Birdie’s Fountain

A Whole New World- 2Pts

I had this picture of the water fountain by the Bell tower and with all the birds that like to fly around there, I just thought why not enlarge one to accomplish the a whole new world visual assignment.

Birdie's Water Fountain



Week 3 – Visual Assignment – A Whole New World


I chose to use an image a friend sent me from the fresh fallen snow in the Alps and an image of my family in the sunny yet frigid winter in Durham, North Carolina. I combined them because the temperature was the same in both places, so the winter attire we were wearing in Durham was also suitable for the slopes in Switzerland. I used the online photo-editing software Pixlr and the Lasso tool to basically carve the section of my family from one photo and insert it over my friends image in the other.

A Whole New World – Race Track Warehouse

The thoughts behind this assignment makes a lot of sense; How would you see, reside, and interact in a world that is proportionately out of scale from your perspective? I like how they used the movie, “Honey I Shrunk the kids” as an example. Whether you are abnormally large or small for an environment, a series of challenges and advantage will present itself. For my attempt at this assignment, I placed race go-karts into a large warehouse. The drivers are now able to use the warehouse as a raceway where in reality, they would have no where to go!

Race Track Warehouse

Petite Artist

Artist within awork of art

A Whole New World for Slide Guy

A Whole New World for the DS106 Slide Guy

With this manipulated photo image I am able to complete two DS106 visual assignments for the price of one. Giving me a final count of 12 stars when all is said and done for week 5 of the DS106 headless 13 open-online session.

  • Slide Guy for Visual Assignment 595 (2 stars) where we insert a png image of the “Slide Guy” into a photo.
  • A Whole New World for Visual Assignment 419 (2 stars) in which we are to take a picture of a subject (grandparents, pet, yourself) and put it into a totally different background in which they appear abnormally too small or too large.

DS106 is so open even the insect world is joining in.

Just fun during visual storytelling week I decided to illustrate how open DS106 could be.  As shown here, even the insect world is joining in. The photo was easy to make.  There are a total of three layers: The original background image, a transparent PNG image of the DS106 logo, and a magic lassoed image of the grasshoppers leg that is placed over the the DS106.



DS106 Slide Guy

To add the slide guy enjoying his ride, I simply made another layer, sized him appropriately so that his posterior would look like a more “natural” fit as he slid down the blade of grass, and placed him at the top of the stack.

I took a wrong turn somewheres…

This is a combination of a photo of me in the Al Jazirah Desert and the view from Mt. Juneau in Juneau AK. Somehow, I got 500 times bigger than I should be and traveled almost all the way across the world to get onto this mountain top. Some Tuesdays, I tell ya…

Big Dog, Small CIty

This was for the “A Whole New World” assignment from the ds106 visual assignments bank.


This is an edited picture using the program GIMP that ‘shrunk’ the people and enlarged the flowers.

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

Assignment Details

Take a picture of your subject (grandparents, pet, yourself) and put it into a totally different background in which they appear abnormally too small or too large. Think of Honey, we shrunk the kids…

Personal Experience

Once again, I am not very familiar with photo editing programs so this was my VERY first time doing something like this. If I were to be completely honest, I would have to admit that I had to Skype my friend in Japan to walk me through this process. I can admit that the ‘quality’ and “believe – ability” of this picture isn’t very good but it was my FIRST try. The more I use GIMP, the better I am getting at it but I definitely do have a long way to go. The hardest part about it so far is grasping the concept of layers. This is my version of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and my attempt of trying to shrink an object to look smaller than its actual surroundings.

My large dog

cc by-nc-nd Bruno Monginoux &

A good friend can be anyone regardless of his/her Religion, ethnicity, country, culture.Good Friends are gift from God; a person without a good friend is like a body without a soul. A good friend is hard to find, but it is worth it, because a good friend heals your pain and brings a smile to your face.

Process: I used GIMP to do this assignment, I used the select tool and then put my landscape at the background.