Animation with Danielle

  1. Web Assignments (3 Stars): Guess my story
Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Narrate the process: I went through YouTube and looked for college related images, videos, or pictures. Then copied the URL into and created my five GIF’s.

Explain my thinking: All college students can relate to this, and the emotions and actions of these memes/gif’s.

Course theme: This first GIF of the cat dancing to the strobe lights reminds me of the drug exploration in the 1960’s which highlighted a bunch of issues for current college students. Their parents (at least my parents) were born in the 60’s and were exposed to these harsh drugs and HUGE partying scene growing up. So by the time they were in their 20’s and older they began to explore these differentiating products. Some became addicted and some did not. Some of these parents also were not able to pursue a college education, so for the first generation college students these Gif’s are for you.

So comment below with your educated guesses….

What’s my story?

2. Alternative History Image (Design Assignments 3 stars):

Narrate the process: I have always wanted to study abroad while in college. Unfortunately my finances did not allow that. So I chose a specific location as to where I would like to go and that it would be interesting to edit the photo into something unique. I chose The Eiffel Tower.

Explain my Thinking: I researched some online photo editing sources and chose Gimp (as recommended by the professor), downloaded it and let the magic begin.

3. Fanfic Assignment; Creating your own Character (5 stars);

Name: Lillian Parker

  1. Personality:
    1. Hard working
    1. Flexible
    1. Understanding
    1. Self-less
    1. Quite
    1. Intelligent
    1. Athletic
    1. Introvert
    1. Her mom
    1. Her boyfriend
    1. UMW
    1. Major
    1. Food
    1. Nature
    1. Exercising
  3. Appearance:
    1. 5’4
    1. 130 lbs
    1. Brown hair/ brown eyes/ olive skin
    1. Tone physique
    1. Size 7 shoe
  4. Dislikes:
    1. Coffee
    1. People
    1. Animals
    1. Kids
    1. Video Games
    1. Liars
    1. Pettiness
    1. Childishness
    1. Gossips
    1. Stupidity
    1. Ignorance
    1. Cockiness
  5. Their place in their world: Lillian is a hometown southern young woman. Only 21 years old. She is the talk of the town. Her mother is the president of the local college. Lillian is a legacy and her mother has left her huge shoes to fill.
  6. Backstory: Lillian is a young college student at the University of Mary Washington. As a senior at UMW she is scrambling to graduate on time and find a job. But guess who her mother is…. the President of the University. Thus, meaning she has plenty of opportunities for a career at the University. When she has spoken to her mother about it she has not once said she is not interested in an opportunity there so its not closed off. Born and raised in Stafford County Virginia, she loves the area where she grew up and cannot imagine moving away. Yet, the man she is in love with just moved across the country to Arizona. She is crushed over this and wants to be with him more than anything.

Narrate the process: When looking into the Assignment Bank I struggled to find something interesting that I would be good at. I am excellent at imagining and coming up with characters. So I chose Lillian Parker.

Explain my thinking: I enjoy to focus on the future. Or goals I can reach, things I can obtain, or accomplish. By creating Lillian, I was able to entertain myself with those thoughts.

Course theme: Throughout this semester we will be looking into the 80’s decade for inspiration and clarification on our current life styles. So by creating a character I was able to compare my current life style to what I would dream I would rather have my lifestyle be. This coincides with the decision to give my character an easier life than I do.

A Look Back

Over the course of the semester I have created and published several blogs, audio files and photos. When I first started I was pretty much new with all of the software I was using. I was that great with audio software, struggled with Photoshop and couldn’t brainstorm ideas for blog posts. Nine weeks in and I feel like my skills in all of those areas have improved and have made me a better blogger. Looking forward I hope to continue to improve my skills and hopefully become some sort of an expert be the end of the semester. Overall this semester so far has been a ball and I’ve enjoyed seeing my progress through my site.

Looking Back To The Past

Simple look back at your past work and compare it to the work you produce now and tell us a bit about each thing you have created and tell us how you have improved since the 1st thing you created and uploaded to the web/internet