Remember that time I was in a textbook?

Christine Loehr graduated from Grassfield High School in Chesapeake, Virginia in June 2013. She was set to attend the University of Mary Washington in the upcoming fall. Christine attended Mary Washington for four years while playing field hockey for the school and studying biology. After her graduation in the spring of 2017, Christine had just heard back from graduate school programs for nursing. She was going to be attending grad school at Drexel University for their RN-BSN program. Since their program was so accelerated, Christine finished in 11 months and very soon after graduation, took her NCLEX exams and passed. After getting a job in emergency care at Chesapeake Regional Medical Center back in her hometown and working there for a few years, Christine decided she wanted to go back to school to become a nurse practitioner. Once finished with school, she became a nurse practitioner at an excellent family medical care center in Chesapeake.

My Future Life (in textbook form)

Shannon Grubbs attended Radford University her freshman year of college as a biology major. She then decided change her major to psychology and transfer to the University of Mary Washington due to their exceptional psychology program. While attending Mary Washington she participated in an internship that conducted research on the psychology of animals, specifically dogs. She completed three more years at Mary Washington and received her bachelor’s degree for psychology. She then Went on to grad school and completed her masters degree. Following grad school she was hired at a canine rehabilitation center. At this facility, most of her work was centered around rehabilitating military dogs with PTSD. She eventually worked her way up and became one of the head managers of the facility.

That One Time I was in a Textbook

Once Landon Epperly graduated from Cave Spring High School in Roanoke, Virginia, he was accepted to Roanoke College where he would major in Business Administration and also plan to play for the mens soccer team. The injury prone freshman in college did not end up playing soccer at Roanoke and ended up transferring to the University of Mary Washington after his sophomore year. Epperly continued to major in Business Administration once at UMW and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 2015. Epperly then went on to work for a marketing firm in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He worked in the marine division for Dominion Enterprises and marketed to companies such as and other successful companies. Epperly would gain valuable experience and connections working for Dominion and would continue working his way up to being one of the top marketing directors for the marine division. Landon Epperly would later move to Wilmington, North Carolina and would work with several big name boat companies around the world.

The Greatest Ever – Post Write Up

My write up and analysis of my Writing Assignment post.

My Future Life – The Greatest Ever

Starting from my time here at Mary Washington i explain what i did in the my lifetime and how I had a very successful career.

My Legacy in a Textbook:

See the link for my future (as told in an expensive future textbook).

My Legacy in a Textbook:

“Before graduating in 2014, Savanna was a very hard working girl. She could manage study groups, daily classes, teaching, working out, and cooking all as if it were nothing. She was obsessed with time management, and she never took a minute to rest. We are thankful for this, because if Savanna had taken a minute to slow down, she would have never used her chemistry degree to cure and heal various diseases. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for all of her accomplishments, and soon felt underwhealmed by all that she had done. She would not stop curing diseases until the day she died. The first woman to die at the age of 117 years old. ”


To appear in textbooks everywhere in like 20 years…….SIKE……

#WritingAssignments #WritingAssignments1515

Haiku It Up George!


Black darkness monster,

glimpses of danger coming;

George is arriving!


Brick Houses – What’s in a Name?

What’s in a name you ask? Usually there is a meaning behind the name. If you google your own name you can find different meanings of your name. I learned at a very young age that anything you do is important and needs to be done well. One of my favorite teachers in high school Ms. Bullock taught us accounting. She always said “accounting is like building a house, if you miss one brick the house comes tumbling down!” I have applied this saying to almost everything I do in life. Be good, be good at it and always give it your all! It shows in many different aspects of life how her analogy can fit. Even children, if early on you miss teaching them something (a brick) simple like manners, accountability or morals guess what your children usually end up in trouble or doing things they shouldn’t. Even the courses I take I still apply this to them and know missing classes or assignments makes things come tumbling down. The name “Brick Houses” for me means giving it my all and building a strong foundation that will last well into the future. Why go half stepping when it’s for your own goals and life. My picture of the turtle carries his “brick house” on his back and still fits this scenario because it is always a heavy load to keep the pressure up on a constant moving target. I believe this has helped me through the years to accomplish what I have in life.

And She Lived “Happily Ever After”


She started out of high school and decided to marry and start her family. Two children later that were established with a good footing in elementary school reading and writing well, homework was a breeze for them both she decided to go back to school and get the degree she wanted after high school.

Two and a half years later she was walking with two Associates Degrees from a community college and graduated with high honors.

Life went on and quickly full-time work started – and before she knew it ten years had passed and then another four and a half! Time, time to move on and or up. Her mind needed challenged so she pursued the next level in hopes of sharpening her skills, education and possibly moving up or moving on in the workforce!


The next chapter in hot pursuit not to take as long with this degree but yet still have high honors and work that full-time job! She enrolled in the Leadership and Management BLS Program at the University of Mary Washington! The entrance was grand as the two degrees allowed her to bring in 90 credits and leaves her only 30 UMW required credits to go. Of those credits only 18 credits were core classes and the others were electives.

The first course taken was awesome! She had such an awesome instructor and great assignments. It was tough getting back in the swing of things especially the homework! Course two was not quite as good and neither was the instructor. She just knew her GPA was blown as this course was way over her head! Thank goodness for her years of working experience and knowledge as it pulled her through. She is now in her second semester third and fourth courses and again feeling frustrated. She thought it would get easier as she slid back in and made it through the first two courses so well! She loves a challenge and finds one of her courses very challenging. This challenge builds up her determination and sharpens her abilities. She will achieve with good results! She has to!

As the baby boomers are moving out and retiring upper management is opening up for opportunities. She plans on taking on some of those opportunities. I see goals being met and her moving up the ladder as high as the ladder will take her. And she does well, all the while she participates in the company lottery! Just when she thinks she is as high as she can go we hit for millions! She is off to the beach with a beach house up and down the east coast and becomes a beach bum!!