Yam Yarn

Add a yam to your favorite movie and make a picture.

Yam Trek! Star Yam!

(full size is one click away)

Star Yam 13: The Final Leftovers is the next series of adventures for Captain James T. Fork of the Starship Yamterprise, it’s 9 year mission, to sek out new plates and new celebrations, to boldly go where no yam has gone before!

It’s a Yam Jam Theme, starting with Lisa Lane sailing the Yam Boat, Scottlo showing the Yam Who Would Be King, and next, MBS taking my favorite starchy movie, Cool Hand Yam (goes well with eggs).

How could I resist? I’m no spud.

Now someone needs to make this assignment for ds106, as this is getting out of yam. It could put a whole now flavor on mashed-up assignments.

Ingredients for this image:

UPDATE for red shirted ensign ds106ers! This is now officially an assignment with the tag VisualAssignments311

Cool Hand Yam

No Yam Can Eat Fifty Eggs!

Cool Hand Yam

So the Yam yarn continues with a fine start from Lisa M Lane with her Yamboat, and quickly followed by Scottlo with The Yam Who Would Be King.