest. Computer editing is nothing like painting… I spent 3-4 hours on three different days downloading and wrestling with Gimp, and trying to master simple things (very simple–you’d be embarrassed if you knew) before giving up and dragging it into the prehistoric “paint” program on my computer (which also has no similarity to painting–don’t let the name fool you). I don’t really know what I did–but it involved blocking and fading the section under the words, then making a layer over that, selecting font/color and inserting text many more times than I ought to have. I’m quite ashamed of the finished work, but so proud to have finished it that I’m actually thrilled to be posting this! But I do hope that it will get easier for me as we go along…

DS106 Assignment-Troll Quotes

 Often you have to rely on your intuition by Bill Gates

The Assignment

I chose troll Quotes assignment because this is the most funy assignment for me because through the assignment, we can put someone’s quote into the other famous person’s picture. Assignment mentiones that 1) Get a picture of someone people idolize. 2)Slap on a famous quotation from a similar character from a different book or movie. 3) Attribute the quotation to a third character, from yet a third universe.

The Process

Firstly I used google to find picture as same as previous DS106, and I found Steave Jobs. This is original picture.

I used internet to find what kind of person’s quote fit in Steve Jobs, and I found Bill Gates. I put his quote to the picture through the Aviary.  After I put the quotes, I changed the color, size and shape. I know there are many types of editing softwere, but Aviary does not require to download the soft, so there is no possibility to infect some virous. Thus I reccomend to use Aviary to edit.

The story

I chose Steve Jobs as this assignment because he is a one of the pioneer in the world. He created vrious IT tools such as iphone and iPad. He died in 2011. Most of people astonished about the news. Before he died, he did various works such as constituting Apple company. Moreover, Bill Gates is a one of the pioneer in the world. He and Steve Jobs are similar because their backgrounds are influenced each other. Bill Gates created Microsoft Company. Both pioneer definitely contributed to current IT society. I think the quotes comig from Bill Gates fit into Steve Jobs picture as well even though they are competitor in IT market.

troll quote picture


(Full credit for this picture goes to the original source)

Assignment: This assignment, which I think many others are doing, so probably most people know what it is, but I’ll stick to the assignment guidelines explaining what it is here; is about making a picture that inaccurately attributes a quote and the subject of the picture, therefore trolling three individuals. The initial guidelines under the ds106 assignment mention it should be someone people idolize (Herman Cain is certainly idolized by many people).

Process: I made this using GIMP which I have used a good number of times in the past. The only slightly difficult thing that was done with the text is the outline effect. It’s a simple process to apply an outline effect to any text:

Step 1: Use the text tool as normal to put some some text in your picture somewhere.

Step 2: With the text layer selected, click the “Select” menu at the top, then “Select by color”, and click any portion of your text.

Step 3: Now that you have the text selected, you can grow the selection using the “Select” menu at the top again, and then “Grow”. You can experiment which how much you grow your selection; I grew mine by 2 pixels I think.

Step 4: You can now go to the “Edit” menu on the top, then “Stroke Selection”, which allows you to basically draw a line along the selection border using whatever the foreground color is. This effect can also be completed with possibly better results using the “Path from Text” option in the text tool dialogue, but it depends on how picky you are.

Story: I thought that Herman Cain and his initially unattributed quote from “Pokémon: The Movie 2000″ were incidentally a good match for this assignment because I wouldn’t have to think of a clever quote since Cain and his staff already came up with a great one (and of course, there’s also the Pokemon relation to Japan). Also sticking to the assignment I put in Stephen Colbert’s name to keep to the assignment guidelines. Keep in mind Colbert and Cain had a rare strange appearance together just last week which can be seen here.

On a side note, I do watch “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report”, and I also follow U.S. politics for the most part, but I don’t consider myself affiliated with any party, and I certainly don’t endorse Herman Cain’s politics.

Triple Troll Quote: A Fox News Tribute

Assignment: The “Triple Troll Quote” is a simple assignment that pairs three figures; one of which is pictured, one of which is quoted, and one of which whose name is used as the quote attribute. I chose Barack Obama, Saddam Hussein, and Osama Bin Laden, respectively. (Troll Quotes @ DS106)

Process: Using GIMP the image was a breeze to create. I went for a black and white image of Obama and simple black background with white text. For the quote I used a nice serif font for a more professional look, but went with a sans-serif font for the name because I felt it looked like a motivational poster you might see at a school.

The image was originally found on this website, but they attributed the photo to Portlandart, though I could not find their actual website.

Story: I drew inspiration from one of the biggest troll organizations of all, Fox News.  Some far-right Americans believed that Barack Obama was an undercover Muslim and other weird and crazy things that were equally ridiculous. Going into the assignment, I knew that I wanted to make a political statement about misinformation and would probably use Obama’s picture. From there, I chose Osama Bin Laden to attribute the quote to. My final job was to pick out a quote.  I had no quote in mind for the project, so I started by searching for quotes related to Islam by Middle Eastern dictators.  Luckily, my first search (“Saddam Hussein quotes“) yielded an excellent quote which fit what I had in mind (it was literally the first quote on the page of the first result).

The three people I chose were intended to highlight the fallacies that Fox News and other conservative news and blog outlets propagate. A suspicious “typo” appeared last year when Fox announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, their news ticker read “Reports: Obama Bin Laden Dead” (view the image here). A 2010 poll by the Pew Research Center asked participants what they thought President Obama’s religion was and 18% believed him to be a Muslim (he’s a Christian). This is depressing for any American who cares about the state of politics in America.

Hopefully my ridiculous picture grabbed the attention of at least a few  :)

- Paul

ds106: Visual Assignment 24 – Troll quotes

Visual Assignment 24 – Troll quotes brief

Find an image of a well known figure, add to it a famous quote by someone related in some way to the figure in the image and then attribute the quote to a third, related figure. From the official site: How It Works

  1. Get a picture of someone people idolize. Obi Wan Kenobi, Barack Obama, Captain Kirk — any beloved public figure will do.
  2. Slap on a famous quotation from a similar character from a different book or movie. Pick something close enough that a non-fan might legitimately confuse them. If you’re using Captain Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation, for example, you’ll probably want to grab a quote from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica.
  3. Attribute the quotation to a third character, from yet a third universe. This way, nothing about your image is correct, and you’re trolling fans of all three characters at once.

A bug hunt life

While not being my all-time favourite Pixar film, A bug’s life was the inspiration for my Visual Assignment 24 – Troll quotes. Actually, it was a combination of A bug’s life and Bill Paxton’s freaked out Pvt. Hudson in Aliens that inspired my attempt to troll fans of Pixar, Toy Story and the Alien(s) film franchise. I’m not quite sure if my troll was successful.