Ask Your Audience    (Three Stars)

This is a picture of the Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg. I have visited the river many times and it is one of my favorite spots to sit outside. I have always wondered about the history behind it though, so my question is, what is the historical significance of the Rappahannock River?




Ask your audience

I took this picture in a beautiful summer evening, while drinking coffee in my living room.

The sky, skyscrapers and the trees all represent a part of I am. The vast sky signifies the immeasurable appreciation I have for everything in my life. The skyscrapers are like personal trophies for me, for each accomplishment I have achieved. And the trees, keeps me grounded, it serves as a reminder of the more important things in life.

How does this picture represent you?

Ask Your Audience?

This is a photo of New York City one of the greatest cities in the world. The city makes me believe that anything is possible and when i graduate I want to work and live there.The Visual assignment was to take a picture and ask the viewers of my blog a question. What inspires you?

Ask Your Audience

This is a photo i took with my phone from my roof of the New York City Skyline a few weeks ago. This view was one of the main reason why I decided to move to my current apartment. I believe this is one of the nicest views you can really ever have, it’s relaxing, beautiful, and inspiring. So the question I ask to my audience is what does this photo inspire you to do or accomplish?

forsakiros 2012-02-20 05:52:11

 Being in Japan the Trains are always busy usually in the morning, which is when this was taken. Why was it so empty on this morning at 9 AM… It was very very quiet and creepy, it’s like something happened no one told me! So does anyone have any ideas?

This is for the “Ask Your Audience – They’re Smarter Than You Think!” ds106 visual assignment.

Ask Your Audience – They’re smarter than you think!

Ask Your Audience, is an assignment that requires you to create a post based on an image (ideally one that you wish to more about and preferably one you took) and then ask an engaging enough question that invites your readers to provide you with an answer and/or additional information on the subject.


1.) Post a photo of something that you don’t know much about (your own original photo is preferred, it does not matter when it was taken).
2.) Give some background information about the photo (or other related information to help them out identifying whatever it is you posted).
3.) Ask your viewers in your own way to get more information on the subject matter for you (this will be the hardest part of the whole assignment).

Don’t forget to thank your viewers when you’re done, either!

Good luck and have fun!