Pop Quiz Granddaughter and Grandma edition!

For this assignment I made a quiz pertaining to the lives of my character and Kendall Parker’s character Julia James, who happens to be my granddaughter! I have 10 questions on the quiz 5 for each of the character’s lives which should be simple relating to our stories. I created my quiz on a website called onlinequizcreator.com which allowed me to create a free account and create my quiz. I was able to come up with the questions by looking at Kendall’s blog post and reading about her character plus I knew some of the information from doing the radio show together. If you want to take my quiz and see if you know our characters here you go: Julia and Margaret Quiz

This was actually kind of fun to do because I enjoyed doing a post with my granddaughter ;)

Are You and George Perfect for Each Other?

An option on George’s dating site is a personality quiz. I used the web assignment Pop Quiz to create similarity quiz, via PollSnack.

I made the result options as: You and George are perfect for each other! or You and George were not meant to be.

I created 5 questions based around things George would think about:

  • He loves bananas
  • He likes the color yellow
  • He uses balloons to fly around the city
  • He loves to learn about new things
  • He speaks monkey

Once I made all the questions and answers, the quiz was generated for me.  Are you similar to George?

Pop Quiz!

Using a free online quiz service (I used PollSnack), create a quiz that shows off your knowledge of a particular story. Try to make it interesting enough through the questions you choose and the way you phrase your answers that someone taking the quiz is able to see that there’s a larger narrative informing the questions. Your quiz should have at least three outcomes and at least five questions.

Hail, Quiz-Bearer!

Check it out! I created YET ANOTHER assignment, and for this one you get to make your own online quiz. Pretty nifty, huh?

Surprisingly, this turned out to be one of the easier projects I completed for my final portfolio. The website I used to create the quiz, PollSnack, is exceedingly user-friendly, quite unlike some of the other online quiz services I used way back when.

The goal behind using this quiz as part of my project, and for the assignment as a whole, is to give anybody who takes the quiz a taste of what the characters are like without revealing too much about the overall plot. It’s supposed to function as a fun little taste of the story in a really easily digestable format. Each question reflects an important plot point or theme—Morgon actually does get attacked on the trader’s road, and his greatest struggle is reconciling his idea of himself with his destiny—and each answer gives you little hints about the characters. The most fun answers to write were definitely for Lyra, the headstrong young guard captain who relies on little more than her spear and her belligerence to get her through any situation she encounters.

If completed thoughtfully, this assignment could be used to tell stories in any number of ways. Students could take the route I chose, and reveal just enough about the source material for their quiz to get people interested, or they could use the progression of questions and answers to tell a completely unique story, like each question and set of answers slowly making less and less sense to convey a character who’s going insane. It’ll be interesting to watch this assignment from afar to see what students do with it, and how they incorporate it into bigger projects.